Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1527

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elw INDEX. Massachusctta——Continued. P¤8¤· Medals of Ho·rwr,D1Zating14z1shed-Service Crosses Puedeficiency appropriation for paying judg- and Medals, Army-Continued. ment oip Court of Claims in favor of. . 837 ed=service medal to be awarded purchase authorized from Massachusetts, of for excelptionally meritorious serdry dock under construction at vice to the Government since April Boston, . . 1013 6, 1917 . . . . . . .. . . . . 870 appropriation for equipment, land, etc-, 1013 to enlisted men holding certificates of Matawan Creek, M Ji, merit--. .. .. . . . ... 871 appro riation for improvement of.. 252,905, 1276 additional gay to enlisted men awarded Mat¢ru1£' , etc., for Govcmmmt Uses, med s of honor, etc ... 871 purchases to be made, so far as possible, further for each bar awarded in lieu of ‘ from stock of other services no additional medal, etc ... 871 longer needed, due to end of war only one award toany one person. . .. 871 activities. 1268 imue of bar, etc., for succeeding justify- Mattapmwl River, Va., ing acts . . _. - . :  ; . . 871 appropriation for improvement of .. 254, 1278 silver star to be imued for citations in Mattztuck, N. I? t f h be 905 orders}; . .. . . t . 8 71 appropriation or improvemen o ar r. . e nses to e pai from partmen con- Maurice River, M J, · xw tingent fund . . ... : ...·. 871 appro(§>ria.t:ion for improvement of .. 252,1277 lost, etc., devices to be replaced without Haw, ol. Marvin L., UZ S. Army, cost . . 871 may be appointed brigadier general and restriction on time for makingiawards . 871 retired ... . 1348 specific statements and 0 cial records . “Meade, “Army Transport, required ... . ...·.. . 871 issue of American register to, on disposal of. 73 exception in case of death . 871 Meal, entire subsequent honorable service necpurchase, sale, etc., of, by the President, essaryfor issues .. .. 872 at minimum price, authorized .. 279 action on present recommendations for Heat, awarding medals of honor. . 872 appropriation for conservation and utiliza- citationsin orders for extraordinary herotion of . . .. 274 ism, etc . . .. . .. . .. 872 Meat Inspection, authority to issue conferred on commandapgropriation for additional expenses . 979 ing generals of army, etc., m the de ciency appropriation for .. 841 Ee d . .  » ..-...·. 872 rules of, to vem tick infested cattle im- decorationst0American citizens for service portegtdor immediate slaughter. . 275, 1049 in allied armies may be worn on en- Meat Production in Western Scmiand and Irri— tering United States forces. . . . . 872 gated Districts, acceptance of decorations from allied appropriation for experiments, etc., in armies allowed American military establishing ... 1 005 forces during the warwith Germany- 872 Meats, etc., consent of Congress granted therefor 872 appropriation for gathering and publishing previously bestowed decorations ininformation as to marketing, etc., of. 1002 cluded . . . 872 for conservation and utilization of .. 1045 may be conferred on officers and enlisted for market news service on . 1047 men of the allies during the war. . . 872 Mechanical Engineering, bronze medals authorized to National appropriation for standardizing, apparatus, Guard serving in war with Spain and etc . - .. 808, 1260 on Mexican border 1916, 1917 . 873 Mechanical Engineers, American Society cj, Medals of Honor, Diati·ngu¢3i3cd—Se¤*vicc Medals two members of to be chosen for Commis· and Crosses, Navy, sion for étandardization of Screw medal of honor, Congressional, to be award- Threads. .. . . . . . . . . . 913, 1291 ed for conspicuous gsllantry, etc., in Mechanical Eqwiinnentfor Publeb Buildings, naval service, in conilict with the apgropriation or heating, hoisting, etc. . 113, 637 enemy . . . . 1056 de ciency approlpriation for ... . . 379, 838 distinguishedmervice medal to be awarded Mechaynlcal Musica Instruments, etc., for exceptionally meritorious service excise tax on sales of, by producer, etc... 1122 to the government since April 6, war excise tax on, sold by producer, etc . . 316 1917, ,... . 1056 Mechgniciam, Army Aviation, and Balloon, Navy cross to be awarded for extraordinary ratings authonzed;pay of balloon. . .. 245 heroism in the naval service Since Medals of Honor, Congressional, April 6, 1917 _,,__,, . ... 1056 to be awarded by the President for con· additional pay to enlisted or enrolled perspicuous acts of bravery in actual sons awarded medalsofhonor etc.- 1056 conflict with an enemy, whilein the further for each bar awarded in lieu of _ Army . . . ._ 2 .. - .. .- 870 additional medal, etc. . . 1056 m actual conflict with the enemy, while only one award of, to any one person . 1056 in the naval service .. . . 1056 issue of bar, etc., for succeeding justify- Medals of Honor, Distinguished-Savice Grorua ing new .,,,..,,,... . .,. 1056 and Medals, Army, _ expenses to be paid from "Pay of the medal of honor, Congressional, to be Na " .` .. 1056 awarded for conspicuous gallantryin lost, etcwdevices to be replaced without conilict with an enemy . . .. 870 (gggt ,_, , ,,,___ _ ___,__ , ____ 1057 dist.ing11ished·service cms to be awarded restriction on time for ' awards...;. 1057 for extmordmary heroism smce specific statements, superior April 6, 1917, against an armed officer uired ,,___________ _ _,,,___ 1057 enemy . ··.- - --~. · . -.-.-· - -·.·. 870 award in caseri? death. . . 1057