Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1530

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INDEX. chx Messenger _S§rgnc;, Mad, 747 Michayem '!Vestern Judzhhl District, P•¢•- 9·PP1`°P¤¤ 11 °1` ·-···---·----·······-· , ¤ 111¢Y ·--- · -··• · --···- 605 qmount avsi1a.ble_for fiscal year 1918. . 747 Midland, ’ ‘ deiicwucy approprmuon for,. . . 22, 492, 601, 1169 a ropriatiou for public building .. . . 109 contmgts for wagon and other vehicle serv- Migrlemwn, Conn., mo, made gior to Juno 30, 1917, zglgmpristiou for public building . . . . 109 may be reagjustod, etc . 753 M' (see also Naval Academy), Messengerq, _ age or admission to Naval Academy modiappropxjmuou for, House ol Represcnm- fied ..,.,,.,,,,,,,_,,_, 550 tives ... 763, 1218 not ap¥1ics.ble to 1918 .,,.. , ..,. 550 for Sonata .. . 760, 1215 course 0 instruction_m9.y be reduced to Metallurgzpal_ Products, thrge years u.nt1l Agfust 1, 1921 501 uppropmmou for study of methods of con- five agigomtments allow each Senator, _ pcrvatioq ... _. - . 1260 legprescnffafive, and Delegate .., 430 pmvumous for mcreuing sufpply, p1·0duc· one for orto R100 and two for District of txoq, etc., of certam, or mtnoual so- Columbia . ... 430 cunty and defense . ... . . . . 1009 fifteen www at large, and one humdred Metals, filloys, etc., _ zum HH from enlisted men 430 provisions for incrcasing supply, pmduc- one additio appointment of, allowed mon, occ., of comm, for muonal so- each Member of Congress until Sep- x qurity and defense. ... . ... 1009 tembor 1, 1918. ... .. . . 38 Metropolur, ll., f bu hui] _ 109 Migratory guagyngd, la _ 99 app muon or pu c ding .. a na or orcing w tcctmg- 5 Metropugitan Police, D. C. (see Police, D. 0.). tgzlasxaclsrod . ... 755 Mwwan Border, _ _ unauthorized lugutisng, ale, etc., of birds bronze modal for Nauonal Guard scmco included lll convouuon with Great ou, in 1916 and 1917 873 Britain, unlawful ... _ ... 7 55 Maxima Border Dalsturbancas, _ _ regulations to be made permitting taking, appropriation for paying heirs of CICIZODB sale, ctc. ... . .. ... 755 killed on American soil during . 865 1mauthorizcd interstate shipping of prosoldiors’ homestead entry privileges ox- hibited birds;I§§, etc., unlawful. . 755 tended vo service in . 1161 importing from C . 756 Jlcmlcan Sitwmkm, authoritiy of Agricultural De cmbonds ?ut.ho¤-ized in lieu of rmisuad bonds 288 f p oyees gcc enforce r tions, etc. . or or arrests, e - .. . M former imno rescinded .. 292 warranltgtsto be issued by United States 756 esmo, co . . .. appropriation for ambassador to 519, 1325 seizure and forfeiture of birgls taken, ctc., or Boundary Commimion ... 523, 1329 in violation of regulat1o11s_ . . . . . 756 for constructing fence along boundary punishment for violations, orfailmgtocomline between Papago Indian Reset- ly with regulations, ctc . . 756 vamion and 569 laws 0?Statw, etc., not inconsistent here for national cemetery, Mexico City . 655 with, uuimpaired .. . 756 for omergon expenses for omdicqtiug, open seasons exzzgmbed ... 756 etc., pig be lworm of cotton 111: .. 1006 taking exc usnvely for scien c or propodeiiciency appropriation for coopcmtuif _ ggting purposes, allowed: . . .: 756 with, to prevent spread of pmk be - shippm& egnormitted nf dnstmcuvoly wormofeotwn,. ... 374 mar ,0f,C.. .. .. 758 construction of bridge across Rio Grande at nmexpoudeq Department sp- El Paso, Tex., subject to consent, propnamous available or expenses, etc, of __,,, , ,..,,,..., 396 employees, etc 756 internal revenue ta.: on passenger trans- no draft exemptionof employees hereby. 757 portatjon to ..,,... . 1102 invalidity of any clause, atc., not to siect steamer p tickets co, exempt from _ remainder of Act .. 757 inigmgi revenue stamp tax. . . - 1].37 111C0¤Bi8't8¤t IBWB l'0p€8.10d. . - ... . ...· 757 war revenue stamp tax . . 323 breedin§ of %2;116fg013dB 011 and 8318 757 war revenue mx on passe ortmnsportation thereo or perm .. to any point, m. . il? ... 314 in effect immediately .,... . . 757 Miami and Enh Canal, Ohio, Mileage, 4r11gy, _ preliminary examination, etc., of, to be apprgsnauon for designated oEcers, etc. 49, 854 made; branch connecting Inks 1289 deg _ owa.uceto6gle?jcle1£ks,(g916, 12;;. .i 49 Mich` ¤, em .. cxeucy a pro na on or mgm 0 · Miami, Fla., Lga iicergpetcg _ ,_..,..,,.,.,. 475, 827, 1039 appropriation for improvement of ]13.I'b0l’ 255, 906 fol' 0$C€l`B, QYCZ, 1919 ...--· - --·-·- · 1028 preliminary examination, etc., of harbor officers on avmuon duty payable theregq, be made ,,,,,,,,..,,. . ... 264 from for .. . . ..··.· 849 Mm, md Milford, Cmm., f t f hu rovisiong for increasing su I , p uc- appropriation 01* imp1‘0v61Il€¤ 0 · P tion, etc., of, for natiggsg security bv! ..----· - -·-----···-- ·· - - 251, 905» 1276 and defense ,,__,,___,,,,.. . ... 1009 Milford Haven Harbor, Va., Michigan City, [7,4,, ialppropriation for improvement of . 254, 1278 appmpriatmn for improvement of har- M' {tary Academy, boy; _____________________ , , 258,1283 apgropriatziou for support of the --·· 90. 620,1336 Mmqan Naggbywl Fm-sg, _;{.39;_, or pay of professors. . ·. · ···· 90, 620, 1336 appropriation ior ummtenance, etc., of 987 for Chuphm ---· · ·-···-········· 90: 6201336