Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1554

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INDEX. clxxxm Navy and Marine Corps Increase—Con. Pass- Navy Department-Continued. Page. additional commissioned officers; original appropriation for care, temporary office appomtments to bein lowest grades. 715 buildings in Henry Park for use of restriction on higher grades. . 715 War Department and .. 787 existing vacancies to be supplied . . 715 for standardizing gauges and screw services of retired officers, Naval Re- threads in coo eration with Buserve Force, etc., not affected .. 715 reau of Standard}; ,,_,__,__ _ _____ 808, 1260 chaplams to be appointed; proportionu 716 deficiency appropriation by Hydrographic Manne Corps bngadier generals, colo- Office ,,,,,,,,..,,,., _ ,________,_ 14, 4,35 nels, apidl lieutenant colonels to be 16 got Bureau of Yards and Docks 14 a in . . .. 7 or 8Y1Hg· damage claims, collisions eligibgggy for appointments or promo- git]; naval vessels ...,.,,_,,____ , 14 tions ...,,. 716 for Navy ... 14. 30, 34, chief warrant officers. . .. 716 380, 382, 839, 843, 1039, 1165 maximum age limit; persons quali- for war expenses, Navy.. 203, 369, 485, 599, 831 fied - .. - ... 716 for freight ... . . 15, 31, cadets and warrant officers excepted from 34, 211, 380, 382, 839, 1039, 1168 temporary appointments. ._ . . .. 716 for printing and binding . 28, 498, 601, 1038 midshipmen to be commissioned on for gudgments, Court of Claims under. . . 29, graduation . - ... _ . . 716 378, 837, 1038 appointment oi warrant officers; clnef for gxgdigments, United States courts warrant officers .. - 716 er .,..,.,. . ...,..,.,. 378, 836 additional marine gunners, and Quar- for Marine Corps ,... - .,._,_,,,,._, 332 . termaster clerks . I . 716 for cooperation with, in military repromotion of lieutenants (jumor grade) search testing r;L1££lies, etc - 495 and ensipns ... _ 7 16 for war ex mes, `tional temporary Chief of Nava Operation, Admiral, and force, 8€f5ce of the Secretary .. . 202 Vice Admiral to rank with General for So11citor’s Office ... 202 and_ Lieutenant General, Army 716 for Judge Advocate G9116l'B.l’B Office 202 no reducuon in present pay, to be con- for Office of Chief of Naval Operations. 202 strued herefrom 717 for Naval Intelligence Office ... 202 Navy Cross, for Hydrogaphic Office ... . . . . . 202 to be awarded by the President for extrapr· for Naval bservatoré ,. 202 dinary heroism in the naval B&1'V1C6 for Bureau of Steam @eering -. . 202 since April 6, 1917 . 1056 for Bureau of Construction and Repair. . 202 Navy Deparqnent, _ for Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 202 appropriatmn for Secretary, Amnstant, for Bureau of Yards and Docks . 202 clerks, etc . . .. . 787, 1241 for Bureau of Navigation 202 for temporary employees 787, 1242 for Bureau of Suplplies and Accounts. . . 202 statement of employees, etc.; pay re- for Manne Corps eadquarters 202, 371 strictions, etc . . 788, 1242 statement o employees to be sent to detailed estimates to be submitted for Congrem . .. 202 fiscal year 1921 1242 for continfgeut expenses; restriction . 202 for Solicitor, clerks, etc . 788, 1242 for rent 0 additional quarters .. 202 for clerks, ew., oiee of Naval Records for printing and binding . .. 202 and Library .. : . 788, 1242 for supplies, materials, etc., Hydronaval records of war with Germany, lgraphic Ofrice ... . .. 202 etc ,.. 1.242 for aval Academy . .. 213, 371 Judge Advocate General’s Office., 788, 1242 for Marme Corps. . .. 213, 371 Naval Operations Office ... 788,1242 for scientific assistance of Bureau of Bureau of Navigation . 788, 1243 Standards with, etc . ... 216 Naval Intelligence Office .. 788,1243 for standardizing gauges and screw for Hydro%aph1c Office . 788, 1243 threads in cooperatxon with Standior Naval bservatory . _ . . 788, 1244 ards Bureau, etc  :.., ... . . . 216, 495 for assistants, etc., Nautical Almanac for temporary ofice lguxldmgs for War Otlice . . . 790, 1244 Depmment and, m Henry Park . . . 368, for clerks, etc., Bureau of Steam En- _ _ _482, 598 gineeri , _,,,,,, - . 790, 1244 for temporary;. office bmldmgs for, 111 Bureau oilgonstructiou and Repair. 790, 1245 Potomac ark  : .. 1. - . 483, 598, 1032 Bureau of Ordnance .. 790, 1245 for temporary force in designated of- Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. . 791, 1245 Eces 484, 599 Bureau ofMed1cine and Sufgéfy- . . 791, 1245 for contmgent CXPEDSBS . 485, 599, 831, 1165 Bureau of Yards and Docks ... 791, 1245 for Naval Observatory .. 485, 1039, 1165 Naval Militia Affairs Division 791 for Naval Academy ...·· 488 for contingent expenses .. 791, 1246 for st3'&10¤€ry, etc ... · ..·- · - 1165 use of naval appropriations for, unlaw- for rent . · - - 1165 {ul ..., _ .,,,.. . 791, 1246 ior temporary force, Office of the Secfor rent 792 retary, 1919 . . .. 1033 use of naval appropriations for Depart- for Naval Intelligence Office, 1919 . . 1033 ment offices, etc., restricted 792,1246 for Hydrographic Oislice, 1919 .. 1033 for rinting and binding for .. 174, 700 for Naval 0bS€fV8t0lE, 1919-2 .. 1033 Elidrographic Otiiee ... . 174, 700 for Bureau of Steam 1919, - 1033 for Na .. 704 for Bureau of Construcuon and Repau, for might ,.,..,... vzs ms .. wss 112460°-—voL 40-21* 1—-97