Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1578

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xmmx ocvii Postal Service—Cont, inued. PSBG- Postal Service—C0n|:inued. Page. deficiency appropriation for miscellaneous, liberty loan bonds may be accepted in Erst and second class offices. 33, 381,492,1168 lieu of personal, etc., securities from for shipment of supplies .. . .. 34, contractors, etc _,,,,,______________ 753 __ @74, 381, 383, 493, 842, 1041 motor vehicle truck route experiments for egtupment repair shop; lense cou- authorized for selected cities ... 753 ll-Killed; -·-·-··-------····-------·-· 374 ·3ppr0priation for; report of results .. 753 go: ggy dlelivilrytil ... 381, 493, aeroplanes imd autzomoliiles suitable for 0r an ma anspor 10n . .. ta use ed i for indemnities, international registered ’ Wait Depart1l1i1;1ll:..j.T???lY 753 mall ... : 381, 383, 842, 1041 payment for operating expenses ,.,. 754 for power boat service _ 381, 383 employees entering military or nayal servfor electnc and cable car service . .-. 381 ICB during yar to be reassigned to for twme and lrying dev1ces . 383, 493,1169 _ duty; conditions ,_._.,,,,,. 754 for specml delivery. . 383, 834, 1035 adyustment of postma.gters’ claims for losses for reunbursing loss of two boxes of sup- to include war savings certificates, ,0, ,E}3§§;g,;;",;;‘,1;.;‘m",;·a;‘,$m ‘‘‘‘ -;,1;.;: 233 i,m£,i;‘* §*.§’“°"“”°“° “““” ““"‘*’*· °*°· Z22 · . . 10 ... . ..,. for vehicle allowance, etc.: . 492, 601,1169 payments to postmasters for recruits, refor unusual conditions ... 422, 1168 peeled - 754 for mail bags, etc .. - 93, 601 postal savings deposits; maximum allowed for star routes in Alaska . . 834, 842 for incrmsed ,..,,,_.,,_,,, 754 for indemnities, lost insured mail ... 1041 noninterest bearing, not accepted . . . 754 for foreign mail tra.nsporta.ti<g1 . 1041 postal savings msitamps to be issued; use increased compensation, etc. uring fisca designa .. . ,. 754 _ year 1919 . _ 7 51 grading pay of clerks in first and second a¤st:gi1t_ psostxnasteis and supervwcry 751 class 1gt§)ces and camera for iisml 1198 o cia .. . . year ... _ . . . new grades established for clerks and Hmmotions; for service in prior year 1198 carriers, first and second class offices . 755:1 :11 way postal cilgrks graded; clamigdcation . 1198 automatic transfers to . 7 way post 0 ces, etc. * salanew des established for railway postal ries graded . . . 1198 mh; classification 751 assignments to division offices, etc .. 1199 classification 0; post offices; 752 proinolgop uiclassei; qualifications. assignmonto cer . . .. cer mc avgeo crews. automatic transfer of clerks to 752 rural carriors’ pay forfiscal year 1920, rated. 1199 provisions not extended beyond fiscal 52 fourth class postmaster? pay rated forfiacal year 1919 ... . .. 7 year 1920 .., Z . . 1199 salary increase iéottgexgaded §2({%{n8year. $5; no advance in class for temporary in- 1199 classifications e ecttve Y , · ..-- 5 CTBBSG. ..-.-»-.·.· allowances for employees at less than increased pay of prior year continued 1199 $800 o year- - ,... minimum for assriitant postmasters and uqq mm] km horse rawn routes . su rvisory o cia s . . not ali?-licabladl to assistant to employees excluded . ; .. H99 Attorney Genera , and first, second, ten and fifteen per cent increase wr l9lS and third class ppstmasters .. . - - 752 and 1919, notpomputed essalaryu . 1199 fourth class postmasters; allowance for appropriation for increases . 1200 cancellations, etc .,. 752 additional appropriations from the Trousnot advanced to third class by tem- 52 ury to sid States in building rural I 01 ra increase . 7 post roads . 2 rate pgsmixished for substitute, tempo- additional pay of $1QO a year not applicable mry, and auxiliary clerks and car- 7 2 fs tooemployeesm .. . . riers .,,,,...___, , ..., . . . . - 5 o 24 3 year, . : .. ..6 employees excepted from. .. 752 aeroplane mail postaure rates established. . 548 fave and ten per cent additional pay, 1918, cotton fabrics for mail, bags, etc., to be purnot computed as salary . 752 chased from Government factory at gppmprigtiqn for ,,... , . . . -- 753 Atlanta, G8., p€Dll79K1l,18.l’y .·..------ 896 limitation of eight hours a. day for watch- €¤1Pl¤Y€’€¤ ¢0b9·~‘*5§¤t 111 5310, €T»€·, of WM €X· 099 _· dsecodl I nseons ... _ I zinfggésctg I ll? ,. E. 753 joint CIi>(;1gresS10nal comm1ssion to reclassrailway postal clerks at terminal and 753 l mgyoggicg wai? 2;g10!'12·°d ···---- tm_,g9rgfHc€s . . ·..··· - C0 0 : _ 'v · ··‘‘ " ‘'' f

 tQ gxmljil Olrrer ben hours; Overtiulc ,153 i   ° - ° - - . -    

eng? f2ie;i;H;i1b}é&` 'ébiiifiéiiééibiy " mailpgmtter on Omciax gmsinm with cen- 1301 time for Sunday, etc., work at ter- 3 ings ?Hice_tr:1nsm;i>ed tree . 1301 - i __, Hi _ _ __________ _ 75 penn y or pnxa e_u ... . ..----- _ · · rmdjmlllraéjnlsiidilxgliigl ofggntracts made I matter violating Rational Dgifelgsé, E¤D10· QSO prior to J ulv 1 1917, for vehicle 8€!‘V· ¤¤¥€, @$0-, Act, ¤0Qm¤* ll 6 ········ -,_ 106, envelopes, blanks, GTC -·--·--- - — 7§3 l ¤v¢¤me Ieltemr reslncteig ‘‘‘'`' 2°0 cancellation allowed by mutual consent- 7:>3 j advocating treason, msurrec OH, 0 030 additional ton per cent pay to employees, · sistance to lajv, uonmmlable. . . :__ 19l8_ extended to requisition HHGYS. { Pumshmfa-lt f9" “°l““°m ···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ watchman, mewengers, and laborers. 753 ; venue or actmns ..- - ----·---·- ·