Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1626

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mmzx. eclv Stamp Taxes, 1918—C0ntinued. P¤B¤· Stamped Envelopes, eu:.,PostalSen>1Zce—Con. Pmpleying cards 1137 deficiency appropriation for manufacture. 23, parcel post packages ..,_.,,,...,.,,,, 1137 , 374, 492 transporting unstamped, forbidden . . t . - 1138 for freight or expremage on ... 381, 383, 842 policies of property msurance by foreign Stamps Division, Post Ojiee De tment, _ corporation etc. not signed by appropriation for superintendzeax-it ... 801, 1253 agent in United States - 1138 Stam , Internal Revenue, to be Mixed by receiver, etc . .. 1138 defildiincy apggréopirgstion for redemption of. 1038 sm Tues wo 1917, my 9 *¤¤¤ . ¤’ »*¤¤*=¤¤Pi¤g Pm levied on documents, etc. . 319 from Wh1¢}1¤¤¤¤P¤ Weféwudwlw; exemptions; Federal, foreign Govern- . lostv ctc · ········ : ·········· .· · 1- · · 1145 ment, §tat:£l¢te., obligations . _ .- 319 °¤**¤d%;°§1?];¤i¥¤ euthvnzed fo1‘ P1'¤1¤¤g; 1134 coo rative ding an loan amocia- ··-·-···-·-----------·- - - ugljglbglnda, ,,,,3 _____________________ 319 use oflgttgnps on hand to psy increased 326 t ‘p; gn' 'gg p1mjgs’ . .. · .. mgonds, em ______ _______ 3]:9 accounting, etc., for stock on hand .. 326 unlawful use of stamps, etc . . 320 SW"·P°• I{°$t99€» pgmjghment for ___,_,,,,,_,,,,,,.., 320 apeprqpnenon for manufacture, etc . 749, 1196 oance1lstiom·;metliodssuthorizsd. 320 <¤¤¤¤Y ¤PP¤>P¤M1<>¤ f¤1‘ menuficture, prgpamiionofmritablestemps,qf¢t-..:... 320 °tc·--···-; ·--·-·--·- · -··-- ~·-·- 374,492 outside contracts permitted; limitation. 321 $*?’”P*» Pom! $¢§¤m9#. muscegi of taxes emma by mmsike, or 320 me ef. ¤<¤j:¤Ye 12-ccent tense, etc., for 754 u . . . "“@ °°‘m ··-----··-·-- disnib so fstam mposnnmers . . 321 Swmll R<»b¤¢I·- _ _ _ a_c;10u,3;bmty_ gsm ______ _ ___________ 321 delicienpr appmdpnstmn for services .. 26 transfetrmto internal revenue acconmts 821 , , I mics of cmd mon y _ ... . _ * assistant treasurers and depositories. 321 umm Uwed SVWBB ···-· ’ -— ·q ·--·- 450 bond, etc _______________ _ ___________ 321 common Federal diese,. etc., 451 S~=¤»¤—·¤·- -------------------·---·---—- 321 ,.1v§.§’}°,'“°"..., bonds, etc., of indebtedness; renewals 821 Much to lat Sandi in October---- *51 {need mi ’·m°““t sccumd *‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘'’ ‘ ° 321 Standardization of Army and 1Vcvy Supphbs, of 1;‘g°i‘;‘mtY ”“I°]tY· *1 ‘‘‘‘ * '‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ deficiency apprpgrietion for Expenses, coop- , . . . ·······‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ erationo tandsrds uresuin,. 216,495 °“P*P1%l;1F:hf,(i§;t° ’l::“° ··········•···· Sumdagdizat€on,of F€‘{‘8¢jA1U Methods, to be attached to stock book . · 322 d°““°‘IQ§g’¤“gQ’,2f',‘;;;§§, ‘§;,R,‘j,",f$,;’;‘j 3,6

 xailgé- · · · · · • · . - . - - - · I     0{S°?w      

. _ f°°° · - ············· · sp ropus n or coopera ve .. , d€P°¤“B for muatcml °x"mPt ·•····••• 322 degciency appro riation for ... 495 b;’°k°*'] .tmmg°"” exemhgt 322 Standardkaticm of Screw Threads, Commission 0 a ¢€1’tm§&l?°• or MH of 8*-16 ·-········· 322 crestiéc-iorsiihgcomposition of . 912 1291 d°liV°YY Of °?’t·i·6°“t°• or bm. w“‘h°“t to ascertain and establish staiidsrds-for-use , staltg, s misdemeanor; pumshment. 322 in mmluutming plum under ¤¤l¤¤ of P “°° °¤ °*°h’m8° ·-·- : ········· 322 Army and Navy . ... 913, 1291 ”*‘=““P°d bm °f ““l°· °t°·· "’q““°d ••·•· $23 promulgation of .. . .. 913, 1291 °1°°,"2‘§,,%t,"°“°° "'”’“‘°” °’ ‘“"°‘* °““‘ ,2, w servegvithout mmpmm. ,._,, 912, {2,,% · · --·•·····—- · ····—·· · ·····• f ... . . . . details required <>¤ him of ¤J¢· °*° --·- 323 rtbdgeegnate inasialiniiionths . gis p11¤.lBhI¤€¤T·fo!'B$·16»€t€·:with°“t’wmP°d 323 one on sud six months ... . . . . . . . . 1291 bill. em - ··-··- ; ·--···· . ········· Szondareg Bureau, De ment 0 Commerce, 03811 seiee for 1mm°d“’·1’° delivery nm; sp ropristion for Diggdtor, nmigtants, etc. 806, 1258 taxable ---·- · ··-·--··· · --········· · 323 Ear apparatus, machinery, etc 806, 1259 "Zi5‘“· """“‘?‘£.§.?'1°"E;$“t:1°‘° ‘‘‘‘‘°‘`°‘°‘‘ iii ¥°"°"‘2*'°’°‘€" "“”"’“““ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ §'3?’}§23 ,1 , mg es ~ .,... . ... or con mgen expenses ,... , gifesto sgcure e debt exempt ..·.- · --·· 323 member, International Committee of cusmmhgugg entry", .,., ... ... -. 323 MGBSUIGB. ...-. 807, withdrawal {mm bonded warehouse . . . . 323 for mm oi grqnmds, etc _. . 807, 1259 {01-eign passage tickets, except to Canada or for inyestigetions to minimize dangers of lt exim __,__,,,. . . . 323 _ high-potentm.1 electric currents, etc. 807 mess exempf; ... - ------- · gg; §g;mvest1g=mn1gst;ruc;m:;0¤:;s;<;r;,=;I\;§i 1259 - uns. ... . .· . ---··· BXIXBDSBS, G giggggégiggnsy; for pension claims, etc., 324 { constants, etcélzé ... $807, 1259 , 1 _____ , ,,... . ... or investigating resisting prope es pnygngiill, addinmi . gg; f of bundng msteriggaé . .£ .. wv, use { g kggeg ,,,.. . .. - or investigating stan _Q me¤¤U1€-

I;>srt1`li1.‘:g11nstamped, forbiddéll ·--··- 324 ment, etc., of public utilities. .: . 807, 1259

Stamped Enrelopeiss eu., Postal Smnbe, fortesting r=¤1w¤ycqu¤1>¤¤¢¤¥ ¤¤¤¤==¤¤1¤-- {gg °PP'°P§,°°°° ” _ fi . F . . . 747,1194 for testing miscella;-iaetplu mstensle..h807,1259 m ‘ ‘f8’ '¤'t,',‘,'B'_'_'_'_'_`_` _______ _ _____ ug, 1196 for snmdgnljnng 'o commumca on ig: d,m},ibut,,,,,_ _ ____ Q ________ _ ____ 749, 1196 instruments, etc .-.- - ---··--·--· ~ 807, 1259