Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/474

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456 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 25. 1918. such agencies as he may determine, and_may fix the reasonable _ compensation for the performance of serv1ces_m connection thereemcgfgfjffaflfjgj with, and may avail himself of the advice,_ assistance, and cooperam¤¤¢s,¤¢c. tion of the Interstate Commerce Commission and of the members and employees therepf, anal} may also cal} upon lalny departmenf, commission or oar o the overnment or suc services as e may deem ei¤pedient._ But no sueh official or employee of the United States shall rece1ve_any additional compensation for such services (mmm m_ exgept as now perm1tted_by law. _ M _ tion System yo, wu Ec. That the provisions of the Act entitled An Act making P*§’,g‘f;g; l‘;f",;_§_*g}“°d· gpproplniiiaéziotnls for the suppoigrog thedArmy nor the Hicnl yezgi endmg imc 18 nine een un e an seven een an or o er pur- _ poses," approved August twenty-ninth, nineteeh hundred and six- F wm com teen, sha_ remain m_ force and effect except as expressly modified §md__ p° and restrictged Bbiybthip tand1£1nehPres1dent, llli an)dition to the powers con err y c s ave an IS ere y given suc other and further powers necessary or appropriate to give effect to the powers herein and heretofore conferred. The provisions of this Act shall also apply to any carriers to which Federal control may be Camus subject to heigaafter exten ed. _ _ pam; iawsi1ea.,_¤¤t _ EC. 10. That C&l'l'1§I'S_YVl?.1l6 under Federal control shall be snb- '”°°“s‘“°“‘ °’°""“‘· ject to all laws and liabilities as common carriers, whether ansmg under State O1'_Fod€l‘8.l.l8.WS or at common law, except in so far as - may be inconsistent with thnnprovisions of this Act or any other N Act applicable to such Fede control or with an order of the odefenseugov-PI .d A . In . . . % mmm agency. esi ent. ctions at w or .SU1l3S m equity may e brought b and against jsuch carriers and ]udgments rendered as now provided by  ; and ilnlanlycactinin ati law or suit mhequity against the carrier, _ no e ense s _ ma e thereto upon the groun that the carrier ¤b*}_,°§§{;f,§}‘§w“§;“§.'§gj li aln instrumlentality nre agencydof tn; FederalfGovemment. Nor . mimi-ca s a any suc carrier entitle to ve trans erred to a Federal court any_ action heretofore or hereafter instituted by or against it, which action was not so transferable prior to the Federal control of such carrier; and aeniy action which has heretofore been so transferred No prom B _ because of such F era1 control or of any Act of Congress or oizlicial propertyunder Fedemi order or proclamation relating thereto shall upon motion of either °°”“"'· party be retransferred to the court in which it was originally instituted. But no process, mesne or final, shall be levied against any RMS etc m b prqperty under such Federal control. mmami byiihg Emil hat during the period of Federal control, whenever in his opinion ““‘· the public interest requires, the President may initiate rates, fares, charges, classifications, regulations, and practices by filing the same with the Interstate Commerce Commission, which said rates, fares, changes, classifications, regulations, and alpractices shall not be sus- Cmsidmmm byu pen ed by the commission pending in determination, terstate c0mm¤r¤e _Said rates, fares, charges classifications, regulations, and prac- §‘,§§§,§",§§‘§},‘cY‘ ’°°°°“‘ ticgs shall be lfeasonable and jusglend shall take eifect at such time an upon suc notice as he ma ect, but the Interstate Commerce Comilnission shall, iépon comtplliaint, enter upon a hearing concerning the justness an reasona eness of so much of any order of the Bresident as establishes or changes any rate, fare, charge, classification, regulation, or 8`Hractice of any carrier under Federal control, Nmompetmm in and may consider the facts and circumstances existing at the apsdmaaa to be comm- time of the making of the same. In determining any question con- ° ‘ cerning any such rates, fares, charges, classifications, regulations, or practices or changes therein, the Interstate Commerce Commission shall give due consideration to the fact that the trans ortation systems are being operated under a unified and coordinatedp national Fimmgs Gm of control and not in competition. commasioéi. ’ After full hearing the commission may make such findings and orders as are authorized by the Act to regulate commerce as amended,