Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/1011

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2330 INDEX Wheat and 1{ye Products, _ _ P¤8•· White River Ute Indians, Utah, P¤8¤· proclamation extending license re<2uu·e· appropriation for pgxment to, from tribal ments to all manufacturers o ; ex· funds_of Coni erated Banks of Utes. 587 cepnons. -, 1740 for xmgating allotted lands of . - 587 C un·ements . 1919 White, E. (widow), WM _ , muon . ... 1521 wggnlgruoriil . 1566 Wggte, _WiZl1Sam, d e ‘7 • ·-·••-•·••·¤¤~•••••••••• pgnsizm increased ,..,,.,,,,,_,,,. 1376 Wgggengieggizg Simgn Z., 1368 ¤...iz..1‘;¥.5“"‘..d"5 .3... -··---·-···-··----···-·- 1555 .-.··-••.•...•.• f 8 , IQ, HMG!. nsion increased: ... 1518 v£;¤¤°¤ i¤¢T€8B6d ---·--~·-·.···-·.-...·.- 1508 Wggteville Lumber Cornpany, kiiufqred, 1366 may byrrdge lzfagcamaw River, Pireway 1¤¤¤¤\¤¤<l ------··.·.--·--...- . . . 342 Wgyr. Vcwm, w1.u;wa,i1Zy¢i»w,

     --·-·--·--·--.-------...-.· 1556 Wpension increased ...,.. . .. . . . 1379

P<?¤¤i;>¤ ----·-·..-..--·· 1373 “36£gm’ 1574 Winn?. ·(¤fm F., gvagumar mma, omg., P?¤¤°¤ 111¤1'¤·¤S¤d ·-----··-··-··-··-·--·.~ 1398 appropnatxon for maintenance, etc., of 988 Whwky (3% *1180 B¢VG¤•8€8), Whitmore, Asa D., blended, exempt from addidonal tax on mimi increased ._,,_,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1516 _ re;%¤%v¤pane . z1o,uoo Ed-ward N, W Wbwk, 0 - , n inuessed . . .. 1378 _ `em increased. .. 1 . . . , . 1492 ‘ lyk , 1 w$3“£§»»,_1»m»., ”m;.:..i.:1 .. ... 1362 mmwn mcreagved 1519 Wggimn, Ephmziéd . EBM ., ’ incr 1454 Eznsivu ·-·--·.·.-··-···.· 1367  ;?07L, Jzscph C'., _ _ y y . D.-·..•-···-»-···-·•···-•·-••-~·· wgzimvrl mcrcascd . - .. 1574 sqmh (widow), ·. ghqlw, 1374 Wpecgision mczlealsed . . 1488 . lu' "§"""""."""',""" itaydcv inns: y Wgzte Chippewa Indzang, Mum., • appropriation for support, etc., of . . . . 577 appropriation for annual celebratmn, from Wiehize National Forest, Okla., ¤'1b¤1 f\¤1<1¤ --··-----··---·-·-.-.·-- 572 tgpmpriatnou for maintenance, etc., of 988 While Earth Indiab1;Reaerniat·ion, Minn., I W` mer, fumes M., alias James W. Foster, 1368 appro ti etmg` enrollment nsion increased P:11mott•:es , 572 Wgezliqm, Louis E., 1576 57,;;, 11;,1,1;,, jlfnnw Wpenmon . ... appropriation for Indian school building; WW1 WQSIM Fw · · nsmn increased ... . 1463 • Glocal contribution. 573 WIi'd°ows Ofgoldkra, do- • • H Pelham? 0;°'g°’ 1488 to have preferenctemliertgafterél in clencg, _ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··*‘‘‘‘‘···•‘‘‘‘·•·····‘ tc., a IB m epartmen , WM. Gwmv R-. gte,. .. 1202. pension increased ... . 1377 w;d,,,,,· pmgm _ _ White House (see Executive Mansion, etc.), rate established at $25 a month, for Cgvil White, Isaac N, and Spanish Wars, and Philippine 408 · · cm; md insurrec ion . ... . .

 nun-·"-·n""".." 1552 I nogeusiourgduggd ___________ _ _______ 408

¤pvr<>vl¤;i(;ti¤¤ for improvement <>g5g1¤§r69 1283 W;f§;;,10§"1Q”g,med ________________________ 1;,14 White Mogntain National Forest, M HZ and ;;;,ig,;;`;;¤I1i1c;(;;c(g1gQd _______________ _ ________ 1412 e' V _ I I I A . , proclamation setting apart ... . 1779 1gg1;@11{1f ___________________________ 1478

 ,5 WP5`5:;::£.f:.5,..od<“55555>· 1.81

v»}£%s»e view zzkiii, `'``````'`````'`` wiiim, Edyrin L., ``"``'` appropnation for study, etc., of. . 980 Wpension increased . ; .. 1493 foggenees of era.d1cg.tion, etc. . . . . 980 ileox, Chgzrles E. , _ , etp., cgoperatggu . . - . 981 Wpligsiou 1§1)cre:a.s§d .. . . 1359 pa or eetroy trees, etc., or- { a:son,_ ams ., · Wh _ Rgidden , . .,.,.,,.. 981 Wpginisiion iincreased ... . . . . . 1505 de 8 brid€§::11.1>ho1’ized acrom, F rsyth, Mo 516 ;ppr4;lp‘gLat:i¢;n for dwtroying, etc., affected mm we-, Ark., with rabies ... . ... 995 appropriation for im rovement of.. 257, 908, 1281 Wilder, Jarnes B., FVh·ite River Cemetery (,?o·mpa11y, _ Wpensxon 1¤¢I'€8B9<1 -··-·~-··-··-··--·····-· 1498 sale of lands in former Rosebud Ind1an dey, _ChayZes, Reservation to - ... . ... 1320 vfensron mcmwed .-.-...·.-·-·-.-··-.---· 1550 White River National Forest, Goh)., iley, _J0hy•, appropriation for maintenance, etc., oi 988 pensnon rncreased .. . . 1411