Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/702

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mnnxl 2021; Crimea and Mtbdemsanors-—Continued. P¤8¤· Grimes and Mi•demeanor•——C0ntinued. P=*8¤· punishment for destroying neceasaries to 279 punishorpgiit for counteéfgitingtponds, etc., 5 increase rice orrestrictsu y arFman` ce porn. 'on ... 11 conspiracies 5; restrict supply,P5)tc., of ‘ , etc., such counterfeits ,,, ,, 511 _ hnecesaries".: E". . :.. 279 altering boirigg, etc., of War Fi- 511 vio regnlatrorm or ealmp m nance C0?0!5 . . .. lgiteirgseamigsbat boards of trade, . 280 bonds, etc .. 511 vio o ’ itionsagainstusing , cri 0 , arlimance`, Corporation` emililg? ig prodnépie liquor 282 . bepzlinza etc., tk . 2 lg assa , etc. cers execu - y D1IhII§fD].B00l1lil'l$·1!lb®kB,, e .._.. unutilgr Food, Qonservation Act,;...-. · 283 jrawingorders, etc., muhoutauthonty , 512 violating regulations govtxning coal and violating of War Finance Corcoko prices, production, etc;- .·. . . : .. 286 _ wgorp Act .. :, ._. . . ,. . - ... . 514

§estroy§ng,°retcE9 necesarres in caring, etc., with Government 533

o su y a cting price wnedliouung Jqeons . ... thereof . . . r. ._ ... 286 intentionally interiiaring United violating regulatiom for rectrfying dis- §taws and amounts nations in carry· titled spirits, etc . .. 310 ing_on war, etc. _ . . . - 534 issuing unstamped instruments, etc . 320 destroyipg war materials, premises, and A shi pingunstampod parcelpostaruclm. 320 .. ._ ., ... _ 534 seliing unstamped articles- . 320 injuung war material by defective maknot cancelingrevenue stamps .. 320 iug,ett:...:-. .. - .., -.. 534 fraudulently removing, etc., stamps. .-. making defective tools, etc.} for war 534 reusing stamps . material` ... usinginsufficient or counterfeit stamp. . 320 specified disloyal acts, etcs, ill of willfully using washed, etc., stamps 320 . war. . , .-·- s; · -... 553 poseming without lawful excuse, 7 accepting unauthorired fees, etc., in war jhgashediietc., stamps .. {Q.; 320 raskinsuranroe claims. . - {1;,:.. 556 se 'gstoc ceruk ,etc.,wi u viola' tingreg11lationsrestricting__ aflixingstatnps ... .-.r. 322 orrentenng Unite<LStates ,, not delivermgstam&: hillsof mle,.stc., 323 .»~ _ wg:. s.·..,t.';;’...,..r s.,:,...i$i;. 559 atproduce ..,:...-.- . Y1d8¤$ x . . '· violatingmequirementa of Waslhveuue i aries. . · · s,,.,,-»..;· 560 cou Act. .. . . . --::];.1% 325 b'•¤d¤l¤¤¢1Y ecting oreigncoupons,e .,wi » at _ urlicenn .,. . @3 ,anceAct.,.., _ ., ,.. .. ... 609 makingfalse returns of dividends, mums ‘ violating pennitoinr use of power from of stockholders, uc., by corpora- 336 _ . 1,; rd 633 tions .. violatmgprohnhntmns o Migra ory ir violating provisions regulating manufac- '1‘reaty Act ... . 756 ture, sales, etc., of explosives .. 388 wearing ., of friendly nation making false statements in wurisk insur- without au y . - ... 821 pcs, etc.,_claims .. 402 violating prohibition of prostitution near receiving family allowance payments _ cantonments ... . .. 886 etc., after right therefor has ceased. . 402 violatingregulatwns to protect property, receiving unlawful fees, etc., in Army ‘ etc., fromA.rmy target practice 893 and Navy insurance suits ... 410 transferring vemel_ to oreign registry, evading censorship of messages, ctc., by etc., in violation of Shipping Act, using codes, etc . ,. . 413 1916 .. 901 violating provisions of Trading with violating restrictions ontransters ofships, Enemy Act .. _ . 42 5 shipyards, etc . 1 ._. . _ 90 2 making false affidavits as to transla- makmgfalsestatemonts of cmzenshipof tions of articles in foreign languages, vessel owners, etc. 902 splbmittsd for printing, ctc., during 428 making fair: iltatzamonts to gecure ?p- t e war ... {royal ping' or trans er making, etc., false aflidavitsastomilitary of vemels, etg ... I . 903 status of persons in service during receiving illegal fees, for Spanish War, in . E  :._ 441 _ bettcqpensroncases . ..:1; . 904 e evi ons om mes o persons in vio regulations, etc. as to 'ppmng` military service during the war 443 chxggrters, facilities, etc ...,.,..,,,,_, 916 illegally terminating contracts payable to register for selective draft . 956 in installments made by persons in violating regulations for prohibitory military service 443 zones near coal mines, etc., for inpersons violating provisions of Act plac- toxicating liquors ..,.,,,.,. 958, 1047 ing carriers under Federal control.- 457 soliciting relinquishment of homestead, embezzlement, etc., by officials of car- etc., entries by soldiers under 21. .- 960 riers under Federal control. 457 violating District of Columbia minimum purchasing property from alien custodian wage Act ... . .. 946 with wrongful intent .. 460 leaning trust funds to officials by national making false statements to obtain ad- banks . ... 969 tviances from War Finance Corpora· 511 loans by bankbofiicials to examiners. . . - on ... acce tance examiners . - .. overvaluing securities to obtain such ad- unautlibrized disclosing of infomation vances .,.. 511 by bank examiners 970 120S08°-—vor 40, PT 2---17