Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/721

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2040 mum. District of Columbia-Continued. Pan- District of C'olumb£a—C0ntinued. Pvscdeficiency appropriation for coronor’s deicierrcy appropriation for water service; ciiice . 4 ..i. 6, 350, 822 mmm to new Govemment buildings. 472 for public utilities commission . 6, 350 for joint Congressional committee on for public library .. ,. .,,,.,..., 6, 468 . fiscal relatrons with . . . 497 for contingent expenses . 6, 350, 469, 821 for housing for war needs. .. 595 for cure, etc., motor vehicles ... 7 for suburban roads, construction, etc . . . 822 for vehicle tagls . .. 7, 350 for work on streets and avenues .. , . 822 for computat mm., vault privileges for ex1¤e11diniCat11edml Avenue . .. . 822 underside s .. . 7 for South Da ota Avenue bridge ... 822 for Benning Road and viaduct ... . - - 7, 350 for juvenile court . . 823 for bridges . ,...,_. 7, 350 for medical charities . . . 824 for electrical de{>Ba.r-tmeut . . 7 for Helen_C. Sheckels .. 824 for public schoo . 7, 351, 470, 822, 1162 for repaving E and F Street roadways free tiution to enlisted men on duty through Judiciary Park. . . . 831 near. . . ..,. . . - , . 470 for executm%rMir1imum Wa? Law .,... 1021 for instruction of deabmute persons. .,.. 7 for repsirjaf e damages to uildings. . . 1021 for police department. .. . .,.. , 7, 470 for militm expenses, 1919; reappropria- . for iiredepartmeut . . . 7,470, 1162 tion. . . ... _ ..., 1022 for health department ,... 7; 351, 470, 823, 1162 for disposal of cit refuse .. 1162 V for police court. ._. . . , . , . , ._ ... 8, 1021 - amount for collecting, etc., ashes . 1162 for muuicipe1_oouxt.,-.,.. ... . .» . 8,351, 823 sdditional psy of $120 a year to employees , for refund from revenue, to the . rece1ving_$2,50Q or under ... 814 . Treasury of criminal fines in.United . weber department employees from States cases. ...,., ; 1 8 - water revenues, ... . . -.,, . .. 815 for support of convicts outof District. . .· , 8, . of $240 to civilian employees in, pro- , f _W ml Amd Jul 22, 382, 823 r QH fond. . . . . 1267 or asluugto` _ 11 um 8, 351, 471 ~ ey we _ iscontinusnce _ , for refommtories and correctional insti- , until1;§r presentwar ,.2.;. 560 tutions ... , .. - . . . 471, 823 . alley populatmn of, to be provided for for Home for Aged Infirrgn- .> ..,. 8 · after the warn, .,... ,, ...,.,,..,. 552 for National Training School for Girls- . . 8 allowed two midshipmen at Naval Academy 430 for isolating ward, Garfield Hospital 8 amounts for, 111 First Deficiency Agprofor Columbia Hospital for Women. . 8 riation Act, 1919, payable half rom for Emergency Hospital .., ... . - 8, 471 » `ot revenue .. . ... 1163 for Eastern Dispensary -  ; 8 for minimum wage law, wholly from Disfor Tuberculosis Hospital. . -- . . . 9, 471 _ trict revenues .. . . 1163 for Board of Childrerfs Guardians . . 9 arms, etc., to be issued to home guards of. . 181 for Industrial Home School for Colored bonds of, exempt from war revenue stamp Children . , . .. 9 tax ... 319 for Iudustnel Home School . 9 buildings, etc., may be leased in, for milifor indigentmsaue . . . - . 9, 472 · tary purposes .. 861 for lunacy writs 9, 823 buildings, etc., may be requisitioued for for workhouse . 9, 472, 1022 use of Department of Agriculture 1048 for- small park areas ... 9 dwelling houses, etc., excepted . 1048 for . . , .. 9. 472 pogment {or; suit of amount unsatisfor peyingéamgrneuts .. 9, 351, 472, 824 cbory 1048 except uel T. Knlbfus and Ed- buildings owned bgiltho Government in, to ‘ war¢iS. Wood ... . . 9 be used for 'vixig purposes of war for Washington Aqueduct . . . ... 9, 351 work em£E>yees, unoccupied . 551 {or cleadnatitles, squares 612 and 613, Maltby Boil gexcepted . - 551 for pur uses .. 10 conversion of, directed into apartment for supreme court expenses . 32, 34, 823 house or for offices .,.,.,,.. 552 for central garage. . 350 contagious diseases prevention, etc., allotgor 8?V8!'tlB1D§ . . _ ...,. 3 50, g69 ment gfcgscal year 1918, . 595 or a un s; swimming Eools ... 50 corporations; crs t uction Co m- for £ul¥1§rc0sch0o1¤, Chevy 388 351 tion may be formed under Disq?ict for communggf forums, etc .. . . . 470 laws ,..,,,.___,,,,,,,, 888 for abandon families . . . . 351 Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows may sell, for Auto Livery, and Federal Taxicab borrow money ou, etc., real estate Companies. , , . 351 ptrggerty ..,,,,,..,,,_,_, , ,,,,. 38 for postage ... . . .. 469 designs officers of, exempted from selector printing reports to Congress . 469 five draft ...,. 78 for , Bllbllfbhh made . 469 disiuterment of bodies of children of for 469 William C. Bowles permitted. . 1527 for psvjing k Road NW., New Hemp- double psy restriction not aplplicable to shire Avenue to Fourteenth Street. - 469 mght and vacation schoo teachers. . 384 for sewers. . . - .. 469, 822, 1162 draft boards for emergency Army increase for street cleaning, snow removal, etc. - . 469 created iu; duties, etc .. 79 for public convenience stations .. . . , 469 employees allowed leave of absence withior new station, Eighth and F Streets. . . 469 out loss 0%, etc., while on duty in im- support. of jail prisoners. 471 Officers’ rve Corps ..,,,,,,, 72 io; u-supporting prisoners ... 471 to be restored to gsitions when relieved. 72 tor Home for Ag and lufirm .. 471 { fuel for use oi, to xpurchssed from Goviu- cue of ohil n, etc 471 ernment Fuel ards . , ..,.,, 673