Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/768

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INDEX. 2087 Harrison, General W H., P¤¢¤· Hathaway, Sarah E. (widow), P¤:¤- §nsion increasgld ... b 1434 increased 1554 , Henry me Thonuu arman, Hpension increeised ... » . 1 504 excise tax on men’s and b0ys’, bought for arrison, James Forsyth, 1555 H B . .. 1124 nsron m atc on £?rLso·nville, Mo., excise tax dn women’s imd mimes’, bought appropriation for public building .. 108 for use . . ... 1124 Hm-momrille, Va., Hough, Benrvcll, terms oi court at . . 605 nsion increased .. . . 1493 clerk’s oflioe . ... 606 Haljghlon, Eugene L., Harrold, James, increased 1421 Hpension increased ..,. 1500 auakqr, 4·ngel, arrhvnan, George (son), 1558 ... 1411 muon .. avawpcn na cmu nifl, Aaron, ngms within osha Oanydn Nausea ner,

 ..,,.,.. 1398 not dmturbed . 1177

art ew enri Hawaii, Hpei;s]®_o;l:;1:i‘ereased, ..__ 1420 appropriation for salaries, etc., governmegg 1252 crt e m . . Hpeisitm inzieased ..,... 1379 iggjudgpe, nicest more .,... gggf art . contmgen expenses .. pension increhsed 1425 for legislative expenses . ’ 799 Hrrter, Edward R, for uamntine system expenses; leprosy Hlxznsion increased 1405 (hospital .. 121, 645 jeld, and Comgrny, for ethnological researches among‘na· ¤.2’£',}°”»t“£2r‘L?.‘T$‘“‘) ‘° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘"* 6% r r S‘2K$‘%é¥a‘i;.mc ‘‘‘‘ as ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘ 122* 8i , . arm o .. . . . . · Hxnsion Z .. 1 457 for accommodations for seacoast artillery line;} A., 1500 for inqéi . 130,g5g,1307 nsw increased . ... , 1264 Hgrehnan, Dmnkl , for of district judge outside of £DB’i0ll .. I ... . ... 1383 ence . 158, 684 man, Orlando 8., for relief, etc., of shipwrecked American

 . . .. 1506 for seamen   5;:... 529,1%

, Eaau, construc posts, e .. nsion increased .. . . 1405 for mai] equipments for .. 751, 1197 msough, (.'hark.r, for fortifications etc 818, 1307 Hpension ., 1570 for searchlights ior defenses .. 818 arvey John L., for preservation, repmr, etc., torpedo nsion increased 1517 structures 818 Hzijreeey, John W, _ U for electric plants, etc., sescoast iorti; mnsggn 1452 f iicavtgrxss. . E tg .. 8 18, 1207 · eorge ., or sea an embankmen . 18 £l'lS10;1 increased . . . . 1379 for automobile, fortifications . 818 lzell, Ablnh P. (widow), 405 for <io11nstructing engineer wharf, Hononsion .. 1 u .. 818 Hgrekell, Amos A., for installing, etc., electric plants ... 1307 Hpension increased 1416 for reserve engineer equipment ... . . 1307 askell, Charka E., for Weather Service expenses in . 975 Hpension .. 1546 for agricultural experiment stations in; aakell Institute, Lawrence, Kane., amount for extension work . 999 appropriation for Indian school- .. 571 deficiency appropriation for shipwrecked Hmklconvyalgring drainage system ... 571 f fmngrican seamen in 347, 463, 529 , . or ort1 cations, tc. war ex uses . 481 Hpension . ’ . 1564 Bishops Point Naval lleservatggn, Oahu, aslcim, Ida VZ (widow). transferred to Army.._ .. 861 Hponsion .. 1549 female sufltrage at elections rn, may be auaelelz, Jaynes C., themed by legislature .. z ._. 604 Hpenmon4;Inecr;ea7‘r;ed 1378 resmzc2t;;>1;e t to vote to male c1t1- 604 mean ., .. . ... . .. Hpensihn increased 1508 included in census of 1920 1291 aslings, Mich., _ _ prohibition of mtoxicating liquor traffic in, Happroprigtion foyublic building .. 108 peglunng age wgr anddthereafteri . .1. . . 560 ast r, ., re may su mitte tovoteo e - Hpegilon increased 1368 tors two years after peace declared?. 561 at Boxes, tition required, etc ... . 561 Hgtxiisgtilx on, bought for use . 1123 procgnsti tion g:if%natin%_day of 1680 , , on or in m1 i s rvxce Hpegrisliiolrgigimeriealged 1493 by;} reaching ag3>?21esince July 1799 at , ., ... . Hpension increased 1370 betvieen ages of 18 and 45 1856 atjielql, Johnson, cultivation of public lands in- . 1804 pension increased .,_,.,.. 1456 salaries of district court judges increased . . 1156