Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/801

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2120 INDEX. Knierign, Cmoline (widow), P¤¤•· Labor Disputes, Ooncilvhtion gf, Y¤8•· H!BBS\0!1-:: ... 1558 approprmtion for commismnem cf, under mphc, Elyah T., Department of Labor ... . 810, 1262 Kp0¤s10¤ mcréased 1526 deficiency appropriation for commimioners night, Jqmes, of, expenses ... . .. . 375 Kpensnon increased 1436 Labor, DaLm~iIm¢·£on of, mght James H., defnciency appropriation for furnishing in-

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Kpgu’5;o% F . 1516 Labor fo1ju;:tt;on tg wage BPIXIBIB as to: . i . . 376 mg , _ . ., Ijyw um, menu: Aawmnm nmon increased ... . 1506 ar, Rrxghton, James S., appropriation for contribution . -. . 810, 1263 Kpension incgeasecl .. Z . _ 1393 Labor Organizations, nivq, Hunting and Bowu, exempt from income tax .. 1076 excise tax on, sold by producer, etc ... 1122 provmions gelgting to, not effected by Act Knox, phagles E., furmshing obstructions to interstate Kpeggsnon increased..._ ... 1379 t¤s$c, mails, etc., during present ny chu"' CmP0"uw"·r · ·• wa! --------~ - ·--·- . .. 272 proclamation including stockholders of, in second class mail rates on publications of, restrictions on trading with the increased, gtc _____________________ 323 enemy - ... 1907 use of gmtitrust appropriations for prosecut- Kocncg, Jqmes A., 1428 S mg, fegbiddenl; . E ... 155, 681 peuswp m _ .--..-.. ewmy mbox, mrice ootenm Nagwml Foregt, Mont., appropriation for rent, purchase, etc. . . 750, 1197 Kgpprgpnactiou {31* IIIBIHYZBDBDCO, etc., 0K.. . 986 Labor Saving Machines, mea me osen . appropriation for purchase, supplies, etc., K0uiI•,_Mighael, TreasuryDepar¤nent .. .-.. 77 1233

 . ‘ ... 1386 deficiency sppgmpnation for, Treasury De-8,

1 In ·v » P$·!tm€D .-... . .. . 1].64 KP°¤¤i°“-·; ---·····-- · ·---········-······· 1536 Labor Statimb: Bureau, Department of Labor K§'°$:éi¤¤1¤ém»¤ea 1537 “p*"°P§§°“uf§' Cc,‘j1¥’gf““”5*§§’· “°‘i”*i‘ mum Tmmmp mm., ctc • · · °‘P°'§i0 1262 ¤i¤=¤ ¤¤s¤>¤d¤<i f<¤ bfidsi¤s Red L¤k¤ for per éiééi AQQQQ QHZZZ '``'```` suf 1262 K Ngglz by ·······‘·‘·‘· · ············ 1271 for temporary statistical clerks ,,,.,, 810:1262 Wigan 1565 ;°¥ ¥<;1P<>1'¤¤ allgemafgrnali .. _810, 1262 KP°’_ick, ADM, or s_are, ma. ons, r Assoc1a— K1>¤¤¤*¤¤ ·--·- · --~·-s------·----- - -·--··- ·- 1483 for 1$L°E§`&iL '`°`‘°````````‘`°‘``‘‘` $13 {$233 K'l§f§,{*;?§;6,,od _______ _ ________________ M3 Labor, Trqinjng .?{1E}5ii1i»§¤}}.".§j,`f ``"``` ’ mgm Angwn Ov appropriation or _ expenses o wax abor ·°n increased ______ _ _________________ 1512 adm1msttation for . . ...,,,., 696 Klrutz, cum 1¤., Iwy. Jfwlml, nsion increased .. . . 1412 penqwn increased .. » .. 1 475 K'£1»en, John G., Mmm, JY- E, Kpension increased ... . 1435 apprepnqtion for public building 109 uhn, Joseph E., Lacroqu »S't1cks, may accept present from British Govern- excme tex on, sold by producer, etc .. 1122 ment . 1326 war excxse ta.: on, so d by producer, etc. . 316 Kvcwle, Carl and Anna, Ladd, paznll A., issue of langgpstent to 1540 pensxon increased 1451 Kyte, Clwsur ., Ladd, Wesley J., pension increased ... . 1445 pensggn increased ,. , ,.,,,,_______ 1512 Lady) utsl L_ pension increased ..,_ _ _,_,___________ 1430 La¤Fleur, John S., 13¤·=M,_011k (www), pension increased . . .. . ,.,. . . . 1566 Pension ···-···-·--·--·- - ---···---·------· 1533 La Grande, Orcg. Evening Observer, Lafayette Nati01u1lPark, Me., aggrcuiprxation for advertising, etc . 53 established on Mount Desert Island, in La _ , William J., gaze of Sieur de Monte National pension . ... 1485 ouument ... . .. - . 1178 La Rug, Jqlm WC, administration, etc., under National penmcn npcreesed ..·.. . .. 1396 Park Servxce --... . 1179 LaSaZ Natumal Forest, Utahand Colo., acceptance of donated lands, etc., a.u— gppmpriatiou for maintenance, et.4;__ of ..__ 986 thorized ...,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1179 La Salle P01'!l0’7ld_ Cerrwql Company, Ill., Luffy, Rob"; Nw pmclarnauou mg:1uding stockholders of, on increased ________ _ _ . , penn . . 1448 1n restnctxons on trading with the enemy ... . 1907 LQ/.°r’ {mqumy’ La Tmppc Rim, Md, penswn increased ------.. 1399 apgmpristion for improvement of. . 253, 905, 1277 L09"' · . Lube , Registration of (see also '1‘m,diug with gddmoual war revenue tax levxed 4m ,,,,_ 311 the Enemy), mternnl revenue tu on ... . . . 1109 provisions relating fo, by an enemy, or in Laguna Indiqn Sanatarium, NJ Mez., enemy country ... . . 420 appmnrianon for maintenance, 9t(·,, of ,,,, 564