Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/907

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2226 INDEX. Presideno of the United Statcs—Continued. Pm- President of the United States-Continued. Pasesuthor;zed to ue§lu°?Hghu¢;}c1ecu§e agency 557 Joint meeting of the two houses of Gon- _ or con au pr uction. .. to receive communicatmns designate, prohibiteq places, and infor- gains, ordered for January 8, 1918- . . 1585 mauon prejudicm to national de- for February 11, 1918 ,. 1586 fense, m time of war .. 219 for May 27 1918 ,._...,,,, 1587 six officers for command of Heets, etc., for Novemher 11, 1918 .,...,.,,,,,, 1.587 with grades of admirals or vice ad· 89 for Decembe:d%l1918 .. ... 1589 ' . may appoint 'tional chap ains durmg’ direct transfer of hospitals, lands, eqlnip- present emergency of sects not recogment, from departments, etc., w ere mzed in lpresent apportionment 394 not required, to Public Health Serv- 1303 to giwer gmdeginstaff cgrpe of me .. . . cers’ eserve orps an N establish zones about coal mines, etc., to tional Army. . ._ 393 prevent sale of intoxicating liquorsgg 047 C1¥d? R. Altmand second lieutenant, etc 9 , 1 n antry retire ... 101 increase Atrmy Signal Corps, including Col. David,L. Brainerd, Quartermaster Avmunn Secuon for present emer· Corps, brigadier general, retired 878 _ gency ..,. :._ ... 243 Bertram T. Clayton, jr., second lieuxncresse temporarily the Mihtnry Estnb- tenant, Infantry, retired ... 877 lishmengi . ... . ... Harry Gray, captain of Infantry, re- 35 powers co erred . t1red' . 1 7 invite nations to Fa.rmers’ Na- 049 Chalmers (i;stHn].1, retired, on t1o ngress . 1 valryactive ,... 1055 provide honses, transportation, etc., to late cddet William Harold Kehoe, secmdustrnil workers on war needs, ond lieutenant, Infan , retired. . 100 _ etc., during W8I.i1 .. 550 Col. L. MervinMsus, b general, em yees required. to 've in uint retu·ed' 1348 o¥]3o1umhia . _ .. Z. . . 550 George R. Rogers, second lieutenant, regulate leqving or entering the United Cavalry, retired ... 1347 Stateim lame of war. .. 559 Col. S. E. Tilman, brigadier general, 1348 regulate ense etc., in re Unitody States by gslien 6 may dgltail officgrs and enlasoted men from 61181111% . .. 96 avyan 'e rpstoassist by guy person or persons . 966 Dominican Republic .. 437 requ1iIs1u0nhbuil ., for Army and exempt loyal enemy from restrictions on 5 avy ospi °ties 1029 nat 'zation . 54 sell war supplies, etc., to persons allied order rejection of bids, etc., for alien Gcvemments, etc., during present pilopertysold by custodian at public 460 war. ... 548, 850 e ... superiise or ttzke over telegiraph, ueéle- organize Cavalrivnfas prov·isionn1t8Fie1d 3% p one e . systems unng e eryor smtryr en . . war. . ,..,,. 904 probibitexportstionofspec§` edarticlesto suspend war risk insurance, when neces- desgnatedconntrieszlirnitations etc. 225 sity ceases, etc ,,,.,,,. 105 promote ohn Q. M. Brett from frat iieutske control, etc., of street railroads etc., tenant to captain, Qunrtermnstor for transportation of sbipymi em- 5% _ Cirpségd . _ ... I; 894 p oyeg ,,,,,,_,,,,,, , ,,,.,,,,._,... tame y mspmum num QQ fake immedi¤ n of lands, etc., iiscal year, until end of war .. _.-. 894 forArmy eprovinggroxmdn 538 sell during the war mrplane materials for naval uses for which appropriations to persons, etc., and foregign governhave been made. ., 738 ments assisting the Unit w States. . . 356 take over piers, etc., of German steam- use armedforces to prevent obstructions ship companies at Hoboken, N. J. . . 459 of mails, interstate commerce, etc., take possessionhetc., of alien enemy yea- during present war: . . . I 1 . . 272 gcgstén jurisdiction of the United 7 medals of hongr, gldiggngmiheisuugg

. ... 5 crosses an m o e

North Island, San Diego Harbor, Ca1,, by, for specified meritorious acts, _ _ for aviation stations, etc,- -...-- 247 in the Army -... _ . .: . . .: ... . 1 . . 870 avmuoéq apprpprnxtions may be allotted at medals of honor;] <§st1ngu1shed-si:e;)rv1lc¢e 1scretiono ..-..-.--.. 849 m an avy cross bond issue authorized for national securit , swarde;1 by for specified meritorious , Y _ etc., with approval of .-.. 35, 288, 503, 844 acts in the lkavy ..-...---..- . . . ._- . 1056 Capitai) Issues Committee to be appointed officem proergoged to temporary y - -...-..-.. - 512 cans y em ency gene , o compegsntion of, exempt from income tax, appointzxgsliyfiorie ..-.- { . . . . . 534 uringpresent term ,. . 329 permits to pu artic es in oreign - Emergency ship construction powers, etc., guages mnybeisaued on direction of- 426 under, extended ... 1022 revocation, posting, etc 426 joint meeting of the_two Houses of Con- potassium Eeroducts é>(1iii)es,aJu;)d;i1’B leases, 300 ess to receive communications may r a y; posal. . { gem, ordered for April 2, 1917 .. 1581 powers conferre§?1lp0n, for food, fuel, etc., 276 or D ber 4, 1917 ... . . . 1585 conservation ... for Jgiueyy 4, 1918 ,... . ... 1585 to maintain price guaranties for wheat. . 1348