Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/962

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INDEX. 223] Stam Taxes, 1917, War Revenue Pass. Sum T · ' levied on specified documents, etc 319 C01?GCtl9(:;¢18£%;i_éTSc(§)l;111*:1»nt;ld6dB mistake or Pm. éxemptiong; Federal, bforeign Govern- fraud _______________ y 1134 ment, tate, etc., 0 ‘ nom ...,,,_ 319 dim-;bug_i(m mm '’'°``'‘`` ; cmptemtigre gsuiiding anlifuloan associa- mastery ... l. post 1134 1011 on ,et,c . 319 moo ‘ ‘ _ mon tum; ````` ¤¤¤%L§1_j¢;1:c¤¤<1 00¤¤P¤¤i¤¤’ 319 _ . . .. 1134 , snmp tmgm · · unlawful use ¤m».mp¤, em .. 320 bond, sw Ti TB I XIX] P“m°hm°¤*· f°¤’ ·--···~··-—···-·---·---- 320 Schedule A , ,,,,, 1135 cancel1a.tionrequircd;metbods authorized. 320 bonds of indebtedness etc.; corporate ine; pmpgyptggu ofguitgblg gtgmpg, gm, ,__,_ _ _ _ 320 cuyities; renewals _.,,,,,__ , ,_,,_, _ 1135 outside (gqntrgetgpgrmittgd; [imitation _ _ 321 based on gmgunt secured _.,.,,,,,____ 1135 collecigggg gfjgxeg omitted by mistake, or of indemnity and surety .,,, 1135 U --····-·-···------ L -·-----·--· 320 mts if ramimn ch.nged· mu; distribution of stamps to postmasters .. 321 exgmgt _______________ ’_ ____ 1135 accountability, cbc ...-.- 321 capital stock; ¤1‘igi¤-¤·1 i¤¤¤6¤- - ···--------· 1135 utilmgfgghim internal revenue accounts 321 viithout fag: .. 1135 _ Y -----·------·---··--------- e a m smc ... . . . 1135 assnstant tregsurers and deposimrisa . . 321 sales 0; mmm, ep; ___________________ 11;;;, b¤¤d, eff! --···---·-··-.· 321 if without face value ,,,,,,_,_, 1135 B¢h€d“l¤ A ~··--------·---·--· - -.-·------- 321 deposits for collateral exempt .. -. . 1136 bonds, cfg., of indebtedness; renewals . l:&>ker¤’ deliveries exempt ,._,,,,,___ 1136 0i18·m0i1D -····--.···-- Xlllgo Btam in stock boo certifiof indemnity and surety . . .. 321 cate, or bililgi me ________ ,______ 1136 _ra.tei.fpremjpni chgirged ... 321 punishment for delivery without capital stock, original issue ... 322 stamp, _,_,_______________________ 1136

1°thout]:fio°o{atY0a1ue...i)$l; .. sales lg Eroduce on exchange for future _

•·••·····- 6 · ·--· , ···--····-----···--· 1136 slesorlznnafors . . .. 322 ade, ctc., timed .. 1136 ifwithoutface value -. 322 cleaning house tnnsfers olzmged comdepusits for collsteml exempt . 322 tracts exempt ,,,._ 1136 broker tmnsfers exempt . . 322 de1niJsreq1iiredonbiHsoi¤g\e,eoe .,,,,,_ 1136 attaching of stabxiif in stuck book, on punishment for ales, etc., without cert.iiicate,or cfsale 322 stamped bills. ... ; . 1136 delivery of certificate, or biH_ without fdr immediate delivery in cash not taxstarrgidp, gmisdemeanorg pumshment. 322 able ... 1137 salesof p uceonexchangc .. 322 drglts, promissory notes, etc ... 1137 stampedbillofsalc, etc., ... 323 if secured by Liberty bonds, etc., excleanug house transfers 0 taxed con- empt; condition ... 1137 tracts exempt ., 323 conveyances of realty . . . . . 1137 detailsrequired onbills ofsa.le,ctc ... 323 to secure a debt exempt . , .. 1137 punishmentforsale,etc.,w·ithoutstsmpod gzustomhnuso entries; warehm1sowithdmwbill eu: 323 _ als 2 ,.. 1137 cash sal; for immediate delivery not 323 forosgn pissgo tickets, except to Canada 1 taxa e . . .. or cxico .. . . .. 137 dmfts, promissory notes, etc ,.. 323 rates exempt. ._ 1137 deeds, etc.,ofrea1 estate .. . ... 323 proxies; exemptions .. .1 ... 1137 givcnzijtosecureadebt exempt powers otluavcrney; én pension, etc., cases, H custom ouse entry ... _ an mkmp y, exempt .. 37 withdrawal from bonded warehouse .. 323 playing cards . . . . 1137 foreigu§a.mage tickets, exceptto Canada or parcel post packages .. . .. 1137 _ exico; gates exempt , . . 323, 324 txjunsporung unstamped, forbidden . . . 1138 proxies; exceptions _ .. _ 3 24 policies of property insurance hy foreign powers of attomey; for pension clmms, etc., corporation atc., not signed by exem t .. . - ... 324 agent m Umtzsd §t¤.uzs . . . . . 1138 playing canih, additional . 324 to be affixed by recewer, etc-. ._ . 1138 parcel post packages .. _ ... 324 Stamped Ejnqelapcs, ctc., Smnco, tra.nsportmgunstamped,forb1dden .. 3% appmpmtinn for hélght or expremsga Sump Taxes, Title XI, Revenue Act of 1918, on . 747, 1.194 levied on specified documents, etc., in lieu for nqanufacignue 749, 1196 of former mx .. 1133 for_d1stnbu¤0n.:. .: . . . . . 749, 1196 exemptions; Federal, foreign Govern- deficiency appmpmuon for manufacture. . 23, ment, State, etc., obligations ... 1133 _ 374,492 indemnity bonds to United States . 1133 for freight or exp on ... 381, 383, 842 cooperative building and lon associs- Stamps Dtwqwn, Post OE ce Department, tion bonds .,. . 1133 8ppt0p¤8t1011 for superintendent ... 801, 1253 mutual ditch and irrigating comp:mies’ Stamgas, Internal Revenue, bond; ,________,,_,,,.,__,_,,,. 1133 de ciincy appgogriation for redemption of. 1038 unlawful use of stem 1133 may e issue or restamping penalties and punispgmeuts for .. 1133 from which stamps wereacc1I:iaec1i§§§; cancellation required; methods authorized. 1134 _ 10St, etc ... t . . .. 1145 preparationof suitablcstamps;s.tHxj.¤§,etc.. 1134 outside_contmct,s authorized for printing; outside contracts authorized; time imit. 1134 time limit .. . .. 1134