Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/994

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INDEX. 2312 Wiliam, YZ, _ _ _ P°€°- War Conyracts, Inforrn,al@ ele., · P¤z¤· gy}:-opnauon for public bmlding .. 111 authonty of Secretary of War to adjust, ’ Wa I Jvim R-, pay, etc., claims for expenses in- _¢>€¤¤1QI1 -···-··-·--·-----··-. . 1469 curred for lands, gupplim, eww un. ¤Zd¤‘f{¢¤h, A'mb‘Fo¢¢ C'-, der ?repm¤nts made by officerg, wP€¤¤10¤- - ·_ --········----···-··--·-·- · ···. · 1567 etc., uring the war .,_,,__ 1272 GUM; H-, — ‘1493 conditions .,,,...,,,,,__ _ _________ 1272 nsionmc!@ . . .. `ons on p five Push, ¤u;__ 1272 Wgkcf, Frrmcw E , clwms to be prescnmfow um 30, 1919; wpenmon .. 1566 _ detailed report to Cong"; _________ ‘ ggyg alkef, Jqvd H-, revxew, etc. hereafter not bm-md ., 1273 wP€¤¤10¤ 1¤¢N$ ·-·· - ·--·····-·-·--····· 1564 Pwsecntiou for fraud; recovery of moneys alker, John W, . paid .., , ,,____,,,_,____ 3273 nsmn incrmsedq .. . ...,... 1422 compulso testimon mvided for 1273 Wgfkcrl B., alma Burt Crowell, criminal ir11'1munity tgvwlgitmesses 1273 Wpensmu mcmased 1454 jurisdiction given com-1; of Chim; if ad. alkerz Oscar, _ justment, etc., refused by claimamt. 1273 Wpensnon .·-·.·. . .. 1567 1f none omued by Secretary ..,.,,,.,, 1273 alker, Reason, supplies, etc., to American Expeditionary wpension increaqed . , .. 1559 Forces smder-Agreements with inralker River I1Ld1AH_R¢f8¢7“U§¢10?l, Nev., eign nations during the war, to be 3};-ropriation for ungatxon system- .. 562 adjusted and paid fur by the Sec- W , Thomas I, retary ,... 1273 wpension increased 1507 terms, agencies, etc., authorized . 1273 alker, William J, in foreign governments by the United Wpension .. 1575 States, whether agreements formal all, Francis M, 01* not . 1273 Wpension increased 1 1438 Awards to contmctms subject to tights of allau, Charles W, _ _ subcontractors;. _ . , 1273 wpemion imzmned . . .. 1479 astmfactory evidence or utc., aller, Reuben, required . . ... ;.;_,..;’... 1274 Wpension increased .. _ ... . .. 1484 payment direct to subcmdncwr, if allinaford, Laura A. (wulow), _ - not fuminhed . ; ..,. ;..- 1274 on . , 1524 hen if prime contracux-insolvent .. 1274 Wullowa National Foregt, Oreg., suthoqty of Secretary of the Interior to adappmprindm for magntemnce, ctc., of 988 yunt losses, etc., in producing speciproclamation, tu·e•·0fL 1699 lied minerals for Government needs excluded lands restored to settlement, duxing thewur 1274 eu-; ,. . 1699 agencies, etc., requesting ... 1274 Walsh, Frank, equitable adjustments and Payments to application for homestead entry by, au- be made: decision cone usive. . 1274 tborized . . . 1542 psyments and All expenses to be from re- Walter Reed Army H D. C., _ volving fund; maximum .-.·.. . 1274 aypropriation for e 58 clums to be Bled in three months ... 1274 Wa ters, Charles A., good faith in expenditures, etc., to bc pension . . 1533 _ shown 1274 Walters, Charles R., to investmmzh, etc., made Wpension increased . . .. 1489 smce April 6 1917, sud prior to Noalters, Elijah, vember 12, 1b18 ... 1274 Wpensiou increased . . .. 1392 no_ profits nor speculative investments altcm, James, _ mcluded .. 1274 pension increased .. . . 1462 nght of review, recovery of money wmng- Walzon, Jobe C., fully gid, etc., not barred . 1275 Wpension increased ... . 1577 repprt in ll to Congress ... 1275 alum, Patrick, no jurisdiction to any court to enter suit. . 1275 pension increased . . . . 1365 method of determining act loses of Wapato Irrigation Project, Wash., _ _ claimants . . .. 1275 appropriation for water gupply of Yaluma War Onpples, Imerallied Committee an. Reedu- Iudian lands w‘ith.m ... . . ... 588 cation of, im- extending, etc . 588 appropriation for contribution to. . 635, 1335 Wappringer Creek, N. K, War Department, appro riation for improvement of . 251 appropriation for Secretary, Amistants, War Bagoom (see Signal Service, Army). amistsmt and chief clerk, clerks, etc. 783, War Cbllege, Army, _ 1237 appropriation for expenses .. 40, 845 for Secpnd and Thnrd Asisunt Secrefor maintenance .. 58, 864 t¤¤€S .--.· 783 War College, Naval, for teugpcmry employees; pay 783, 1237 approprnation for maintenance 713 detmled esumates to be submxtted 1238 Wm- Congrats, for clerks, etc., Adiuumt Geneml’s Ofrecorda, ew., of, to be Bled with Commis— ice 783,1238 sioner of Inwmal Revenue, by per- Ingpector Geners1’s Ofice . . . . 784, 1238 gong making them __,_,___,_,,,..,, - 1151 Ju ge Advocate Genenh Ofhce- . 784, 1238 pxmishment for failure ,._,. . 1152 Signs] Office; techllivtl services, etc 784, 1238 dats. to be furnished by Govemment de- Geueml’s Office 784, 1238 partmentg, em ..,,..__ _ ___,_,,,.,,, 1152 Surgeon Geneml’¤ Office .. 784, 1238