Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1236

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1216 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 113. 1921. SALARIES AND EXPENSES or INTERPRETEES AND GUAEDS TO CONSULATES. guilldiiiwgdiaisgd Interpreters and (gpards to be i employed at consulates, to be e ended under the ection of the Secretary of State, $103,700. XP EXPENSES or rmsorrs Fon AMERICAN CONVICTS.

pd°°m' Expenses of maintaining at Shanghai, under charge of the United

States marshal for China, an institution for mcarcerating American convicts and insane in China, $2,000; for salar of de uty marshal, , . Y P _ $1,200; assistant deputy marshal, $800; in all, $4,000; K°°P‘°“’"°°“°'°· Paying for the keeping, feeding, and transportation of prisoners in China, Chosen, Siam, and Turkey and of those declared Insane by Rm atc in Tm the United States Court for China, $9,000; key. ’ “Rent of prison for American convicts m Smyrna, Turkey, and for w es of keepers of the same, $1,000; _ ¤§ent of prison for American convicts in Constantmople, Turkey, and for wages of keepers of the same, $1,000: Total, $15,000. RELIEF AND PROTECTION or AMERICAN SEAMEN.

 °f Amin Relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, and

in the Panama Canal Zone, and shipwrecked American seamen in_ the Temtory of Alaska, m the Hawaiian Islands, Porto Rico, the Phili . . P' pme Islands, and the Virgin Islands, $150,000. FGBEIGN HOSPITAL AT CAPETOWN. cQpS°Z?¤°&°i Hmm' Annual contribution toward the support of the Somerset Hospital (a foreign hospital), at Capetown, $50, to be paid by the Secretary of State ugon the assurance_that suiiering seamen and citizens of the United tates will be admitted to the privileges of said hospital. o0NT1NoENT EXPENSES, UNITED STATES CONSULATEB. w°,§$i’{‘g‘,§“’°*"°“‘S°’ Expenses of providing all such stationery, blanks, record and other books, seals, presses, flags, signs, rent (so much as ma be necessary), repairs to consular bmldmgs owned by the United States, postage, furniture, Including gypejvvriters and exchange of same, statistics, Lomb newspapers, freight (oreign and domestic), telegrams, advertising, Y °‘°"“"‘” messenger service, traveling ex enses of consular officers and consular assistants, compensation of Ohm ese writers, loss b exchange, and such other miscellaneous expenses as the President may think necessary for the several consulates and consular encies in the transaction of their business and payment in advance iii? subscriptions for newspapers (foreign and domestic) under this appropriation is hereby authorized, $1,000,000. · ui¥i°ie°°Aggii¤?i1m'°_d° LETERNATIONAL TBADE-MARX n.Eo1s·rnA·rroN BUREAU, QU0TA or UNITED STATES.

 B'"°’“ “' For the annual share of the United States for the expenses of the

Y,*':,£°é}’é8}L°8°- maintenance of the International Trade-Mark Registration Bureau at Habana, Including salaries of the director and counselor, assistant director and counselor, clerks, translators, Secretary to the director, stenographers and typewriters, messenger, watchman and laborers, gentiipf quarters, statipjrgegry and supplies, including the purchase of oo , post , trave expenses and the cost of prin` t1ng' the bulletin, suliiz. ’