Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1521

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INDEX. liii Dairy Fargna, etc., D. C., Page. Dauphin Island Railway and Harbor Com- Pago. appropnation for inspecting, etc 90, 860, 1131 pany, deficiency appropriation for inspectingn . . 41 time extended for constructing bridges, Dairy Industry, docks, etc., by, in Mobile Bay, Ala., 277 appropriation for investigations and cx- _ Dapenport, Iowa, periments in ... 240, 699, 1319 appropriation for operating, etc., Govern- Dairy Products, ment house at . 223 appropriation for diffusing infomation of Davenport, James S., _ supply, market prices, etc., of. . 265, deficiency appropriation for contested N 724, 1342 D cgection expenses. ., . . . 58 Dain; Show azional, lawson, a., approprisjtion for agricultural exhibit st, appropriation iordpublic building . 164- Chicago, 111 ._._, , ,,,...,,,.., 271 tents, etc., loape to Confederate veterans Dairying Enterprises in Western Irnyawd Dis~ _ comfenuou at . 2 zrjzctg, _ _ _ Daylzght Samng, _ _ appropriation for expenments m establish- repeal of {aw advancing ume for . . 280 ing, ctc 268, 728, 1345 Dayton, 0[•w_, f V I Daly, Maj. H. WZ, N¢m2>·nal_Ar·my, *·PP?°P£:1_t·;?*;E[(;’I:'l§XP€m*» ° 1392 may b5].;g}§B?md amt hen t_ T)? 606 deficiency spgropriation for Vo1u11}cer éol- ’ . `'`'``°°°°°'` diars’ ome. . 1027, 1166 D·;*g4*9¢ 0l<¤w·-, f f f G I d De Fontcs, Joseph, _ _ Iumnenn €t°·· ° · °r ww ° m deficiency appropnz-mon for extra serv- G€0d€Yi1C S\11'V€Y- -····-·-----··-·· 1054 iccs ____ _ _ _ _____ _ _ ______ __ 59, 1037, 1182 Damages, etc. River and Harbor Work, ¢1¤i¤¤¤ €<¤· '*¤ be ¤di¤?*ed bx Chief ¤f E¤· Dc;$gn%;l“:<::retaiui¤gunde1iveredlet¤emand mhg;;g¤;¤» by.¤¤11;g¤(g¤ wm! v¢¤¤<=*¤& 1015 retun;1t0 dm new office w be W mmging YmgP°“’° t blis ed . 583 P'°P°*’*Y ········· , ········· 1 ···· : · · 1015 regulatglms for return to writers to be made 583 pmperty of emplgroees m connection Wltb {G9 from writers _______________________ 583 lossv etcw of Verumcut P’°P°rtY· · 1015 Dead Letters Diwlvion, Post Office Department, i¤ °ff°F*¤ *0 NW6 life °!' P1'°$°"° appropriation for superintendent ... 675, 1294 Government property ... 1015 Deadwood, S_ Dah, 1>¤y¤¤¤¤¢, if not ¤¤¤¤¤di¤% $500 ------- -- ’ 1015 appro riation for my mace at asv, 1276 for géoeater amount to e reported to 1015 Dwfangpunlfgjmtqmggn, gg, gdéu;1. ¤8¥<>¤¤ -·····~··------· · -···~····· biz. titutiouor ee, Damages to Private Property, Deaf Muteg, p. 0., Cqlqred, appropriation for paying claims for, caused appropriation for txutxon, etc., of, out of the by Army target practice, etc . . . . 965 District . ... 86, 856, 1127 fo1·_pa.yi¤g, by nqva] forces. . . Z .. _. . . 813 Deagwholized Wim, deGc1e11cy appropriation for paying clmms of d ‘ and alcoholic strength not in. of, collisions with naval vessels . . 1028 c uded in provisions of Wm- pmmby adjustwiexgi etg., of, bybnaval fol§€8SB1¤C6 tion Act ______ _ __________________ 305 p 6. 917, to e made y we- ermits, em., required ... sos _ wry gthe ISN?} limit -·-··· · · -··- 132 inpCoustitutiona.l prohélgtiou .. 308 DWMPJQOM We', _ ¢·._ permits, etc., requi . . .. . 306 P¤`€hm1¤¤1'Y ¤¤¤¤11¤¤¤0¤. etc-. of, to be mm used in ;;·i0ducix§ wzioubeverage docket,. 1 0 ..--···--··· · t, as ati n S 8 Duma (see also Federal Water Power fict), Dgmh Allgxwancq Army, as construction authorized, across Minnesota provisions extended to officers and men on River, Mmn. and S. Dal:. . 551 retired list on active duty . 367 Damkls, Charlocze, _ limited to Regular Army . 367 D•ddi$E¢;¤;3:rh¢;;uestead entry by, validated- 1091 Death Allmmnua, Wgegld gm bmanwi , . ., burial expenses ow i ea au deticiegg; app;3pHi1ati‘<;ixc(;ors01}§d<;spitaI écr E quegut toAApr{166,11E£7 ... . 372 ' hing `sa `ers e ., ect' · rom ri , 9 ... . . 3"2 31.. ’ .. ws ° g.€1$§.m $$*31.., ek., amuma . .. aéz Danville, Ill., Dm: emthe 1yhSeaa, etc., _ _ _ _ ¤PP?°P1'i¤’¢i<>¤ g? ¤XP€¤¤€¤» V¤l11$€§g4 1395 suits for dminages Iigftxlonzed m dmmct Soldjenf ome . .., , courts orwro acm, ctc., causing 58* deficienc apipropriation for Volunteer against vase}, cnc., fog bgmetit of dece l Sofdiers Home. .. . 47, 10%, 1167, 1185 de§t’sthw;f;& etc., 1f lgaéble therefor, Derby B 'ldmg' , D. C., if ea not ensu .. . 53" appmpigiatiou for operating expenses. 43, 653, 1273 apgortioqmeut of amount recgveregl. T . . 53% Daze Soak, Parlazaria, to egiu m two years, unlas Jurisdxctwn appmpxiatipn _ for emergency expenses, on vessel notgecured . :..:.._.- 537 _ eradicating. ... . . . 1346 notitc lagequntxl 90 days after 3u.nsd1c· _ Dm! Nemgmql Forex, {V. Ma., tmuo tamable. ._ .. . .. 53r appropnatmn for mamtenance, ctc., of. a.l10v;r)ed byggzgw ¢%f£r§:i (:1a-Hy be 537 , mug m e c c . . . Daughur 1813, U ’c d Sanus, may be brought du.rmq' ¤ pepdency of sui: degigusgfgémy of ggége gf, extended {qu;. for personal injunes 1f person dies teen yggrs ____, , _,_,,_,., , ,,,,,,,, , 1440 from result thereof , . , 537