Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1563

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INDEX. Xgv General Stef Corps, Army-C ti d. P . G LS l - composition of . .. 91%,2 mm Tx£5i(?;,°g¥{T,Ll;$f Tmmry D°p°" P°‘°` War D€P?J'tm°“t,G€¤€ml Staff ---··------- 76'2 appropriations for salaries and expenses to 00;;:192 gg Elzgcgf Staff, four generals, 763 transferring surplus office equip- ° '” ·—------—-··—·--—·- ty t .; ' . . <v·¤¤m¤ Sw: wi¢h¢¤><>¤¤ ... . ms p$Zi‘éd¤i§bé°Z%'J§’§§‘?L`t‘L'1h6 T,€f$‘· *265 officers aemgued to General Staff duties my _____·________ __ __ ____ _ _______ 1265 vi department headquarters, etc". gg? issueihoi typewrimm and computing _ 9 C . _ . . 3, ° _________ _ ________ _ _______ 64* details f91‘ P<>1’10$i _0f fw! Year! --·. >763 coglpemglgnli in storing, delivegy, em, 0 fwén hst of ehg1b1e:;Ai.i£s¥ .. 1 .. . 763 of supplies . 1265 mprepereiui' ofe11g1"bes; twoA mt kgmbmms. <¤3mp<>¤iti<>¤ ----.-.-. . .. 763 ferreigbc 1 zss selectxon from Regular Army, National unfit typewriters, etc.,trausferred to, _g;18.l’d, and Omccltl Reserve COIPB 763 88 surplug, {xy bg jggugd foy gx. ·--------------·-·--·---··------ hang ; 'ti ... 1265 classes recommended . 763 mcgim Fg tggtywyigeng by at cggt $,1- additions {0 eligibles only from specially Yowed; pgymgut, Gm _______________ 1266

 graduates of General Staff 763 deiiciency appreiprggioq for salziriee gud

_ -·--·---------·-·-··-·----·-· €XP8¤¤6¤ K8- GUID BUYP UB 0 (Y0 am1gnment¤ to War Department General equipment, etc.; ayg restriction 1161 Stai from General Staff College 3 supplies for Senate amfH0u¤e of Repregmduutes . 76 seutatives y b based nd List of eligibles for, to b6El1b1iShGd umu- contract ecilegiuleg 1036 ally, and in Army eqmter . 763 typewriter purchases restricted during assignment of acting Genera Staff cheers fiscal year to surplus stock .. 688 pg case of vacancies 763 inventory of War Depuunent supply to addxgxonal members hom noncombstant 63 d I be furnished .. 688 ranches .. 7 e ivery on requisition ci Oommittee .. 688 War Deweut General Staff to prepare uuserviceable, may be supplied at curp for national defense ... 763 rent prices for ex<;hau%% . . 689 mobilize men and material resources for 763 disposal ofdty‘pe by ar Departemergepcies ... ment uring year except to, investigate; etc., efHciency of the Ami. 763 forbidden . 689 render professional assistance to e typewntiug machine prices established Secretary and Chiefof Staffrz . . 763 for fiscal year .. 1307 committees cf, to prepare p011.c1es_ for purchases to be made from surplus stock National Guard and Orgamzed of Committee . 1308 Reserves, organization, etc . 763 inventory of War Department supply to appointment, etc., of reserve officers- . 763 _ be furnished ... z ... 1308 reserve officers, including National dehvery on requisition of (`0mm1ttee 1308 Guard: tobe added to . .. 764 uuserziceable machines allowed for 1308 deeigmmon of National Guar officers exc angee, etc .. ’ ou recommendation of governors, Gzruseo, 1{l.,_ _ _ _ _ though not having reserve com- appmjgmuon for public building .. ma missions ... 764 Genoa, epr.; _ General Staff with troops, to render pro- apgrqprmtmn for Ipdgan ¤chool._... . 17,422,12§8 _ fesdonal aid , etc., to general omcers. 764 de caengcy spprognguon for Indnm edwol . 1 1 I 1 Chxef of Staff to preside over War Depart- Geographug Bpard, mtcgi Sjtaua, _ _ ment General Ststf . .. 764 sppmpnntxcn for pnuting md bmdmg plans for mobilizing, etc. the military _ for . _ 22 9, 942, 1430 forces, to be made under. . , 764 G¢ol0g1cal_S2grv¢y, Intqwr Department. _ transmission to Secretary of War, etc.. 764 sppmpnstzon for Director, clerks, etc 19,. on approval of, no act as agent to carry 64 { _ {H _ ta 19__ intoeffect . . . .. 7 orscxenx cssmstuu .., 4, , Diane submitted forlezislativn by Congress, f°*` 8°“°“‘1 °¥P°“"°° ············ · 19} ’“°· 1399 · for tnpcgmpluc surveys ... . . . 19: , 910, 1400 to be accompamed by zggdy of wu 764 for geologic surveys 197, 910, 1400 Department General S -. . . _ comments for or against 764 for cbemmcal mq phymcsl researches. by smmw, cme: 0:`é££é§ `éé ihdil v<>¤~¤b ·i?g¤¤¤¢¤-; ---- - ·----- 197-3}% vidud Ogcem _____ V _ _ __________ _ _ _ 764 forprepu·mg11_ue¤·st10¤s . . . . 19Z, , . . ed forrepcrtou ]I11BB1'%l1'6BOH1’¢@... 19:,910, 1400 membeiri confined stnctly to speexti 764 fo,mm€m1,€SOumG,0§A1:,£;;, ____ ig! '--.-'-·’--·---·-·.·-•·>_·.-- ug-nv ""' Y 1 not glermitbed to aasuljw tcD€P¤·\'¤¤¤¤* 764 wells, et¢·. ¤i¤i¤=¤¢i~’¤ wr ¤ --—-~---·-- .,,1 grid lgudg _________,_____ 197,910,14QO Gmerul Squf School, Ar·my,_ for b00kS,_ew ,...,., 197,910, 1400 appmpmmon for umtrucnon expenses 950 for ggqlogxq . . 198, 910, 1400 General Supply Cmnmizue, Treasury Depart- {0* ggiigick _ I'); wd %‘9‘g“§0 1400 ¤PPN{;rni•€nt€;>n for superintendent, chief for survey of water powier, electric pmclefk, derkl, ew -·---·----------- 644. 1265 d¤¢¤°¤}· €t¢·· · -_ ·-·--·-··-- ; - - ; - - 910 proceeds to be covered in; Wu: De- for gngnwxng, prmtmg, md bmding 0 pertmem: to {umich mowrtmcks 645, 1265 wr ·~--·-..·...·.--. 228, 941, 14.9