Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1623

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INDEX. clv National Brohiwtion Act, _ Page. National Prohibitwlon Act-—C0utinucd. rage. uppropnatmn for expenses euforcmg, by acts prohibiteq; articles conditionally cx- 1¤§iF£1;L;Ef;i1;\;$i;;H]?i$1r3B .§;ui;M, 1274 eginipt; vmegar, and preserved sweet _ houses, ctc: ..··.- 883 per¤nitg1r;<;{fi}é€1~i<;1: }£¤$i1{f5E{{1}é_;t}::`}>} 309 deHc1ency alppropnation for expepses of In- exempted articles . , . ’. . . 309 iggna Revenue Bureau 111 e11fo1;;6 1161 11¢;i0fl%quo1·{·fst.ricwd;d€e?é1ol . 309 ·-··---···---··-··--····-..- n t ° li Wax Prtgllglgition enforcement; meaning of , 305 pe {pwgaageesjil .. 309 u_sed . T .. contamxug excem co 'c st . . -. 309 bevegaggfmxudedg a.1c0h011c strength 305 sales bg{d%ers0ns violating provi¤£§1s, forma _ ... 1 ... . ... 309 dea.1Yoho iledhwapc, S1t;ea.rUtl;1eer, etczegf unlawfuleilhereafter, except by permit, {B 'co O c gnu Qxcgp • QtQ__________,_____,,,,,__________ im cqndgglnzha . .}-2;) . . - mvestigatign, etc., of articles claiming ex· ’¤¤¤g¤ NPO 0 V1 0 - - - m I1 . . ..,., 309 prosecution of offenders. Z . 1 . . 306 notigg 1;% gangligctmgr ,,.,,,...,.,.,,, _ 309 prommep, qw., for dxspossl of up revocationpf peymitif requirement: not tcxgcgtgng hquqrg, 3 common mn- cpmphgd with ,,,,,__,,,,,,,, ,, ,___ 310 P sa-p§c;...t.i.l:...,..._.: ..-. ggg rang lg eqngljfy court - . 210 \1¤1¤ GH _0 cpu u un ]udgment.. . 10 property knowxpgly used for vmlsuons penmts required for manufacture, sale, subject to hen, etc . 306 purchase, etc., o§ liquors . : ._ 310 sale to pay line smdtcogts;_:1¤tsc1;me1t‘2 purchase of m£1GBzé)D phymwmd on commencemen o sm · sctzmn rescri tionse ... . . 310 eufogcc forfeiture of leases. 306 usg by 1g1sbriat»:c¥1{>>spitaIs, etc., alproggcuugn for vwlatigngin Federal, etc., · lgwed; mnditiom, ,_,,,,... , ,,,,_, 310 _ cpugts: 1 - . 306 lS\l¢?0f,8DD\l9»llYfo!m8Dl1f8CtHIiBg,S€11· ]u11sd1ct.1p1; of ogmty cqurt . , . . : . . 306 gug, etc.; extensions for partafa year 310 temporpry mguncuonsagmnstcoutxnuing gletanls of, for purchases; time limit .,... 310 nuisance . . . .1; .. . . . . gssue mdglhwgxmmbiddm . 310 restmmmgo as remov e orret.a' es ' to lnrmamt 310 manufacturing liquors, etc., o;1 prem- to ph 'cians limited .. 310 ises forb1dden; time of restricmou. . . 306 demi; applimlzions uimd 310 premises may be delivered to owner on forms, etc., to be presrceglaed; bond rcfiling bond for abatement, ctc .. 306 quired ,._. , ,.,,,,,,, , ,,.,,,,,,,,, 310 before mdgment as to, only .. . . - . 307 I reviaw by equity court of refusalstoissue 311 ng release of penalty, etc .. 307 wme for sacmmental, etc., purposes .. 311 violation 01 mpmcuon, subject to pnm- I provisions nqt gfplicabla to: ._ .. 311 prgsgxcnslxfxrtt gu cpxitgréxlgt . 1 permxgs requxr ; for suporvnsmn of man- Bu

-...·-.·-»- u acture ...

invalidity of m¥yAse;ctio11 not to aifect 307 { prescriptions iby physicians for liquor re- 3u remmn crc c .. i strictee ... no repeal of Frior Act, etc . _ 307 quantity limitgd , ,._,.,_,,_,,,_,,,,,,. 311 orders pro dbiting sales in prescribed 30 1 czmccgslation, etc., by pharmacists. .. 311 areas, etc .- T rscor , enc., to be kept 311 euégrcement. by Army or Navy during I blanks, etc., mbga prepared 3ll e war etc . . ... . 307 » return of stu unued etc ... Jill filonstitutiouagggombitgn euforcemgnth. . 307 { proceedings on complaint Bt violations of `quids inclu as " uor" _0r "mtox- rmita ... .. .. 311. iimgug t;?u0;·"; gmhqlm strength 30 Q cimtgsn to appear; hearings ...·.···. wina ...,.. . .. _ 7 revocation ot permits - .. .. dcalco olizeq wine, near beer, etc., or review by equity court .. 312 lea alcoholic strigxth excepted; pet- ‘ continued during action ... - . . 312 mits, etc., reqn1;t ... I record of all manufactured, sold, 312 d€` termsco ru .. ‘8: et. ... . . . delegation ogcizuthority for executing, au- 0 details 1%quired; 1§mp0cti0¤ allcviziig. .. 312 thoriz .. . 3 S } copies 0 permits to purchase to apt violations to be investigated, etc., by { by manufacturers, dmggists, etc 3U regdeuue piiigzglséié . Q .. 308 I labels for containers to be attached by 319 to a maya or p!0B€C\r • manufacturers ... . . .. repogon .. . 303 { by wholesalers on packages sold . 312 isuc oi warrants for apprehension, etc. - 30:5 i liquor shigments requirements by carriers. 312 criminal procedure; imuc of search war- 308 { verificzmon oi consignees’ permits in 312 {ARTS- . ·.·. . . ..-·--·····-· = PXIICILIBSG- -··· .-.-. ·...· »·- acts pxohibgzig; msnu.£s.c· 303 Q notiiicqtiou of chs.z·acter of contents re- 312 tue , . 0 mtonwxts. . · q . .. not inehiding liquars for nonbevepzge or labels to be used by mauufncturera; by gagmmental uses, under pemuts. 308 ( pther persons .. 313 dealiugin vqarehouae receipts . 309 i r¤ce1vi:¥{detc., with false stawmmts, m-ticigs eoudrcionally exempt; dum· , upla _ 313 tm-gd a{c¤ho1- . E dehvgrmg, except to bum fide mu- 313 medicim reparations. -. ... 3 mgnee uulawml` . .. patent mggcines, etc ..,.. - . 309 advertisements, etc., of liquo unlawful. 313 toilet, etc., preparations .. . - . . 309 1 exceptions; authorized pricemiists. etc. . . 313 Havering exmxcts . .. 309 I in foreign newspapers . .. 313