Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1639

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INDEX. olxxl 0jEcers’ Reserve Corps, Army—Cont1nued. Page. Oil and Gas Deposits, Public Lands—Contd. Pegs. present commisswns to be retained ... 776 leases of imappropriated deposits in pro- Doi; vacaited by National Guard com- ducing §x;ld3_ _,,__ _ ,._,_.,,,_ _ _ _ _ 443 _ mission  : . z . 776 lands not subject to preferential active duty by, limited .. . ..,., 776 claiing ______ _ ___________________ _ 443 pay, etc-. only while on 776 competitive bids by qualified appliallowances for, as of Regular Army 776 pants; limit; of tracts ____ _ _________ 443 110 retirement, etc ... 776 bonus, royalty, and rental ,,_,,,_, , ,,,, 443 Gmétgency officers may be apgointed there- period of twenty years . , ,,,,,,,,,. 443 _ in, to same or next h1g er grade 129 right of renewal ,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, 443 Hying cadets may be commissioned second royalty may be reduced if production lieutenants in ... . .. 109 diminished .,.,.,_,,,,_,_,, 443 graduates of Reserve Officers’ Training applicable to all oil and gas leases Corps, etc., may be aptpointed in. . . 778 ereunder ...,,,... 443 nmka.ndprecedenceof,cs1le into service. 785 to claimants of withdrawn lands under Ojicial Gazette. Patent Office, placer mining laws on relinquishing appropriation for printing and binding 228, rights, etc . . ... . .. 443 941, 1429 royalty of one-eighth of total produc- Oiicial Reporters, tion to be paid ..., 443 appropriation for House oi Represents- period of twenty years; minimum ives . ... 637, 1257 royalty 443 for Senate . . ... 633, 1254 area. limitations .. 443 deficiency appropriation for extra. services, regulation of royalty, etc . ... 444 Senate. ... 57 claims in naval petroleum reserves limfor additional pay, House of Represent- ited to area of producing wells .. 444 tatives. ... 59 royalties for past and future producfor additional pay, Senate . 342 tion ... 444 for additional expenses, Senate 1035, 1180 restriction on additional drilling, etc- . 444 Ogden, Utah, disposd of remainder of such claim; deficiency appropriation for site for ammu- dpreference . 444 nition storage depot st .. . ... 510 a. ditional drilling by claimant may purchase of land, etc., for Army ammuni- be permitted . . ... 444 tion storage at, leplized 894 fraud by claimant to bar all benefits. . 444 Ohio Avenue NW., D. C., adjustment of pending suits as to reappmpristion for repaving with asphalt, served lands on acceptance of ... 444 Twelfth to Fifteenth Streets. .. . 76 payment of moneg: impounded ... 444 Ohio River, settlement of co 'ng claims .. 444 time extended for bridging, McKees claimant, and persons claiming under, to Rocks, Pat. ... 1079 have benefit of . . . 444 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be of interest acquired since September 1, made, Pittsburgh to mouth. for ice 1919, from person holding, etc., exiers . , . . . . 1012 cess area, forbidden . . . 444 Oil and gas Deposits, Public Lands, _ exchanges prior to January 1, 1920, not permits to prospect for, on public lands affecting area, allowed . . .. 444 uuthoriz ... . ... 441 exceeding maximum ares, or interest exclusive right for two years .. -. 441 therein, prohibited . : . . 4+1 area., if not within known producing compromise authorized of suits uffectmg fields . . .. . 441 plucer claims in lands withdrawn, drilling, etc., rec uired . . .. 44l September 27, 1909 .. . . 444 extending time flor, allowed 44l terms and conditions .. . . . 44-3 location, etc., on surveyed lands . . . 441 prospecting permits on lands not withon unsurveyed lands; notices to be drawn..._ . 445 posted, etc . . .. -,, 44l bona fide claimant, etc., on October 1, Comer marks, on receiving permits 442 1919. ... . . . t ...· _· · 445 in Alaska, applicant may be granted five. 442 prior work perfumed, mthout disdrilling snd time requirements ex- covsry ... , 4+5 tended . . .- 442 lenses allowed if discovery made heretopreference right to first locator; re- fore, . ... _ .. 4 45 quiremenm ____,,...,.,,...,... 442 royalty in if permit upon known _ lease to permittee on discovery . . . 442 producing ares I .. . 4-to restricted to one—fourth of land in permit. 442 naval reserve lands not included ... . 4-io selection and description on surveyed fraud by claimant to bar all benefits jandg ____ _ __________,,,,,,,,,,.,. 442 hereof ... _ ... _. . . 44-5 unsurveyed lands, to be surveyed at } benefits of permits and lsssm to clmm- _ cost of applicant. . 442 ants, rind persons clmming under. . . 44o term for twenty years; royalty and l preference right or entrymen on agnculrental; rengwnlé . . .. 442 titigsl lands hor prrspecting permit, 445 ' t o permittee re- . e ~·-·-··-·-- - -~·——··~···—-·--··· Pmieigidderndf area 442 I if mineral right reserved 445 royalty, ew. c<>¤<ii¢i¤¤¤- --·~· · ~-—-~- 442 5 lense if dssvvijew made;. ----·-- _ - -, ------ 44% permittee to ay for product secured | joint apphcnuons permitted: limit- 4-lo before app?} for . . . . . . . . . 443 { !'0}`¤·hY PmVL‘¤0¤5 ··-·-·· ; ········-····· 449 drilling restrictionsvlglfocation of wells .. 443 provisions for Alaska deposits of . .. , 446 vention of waste, etc. .. . ... 443 cancellation of permits for want. of dihmeitureof permit or lease for violations. 443 i gence . 448