Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/421

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400 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Cns. 57, 58. I920. ’“‘:§”“%}m‘ KCEAP. 57.-An Act To amend the Actestsblishing the eastern district of

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B it nacted theSe1urte m1Ha·ué R' entutityas of the United K¤¤*¤°,,*Y, 1,,*****%*** Statge ei? Amengya in 0 as memnbieg, %t8regular terms of the ’3°¥,iY§Ep.nm;¤.¤e. Distrirgh pgrghe for the Distric}; of Ken- · 1; ‘“ at o owi imes an aces name y; _ Tm °‘°°°"’ mAl§;yJacLon: on the iirgst Monday £’March and the third Monday in September in each year. ‘ _ ' At Frankfort: Beginning on the second Monday m March and the fourth Mondayin September in each ear. __ _ , _ { At Covmgto` n: Beginm'n·g on the first Monday 1u‘Apr1I and the thirdM d in'Octoberineach year ’ ‘ on a . _ _ _ , At RichmdTnd:1‘Beginning on the fourth Monday in and second Monday in Noyember in each year. _ — ' At London: Begmning on_ the second Monday 1u May_ and the fourth Monday in November m each year. _ Z " At Catlettsburg: Beginmng on the fourth Monday in May and the seconcigionday inBDecemberme5.1ch yearh M d _ J d rumen . At  : egmnmg` on esecon on aym anuaryan §§,’g,.,??Y’·,,°‘i,,‘;·‘},,,,, the second ordday in Jnme in year: Provided, That suitable vi¤¤¤· rooms and accommodations for holding court at Lexington shall be fmnished without expense to the United States. _ _. h2,_¤¤P*¤¤*¤¤*¤°* And at such other times aud places as may hereafter be provided b a . ‘ °¤¤•¤‘°*°*•**· y'I‘hdvcldrk of the court for the eastern district of Kentucky shall maintain an officein cha e of himse1f, a dgipligy, or a clerical assistant, at each of the places ofriolding court wi said district. Approved, J anuary 29, 1920. January? 1920- CHAP. 58.-An Act 'l‘o establish a commission on the practicability, feasibility, is- 3* ·l and place, and to devise plans for the comtrucnon of a public bridge over the Niagara lP“’·"“°· N°· md River from some pcintin the city of Buffalo, New York, to some pomtin the Dominion of Canada, and for other purposes. Bettcmzcted theSenate and Houseo Re entativeao the Cl)3¤¤¤|¤P¤¤¤¤Bt;iéis¤ United States of in Congress aeaembéd, 'llhcaft a commigsion “"""”i°°°°° ’ gg, and hereby is, cneated to be called the Buffalo Public Bridge mmission. ¢o¤=v¤¤¤¤¤· Sec. 2. That such commission shall consist of the followingnamed Ppersons: Frank B. Baird, Edward J. Barcalo, Marcus Barmon, l‘6d€1'lCk G. Bagley, Emanuel Boasberg, Colonel Charles Clifton, John W. Covsiper, William A. Eckert Louis A. Fischer, Carmelo Ggno, Chares M. Heald, Edward Holmes, Allan I. Holloway ger E. Joralemon, Charles B. Kane Edward Kener, John A. Kloep er, Stanislaus Lipgwicz, Edward P. liupfer, James H. li\$cN:i1l§{,V»Q;$iu<igb Ja%eg1nQ1;twlo hW. Van Allen, John G. Wickser, _ _ cy . an r msc . N§;¤,; ,{‘{{,,,°,§;“*,§*,'}§ Sec. 3. That the commission shall imguire into the practicability, f¤1¤wb•¤¤vi¤¤d\>Y· feasibility, and esumated expense of the construction of a public bridge, from some point in the city of Buffalo, New York, over the Niagara River, to some point in the Dominion of Canada, and devise atéplan fgr tlie construction of such bridge and the manner of financing 1 cons ruc ion. H°·“°*'>’·°‘°· Sm. 4. That the commission is authorized as a whole, or by subcommittees of the commission duly appointed, to hold sittin and . . . gs pnbhc hearings and to take testimony of experts and others, but vgthogit creating any expense or obligations to the United States _ _ there y. L‘““““°°· See. 5. The term of said commission shall expire two years after the passage of this Act.