Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/727

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706 six·rY-srxtrrr CONGRESS. sm. II. oe. 217. ieze. draftsman, $1,000; one draftsman, $960; twelve draftsmen or map colorists, at $900 each; one draftsman or artist, $1,200 ; one draftsman or negative cutter, $1,200; one artist, $1,600; one artist, $1,000; one photographer, $1,600; one photographer, $1,400; one photographer, uecbamcmtco $1,200; one pihotograpxher, $1, 100; one lithographer or photographer, $1,200;_ one thograp er’s helper, $780; one b ue-printer, $900; one blue—prrnter, $720; two telephone operators, at $600 each; one machrmst, $1,260; two carpenters, at $1,200 each; three carpenters, at $1,000 each; one carpenter, $960;_one electr1c1an,_ $1,020; one laboratory aid and e@eer, $1,000; nine laboratory ards and engineers, at $900 each; two laboratory ards and engineers, at $800 each; one laboratory helper, $720; one laboratory helper, $600; W B I bob one packer, $1,000; one packer, $780; four watchman, at $840 each; eeje. ' ° two messengers or laborers, at $960 each; three messengers or laborers, at $900 each; four messengers or laborers, at $840 each; three messengers or laborers, at $780 each; five messengers or laborers, at $720 each; six messengers or laborers, at $660 each; five messenger boyslg at $6(g(;§;.gh; tlwotrlnressenger boys, lat $540 gach); thripe messenger oys, a eac ; ee messenger oys, at 42 eac · thirte' en messenger boys, at $360 each; one charwoman, $540 ;_one charwoman, §48l);8%1§e2)cha1woman, $300; eleven charwomen, at $240 each; in all, 2 7 , . G°°“”1°"°°°°°" GEENERAL Exenusrgs, Fomrsr Snrrvrom: To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to experiment and to make and continue investigations Tam em mamma and report on forestry, national forests, forest fires, and lurn ering, to the time seas. but no part of appropriation shall be used for any experiment or test made outside the jurisdiction of the United States; to advise the 0W518%(;f Xmxdlands as tag the préoper iare of the sazlne to investigate an erican tim er an tim er trees an their uses, and methods for the (preservative treatment of timber; to seek, throu h P Wk ;nves?gat;;¥1>nstran6] the planting of native and forgigpl§peciesi!)suita1l2;glje CQ, €g,,,u,.u,, _ rees or e e ess re ons; to erect necessary u' in : row] e t 0 gs That the cost of agi); buglding erected or as improved shaiinot exceed Pmmm 0, mp $1,000. To pay_ expenses necessary to protect, administer and nonsense. rmprove the national forests, including tree planting in the forest geservps to ptregeng erosrcén, dglrfti surfialge wash, and sg wastxnd Elie orma ron o oo s, an in u e payment o rewar un er regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture for information leading tol the arrest and conviction for violation of the laws and regulations rz; ating to firestm cg near natrcgnal forests, or for the unlavgful takmag ,_ . 0 01‘_ 111J¤1'_Y 0 0"vcmmon ro ert ; to ascertain the natur °“’° °"‘mb°" coirrditrons upon hud utilize_the Iiraiiionayl forests; and the Secretary of Agriculture may, rn his discretion, permit timber and other forest products cut or removed from the national forests to be exported Cmmshmdging f;>mt;3€ gt? 01‘ 'I;€1’1‘1t31’y mfwhiézgrhsardl forests arehregpectiveli sn ua _· anspo an care or an ame supp 'e to stoc the riatrénal fgreitip ori {gre waters tlherein; togpdmploy agents; clerlis, assis an s an o er a or requu·e in ractic ores an t adrmmstration of national forests in the city of and elsewhere; to collate, digest, report, and illustrate the res ts of expgnments anadymvestfigatrons made byffithefigorest Servicie; 12 pur; . c asenecess sup es apparatus, office tures aw oo , n S“*’p"‘*’·°"* technical books and) tecihmcal journals for officers of the Fofcst Seiévrce stationed] outside of Washington, and for medical sulpplies an_ servrpcis an other assistance necessary for immediate re of of artisans, a orers, and other employees engaged rn any hazardous wogk rinder £hehForest§e1’v1ce; to irergiht, express, telephone, an te egrap c arges, or electric t an power, fuel, gas, ice, washing towels,_ an official traveling! and other necessary e enses, including travehng expenses for leg and Hscal officers wlirilh per-