Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/869

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848 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 234. 1920. S¤¤¤¢S· STREETS. °’°°‘°‘”"’°t°‘ DUs*r rnnvmmion, CLEANING, AND snow REMOVAL! For dust revention, sweeping, and cleaninégustreets, avenues, alleys, and suburban streets, under the immediate ection of the commissioners, and for cleaning snow and ice from streets, sidewalks, crosswalks, and gutters in the discretion of the commissioners, including services and purchase and maintenance of equipment, rent of storage rooms; maintenance and repairs of stables; hire, purchase, and maintenance of horses· hire, purchase, maintenance, and repair of wagons, harness, and other equipment; allowance to inspectors and foremen for maintenance of horses and vehicles or motor vehicles used in the performance of official duties, not to exceed for each inspector or foreman $25 per month for a horse-drawn vehicle, $30 per month for an automobile, and $15 per month for a motor cycle; purchase, maintenance, and repair o motor-propelled vehicles necessary in cleaning streets; purchase, maintenance, and repair of bicycles; and neces- _ sarg incidental expenses, $375,000. _ u,§*‘P°S°‘ °‘ my ‘°" 1sr·osAL or crrr mzrusnz To enable the commissioners to carry

 4<t§é539· out the provisions of existing law gpverning the collection and dis-

°’p` posal of garbage, dead animals, nig t soil, and miscellaneous refuse and ashes in the District of Columbia, including inspection and allowance to inspectors for maintenance of horses and vehicles or motor vehicles used in the performance of official duties, not to exceed $25 per month for each inspector for horse-drawn vehicles, $30 per month for automobiles, and $15 per month for motorcycles; P _ fencing of public and private property designated by the commis- D§§.°}§’§"0rpr°cssas, sioners as public dum s; and incidental expenses, $750,000: Provided, That any procee<l)s received from the disposal of city refuse or garbage shall be paid into the Treasur of the United States to the Tr rt t I credit of the United States and the Ilistrict of Columbia in equal DiS§?$p$ep§§is§? ° parts: Brovrkied further, That section 9 of the Act entitled "An Act Pegg, 40, p- 541, re- to provide for the collection anddisposal of garbage and miscellaneous Use }em,md_ refuse for the District of Columbia/’ approved May 6, 1918, is repealed: Pmmded further, That this appropriation shall not be available for collecizing ashes or miscelllanegps rifuse from hotels, places of business, argc apartment or oar ouses. P°'k"“‘ °°°‘”i"‘i°“‘ _PARKING comussroxz For codltéingent expenses, including laborers, trimmers, nurserymen, repairmen, teamsters, hire of carts, wagons, or motor trucks, trees, tree boxes, tree stakes, tree straps, tree labels, planting and care of trees on city and suburban streets, care of trees, tree spaces, maintenance of two motor trucks, and miscellaneous naming beach it°mS’ $60*000 . . ‘ Barnmo BEACH: Superintendent, $720; two watchmen, at $500 each; temporary services, supplies, and maintenance, $4,500; for ggpgégs to buildings, pools, an upkeep of grounds, $1,780; m all,

 Pnxrenocrmsz For salaries—Superviscr, $2,500; inspector of

playgrounds, $1,200; clerlg (stenographer and typewriter), $1,200; to e employed not exceeding ten months-—twenty-two directors of 5%-laygrcrmds or recreation centers at $75 per- month each, assistant ector at $60 per month, general utilit man at 860 per month; to be employed not exceeding seven montlis-three assistant directors at $60 per month each, four assistant directors at $50 per month each; to be employed not exceeding four months—six guards or swimming teachers at $60 per month each; to be employed not exceeding three months—four assistant directors at $60 per month each, twenty-two assistants at $50 per month each; to be employed twelve months·—twenty-two watchmen at $50 per month each, clerk (who shall be a bookkeeper) at $75 per month; for services of extra directors at not exceeding 35 cents per hour, $800; for services