Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/248

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1688 PARCEL POST CONV EN TION—-CZECHO-SLOVAKIA. Ocronmt 391-,1919. `tten matter of isemna sdéleni jakéholkoliv £l(lSli:ic;rd(;.S——@Ili(zi.tvi;aIrle admitted 1111- §ruhu—pokud jsou vubec v postder anyconditions to the domestic ovnim styku zemé podaci primails of the country of origin, ex- pustény, s podminkou, ze ze ny cept that no packet may exceed postovni baliéek nesini prevy- R¢¤¤i¤¤¤•¤¢S· eleven pounds /:or five kilograms gl sovati ani vahy 11  : ]edenact1: in weight, nor the following d1- liberl : élll _5 kilogramu :/ am mensions: Greatest length in any téchto rozméru: ne]vetsi delky v direction, three feet, six inches jakémkoliv sméru 3 anghckych /:105ce11timeters:/ greatestlength stop a 6 palcul : 105 centiand girth combined, six feet metr1i:/ ,ne]vétsi délkyaobjemu /:180 centimeters:/; and must be dohromady 6 anglickych stop/ : so wrapped or inclosed as to per- 180 centimetr1i:/ ; mimo to mit their contents to be easily museji byti tak zabaleny neb examined by customs officers and uzavreny, aby mohl obsah jejich by postmasters duly authorized snadno byti zlgouman iirednikg to do so; and except that the fol- eelnimi a iiredniky postovnimi lowing articles are prohibited: tomu opravnenymi. -¤‘¤¤¥¤¤ i>¤>l¤`¤i*•>d· Publications which violate the Mimo to jsou nasledujici piedeopyright laws of the couut1'y‘of méty z dopravy vylouéeny: destination; poisons, and explo- Tiskopisy, jez porusuji zakony sive or inflammable substances; o pravu nakladatelském platné live or dead animals, except dead v zemi uréeni; jedy a latkéy insects and reptlges when thor- vybusné nebo snadno zapaln_ ; ougllly dried; *8 wd V6g¢l>8·· five nebo mrtva zvirata, vyjibles which easily de and majic mrtvy hmyz a plazy, jsousubstances which e e a bad li dokonale vysuéeny; snadno odor; lottery t1¢¤kef·S, l0t¢§1’,Y ¤d· lmijici ovoce a zeleniny jakoz i vertisements or_l0tte1'y 61'16l}l&l'8§ latky nelibé pachnouci; lotemi all_obscene or immoral articles; losy, loterni oznameni a loterni articles which may m any Way obézniky; jakékoliv pfedmétiy damage or destroy the ma1lS, or neeudné nebo nemravné; pre - myure the persons handling them; méty, jez jakymkoliv z usobem articles the iigggrt or the export mohou stovni posof which isco ed or prohibited koditi neg: zniéiti aneb osobam, by l•h0 Otl1€l° laws jgj so g Dim zabyvgjf, Qrgz md Pm¤¢¤Pl»¤0¤¤· zpusobiti; predmety, glchz dovoz nebo vyvoz jest ce imi nebo jinymi zakony a ustanovenimi obmezen nebo zakazan. Article IH. Clanek HI. ,,,§§“;,',?,,'§’,‘_°°'“"°°”" A letter or communication of Psani nebo sdéleni, jet maji the nature of personal correspon- povahu osobni koros ndence, dence must not accompany, be nesméji postovni balieegoani prowritten on, or inclosed with any vazeti ani na ném byti napsana parcel. ani do ného byti vlozena. B°’°°°°'""°‘“‘°‘ If such be found, the letter will Naskytnou- ise takovato ani be placed in the mails if separable, nebo sdéleni, vloii se psanijsze-li and if the communication be in- je od baliéku oddéliti, do zavérni separably attached, the whole listovnich, a je—li sdéleni noodpackage will be rejected. If, luéitelné s baliékem s jeno, owever, any such should ined- odmitne se cela zasilka. gétliie vertently beforwarded, the coun- vsak piece takovato psani, aniés try of destination may collect, byla objevena, dale byla vypraon the letter or letters, double vena, muze zemé uréeni ve shodé rates lcgdpostage according to the se svétovou smlouvou postovni `lzmve Postal Convention. vybrati za tento dopis nebo za tytoé dopisy dvojnasobné postovn .