Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/441

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INDEX. 1859 ' Canal Zone-Continued. Page. Cape Charles, Va. . Page. deficiency appropriation for relief and pro- appropriation ior quarantine station, water tection of American seamen in . 43 supply .,..,...,,,., 167 jurisdiction of district courts in actions for deficiency appropriation for quarantine stadeath on the high seas, not applicable tion, construction ,.. . ., 1163 _ to navigable waters_of . 538 for quarantine station, wharf, breakliquors prohibited to be imported. manu- water, etc ,,.,.,,.,..,. 330 fo¢¤¤o<L ¤<>1d1 ew-- 1¤---_- . -------- - 322 cape coumy (see U1110!1 of $0111111 Ame). except for sacramental, medicinal, etc., 322 Cap, Fm, N O purp0s$_ _ , ____,__,______________, 2 .' if . . I mm of by the President"`.- n` 322 appropnation_ or quarantine station 875 10;:1:111111}:1,0 111111;; §.)1]ivi;&1g,1j0¤g ___________ pa i:>;{;1;1¤;$¤t}ne station, wharf 1368 tl'2.`DS1tt , . . . . -’ _ 1 • ·1 _ _ _ pun.ishmen`§or vi<?l:1i0ns. . 322 ‘f§6°1€¤9Y 2PP1‘°P1?¤¤°¤ for ¥1<>¤P1t¤l f<>1‘

  • ··21;*:s°1.“€m;.r···11 -·--· -·~·-- 322 11 1 "";““E"1‘“1“”3?.*,“°‘“*°o"*°‘°··“‘~ 5****

tracto , ,re~ mres- ape partean angler 'hz,Moroc , ervation .. . 948 appropriation for annual conu-ibutiotn). . 742, 1208 sale by Railroad Company, au- Cape mmm,) N_ yy, . 1 ,8 :,;’°n”°d ·-··-······----··---·-~·--· 948 Oapproprisjion for repairs,etc.,sh hatchery. `220 ’ -" · · apetoum, fnka, ·¤¤~¤;¤,;i§¤;·,f°;,¤,¤¤~,,,,;*,{·,··;g·$,*;*¤,1,;·,,,,·*¤¤·,; — 111111.11.111111.1111..11.,1..1g11 hospital . .. 111,1111 d 6 tation Act, etc .f ... . ...,,. 1392 Cgirotgl 1768 ·~ · ti mxgng a on e . 0 c1;§;%¤;;1¥¢§r€§1immg11u; .. 1026 ¤¤orpo¤dode(§>o1=¤¤¢o¤ of appropriation for, 233 ’ gw gr , , _ COVBI . ... appropriation for survey of navigable C¢_P’¢¤l Stocks RGWOM1 waters m system, o ,... - 188, 901, 1391 1SS\1G Of, hereafter, unlawful unless authoroperation or New York state Barge Canal ¤¤od_bv Interstate Oommoroo Gomby Secretary of War, to cease, etc. . 1149 _ _ IHIBSIOI1 -------·---· ; -···--···--·-·- 494 cmymdmyun, N, YL, Capatan Grande Agency, Calif., terms og ati; .. ( . ...,.,, 395 tppropization for support, etc., of Indians 1247 Cqymuy unbegh grothy dang a nsion - , ... 1 545 GOING], Cqgregnvgy, Mary (dnughgq), appropriation for repairs, etc . . . 193, 907, 1396 pgnmgu _,___ _ _____,__,_,,______________ 1545 or cleamng works of art, etc 193, 907, 1396 Cmzoeling Machines, Postal Service, fol‘ l'®l$0l'i11g BOOKS . . . . . 194, 907 appropriation for rental, purchase, ew., for care, etc., of grounds . . 194, 907, 1396 of .,..,,,,, _ ._,_,,____________ 582,1155 for repairs to stables, Malnby Building, for pg, etc., traveling 582, 1155 etc. : .. . ... 907, 1397 Candee, atlasrine F. (widow), for reephairs, etc., tSenate kitchens angz 39 pension in . .., 1599 r urants, e c .. 6, 9‘ Cane, Sugor,_ _ _ for decorations, corridors of Sen- - appropriation for investigating, culture, ate qnng z .. 226 déeases, etc., of;s1rup, by products, 244 §0r at;-iditiortigl police ggotpction of. E6, gg, lggg e ... or eee,e .,groun o .. 7, ,1 Cane Sugar Diamhte deficiency appropriation for repairs, etc. . . 50, appropriation for cooperative experiments, _ _ 66, 513, 1171 ew., in live stock production in..éé8 for plans, etc., oi extending , ‘ ... 56 Canfield, U lyssia, S. G., for Senate kgtchens and restaurants. 57, 519, 592 nsion . ... 1474 for Bubwa to Senate and House Office Calioenon Belle (widow) Buildings 57 pensidn . .. Z 1612 for care, etc., or groundss .; I Z `ibéo, nn Cannon, Clareme A, _ Capuol Building GTUdGT01|7Ld?, S1ga·rr»¢cnden¢ to prepare supplement to Hmds’ Prece- o_[(sge also Architect of e Capitol), ents o gre gouz:ie3g¢:!;tR»¤ipresenta- 1181 appropriation fos, eng1neers,fde;·il§g, e:c.-- 672 tives, wit in ex , e c ... or restoring ecoration o w o cor- Can¢o#n,C}gina, _ _ _ mlors of Senate wing, under . 226 appropnauontior acqpmng premises for 1214 for epigmeers, etc., House of Represents- 635 cousula e uses a .. vw .. limit of cost; subject to approval of for elevator conductors, House of Reprecommission ... 1214 sentatwes . 635 Canton, Mary M. (widow), 1538 §or erigmeers, etca Senateéé .. .. 633 pension or e evator con uctors, nate ce Cem: . S. Dah., Building .. 633 apgilopriation for asylum for insane In- for repairs, etc., Court ofClaimsbuilding, dians . ... 26, 429, 1244 under . 907 Cantonmenz Agency, Okla., . for_repairs, etc., Courthouse, D.C., nmder. 907 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians31, 434 deiiciency afppropriation fortgvigng pllans, 56 at . . . etc., or extension o pito Canyon Diablo River, Army equipment to be transferred to. appropriation for ap roaches to bridge, without charge . -- . . 1035 PP P . . . near Leupp In Agency, Ariz. . - 11, title of, changd toArch1tect of the Capitol. 1291 417, 1233 to serve on ning Commission 500