Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/494

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1912 INDEX. F , H . _ P¤8•· Federal Farm Loan Act A.’ITl·€'I\d7{l0N{§—COD((l. Page. zyyfglz 1-azéaoosor public building: 164 loans by land banks; ¤¤»¤r¤¤¤¤<>¤ ¤s¤¢¢· 571 Federal gwrdfvr V<>¤¤¢€¢»¤q1E<i¤w¤¢¤w~, ¤¤¢¤¢ r¤q¤¤¤d ·-··--·-·-··-··-···· appropriation for additnousl amount fain 887 adv:%¤;gt5aym¤nu after five years not 57] ps;·xr1;I;;€i2>;:::j::::;;:::;:3::; 178; 887 aommim;io¤`ori¤wm¤ mw. . sn for additional amount for rehabilitation, loans apthonzed; mq purchase land 571 ctc., of discharged soldiers, etc .. 1379 grqvnglc cquxpment, ctc .. 571 services to trainees not provided by u11d1xgg¤,1mprqvmgfarmh¤dq 571 Wg; Risk Bureau, ___________,_,,__ 1379 pgy png; debigéncurggd fn; ggncultural — 571 xvipg nmd { ad to purgeas 6 ··-· - -····-·····-·-·· mvugzdergoing 1379 fnrxq lgan ndi; denominations ... 571, 1362 py muicdm ____ _ ________________, 1379 ymmmum term not longitlnan ten years. 1363 deiicxeuc appmpriation for ex uges re— mmmst cqupom; xpm pad . . . 1 571, 1363 hagilitation of di82 dlBEi}]§(& 1020 forng mqmsghbgs; vice president for mgm 572 soldiers, ew -·..--·-------.·---- , mz su ...- . -.· , . Z may-mgm ____ , ,,,,,_,,,_,,,.,,. 328 eer¢:i1{mt.e of Farm Lum couymmmoncr fm·P:gca.tioml rehabilitation expenses . . 504 qi authority for; mntuauonn secufor nlsrieg md oxpeme ... Z 1187, 1191 pty, etc, . - ·----·- 572 additional hospital pmvadoq for extensgon of tune fol’ purchase of bonds patients of Rehabilitatwu Divxsiou nmdog, by the Treasury . 627 who served in World Wa: . . . . . 1365 bondsnmued agaumtlcms ggproved after ""”‘i°"“‘ """"$‘°"°° "“i‘é??.§£?'“*"°"’ 1...4 »¥?£"?£’?.?.¥;§¤‘ohod°l“d · ‘‘‘‘‘ 1; sx 1; “” etc., nm or oxcep cucum- an sac n 3§¤¢e5, . ,,.. - ..., . ,.. 102] district; Dlmé . U48 limitations . . .. 1021 branches authorized ... 1148 extension of vocational rehabilitation of by bank, i¤_P0rw Ricg 1148 disabled discharged persons who loans, conditions, etc., 1p Porto R1C0.. 1148 flanged military or naval forces 159 voluutgyngqmteiaqon of jomt stock land 691 mug e wu au onzed .. appropriation fo; . B .. 159 payment of 1iBbi1iti:sht§bb1i>1pmv]%)dedI58;i. 691 pexsommzf oe""ty rtraiuiug, asummg' assetssm "ties y · to forfeit bgxeiits if not commencing 1379 eral land . inmeasom atimc mstrictinnaan 'tstiouswui . maximum time permitted, except cases amount of obligations special _ of incapacity. .-_ I . . .il. . 1379 reserve if exceeded .. 691 pmvmomn or pmmoting vomuom re s- _ gmmuon of persons dimmed in in- 735 Federal ,LOG7I Bureau, Tmzamy Depart ustry, etc ... · · · — »pp~p¤»¤··¤ M expmw, ¤—w¤¤g¤»· ""P‘Ti£?Z’;`}E‘G°i}k£‘Zf °§l“1§‘.¤°€; if z,;gm· ‘‘‘‘ Zn ‘ of? W tions, etc. ; pay restrictions . . 737 - . expenses hmd covcmd m ... 646 ¤¤—n>1¤¤ Army ¤·»¤i¤¤<+ .*gy¤¤, ew-, w be for mvouog oxpo¤¤,ow .., o4v,1zos

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itemized statement of, etc., to be made. 504 {gr Bx? · Omtpaji mstncmm `' 64 ’ r pnnting and m mg for . 228, 941, 1429 F“I"`“l °f T°l‘9'“P" ‘"'d T‘l’Ph°”’ deiicicgpy appropriation for printing and deicieqcy ¤%1>r¤pri¤*»i<>¤ for ¤r>¤¤¢i¤z 666- sor §£réif»éi¤§é§Z Z Z I I I Z I I I I I I I I gg Federal §$L}i“R$p0To"·w1>z,;4.z; ··········· ***21 F=·#»~¢H¢r~e¢—¢¢-~·¤B»qrd» a m tion for 0011d.D|18f.i0l; of Fed l °p pmu°n f°' Balamis ·········· 26% 726·1344 pp P£pom, _..,_,,,,_,__,__,__ MTH ml ·>r <=¤v¢¤¤¤¤ miuhmz im1><>¤·¤¤=i<>¤ of {Of M, M, vow. wo 1 .. ’ ms ,,,,  :,2*;.%;- · ;;o5;iaZ§“· *3** or two copxes, era porter D1gus` t, r Vols. 10 and 11 for district attorney d E . P°t°t‘° m"' :· •: ··*··· · ···· 268, 726, 1344 New York soutfxern district .. . . 922 ° mncy °ppmPm¤°“ hr g°“°”l ex' Federal Farm Loan Act Ammdnumtg, Num- · -, ·---···-·--·-·· · ·-···-·- - 1192 Board to appoint farm loan registrars no °mp]°y°“ to m“p“F> °Y"·¤. Plants md receive applications, etc . . 570 vmducw m Dmnct °f C°lum‘ dainty registrars; duties . . .. 570 1** ·····-···—····- • ~-·-··-··-· - ···- 727 land amk appraisers and examiners 570 F¢d¢*¤l Bank, other employment restricted , . ,.,,, 570 may ¤c?91{9 assets and assume liabilities not apphcable to tempomry employ- 0 lomtswqk lpnd banks going inm ees .. . 570 Y0 pmtary hqmdation . ,,.,... . 691 farm loan associations; ap lieggtioug for restnctxons and hmitaticns waived .. 691 logns to be investigates by [om com. amount iaf liabilities limited 691 mrttee --.. ,  : .. 570 Hpecia reserve required if exceeded .. 691 iavozlggnmarumom report required for 570 Federal Qrwer gnmmknhn (see also Federal . .`°-"°""`°'°"":"""""‘ w A ¤¤t¥3;¤I:¤m¤¤ to land bank vnth apphca- 570 opFyop;5;ti;;E%¥;;;m$;;’ _________________ 1380 . ········ z- ·. -—····-··-·-··-- ~ · vr every d't 1380 authegzied to fix mma] charges for loans; not ax{a;>1al$l;(;§¥;l;;;e?1srgs of lease; in . t -·---- ; ·--·~—·~—·----·-- · ·--- §70 _ Nauoml Parka aud Monument; ____ 1380 “°°1“¤’° ”·¤d d*¤P°¤¢ of PNPGNPY --~-.. ¤70 cmauou and composition of ,__________ _ _ _ _ 1063