Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/518

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1936 INDEX. Hur.}, jug, p_ (daughgey), Page. Heade}, Roberta R. (wcdow), » ·- u_____··-·___.__,,,...,»··••·•• ¤·<=*:=*····-·.·,, --·----··-·· · ··~·········· W o.;»;”‘;€‘Zom,i·oo»qL-·»¢¤·, ·Ha’r”¤_E1°1;;' ·r Lnnnuuuhinn"-- 1606 Hlmmunjttgdgggduzgu ______ ____,, _______ _ 1463 Harris, Martha A. widow), ’ tion for salaries, etc. vern- Hpeneio11}in ...5 ...·--- · ·-·~··- 1563 appmplgznt in ___________________ _ _ 374, 13,2 arm, my . ow , lative expenses . Hpenaio)_n--.,.3;.?,,;,3},;;,,3 -. · ·-~·-··· 1587 lg;lii•§”trictcoun..t,é...:..i.5...i... 687,1306 arm, oplne . , . ture m mc u n e pension mcrened ________,__, . . .. 1504 for '1m8pm_1_ ____ ’ _________ 115, ggq: , 1317 Harmburg° , Pa. for etlmological researches among natives deliciency appropriation for public build- of .,.,,.,.. . .1_81, 891, 1383 ing ___________________,,,. . 1024 for ex of diguict judge eumd, of time extended for bridging Susquehanna o&ein1reeidence ,. .. 210, 924,1413 H Rag: st. E ... . ... . . - . 1099 {gr Wgtllglgr Service enpgnsf 239, 696, ];%g6 ' visa .. , '¢ expenmen ons in. . , ‘ ninereaedul .. .- 1582 mgn 720, 1339

 Ho., , agricultural extension work allotap lor blic building .- ·· ~- 165 ment ,.,,,,,_,,_ 262, 720
 PZ sdcughter), cumulative leaves of absence to em-

'on .,... . . . . 1518 ple eg ,,,. . ,.,,_,_,.,,,,,,,_,,,___ 262

 B, (muon), for  equipments for- ... . . 582, 1155
 ..,, .. ..  1628 ;grforti§cgtj¢;lns,etc.,,,:,,,;};! ,,,,_, B-610,1350

r widow , · r preserve on, repair, ., su H..,,*··i·a~·'*·'*-r·7·,..,,···,.t,, --·· 1 -····--·····~····· 15* “"‘{.':.;l.‘*‘“r:1°£,“t2."‘.$°%· ······-· . , forsearc ts r r e ense ' ’ . . 1495 for electic plants, etc., seacoast fo1’t1.§C$•

 CL, mm fw b _ HBS tionsit;  e ,..,.,. 610, 13%

eheiggcy ap ` rdm lining. .. for qgsq etc .,.._,,_,,,,,___,,__ Hort, William E., for sites for tortidcations .. . . 610 ‘ nincreaeed ... . --·- 1473 forplansforfortincstions .. 610,1350

ugu:¢u;0., for seacoest batteries . 610, 1350

Hglension . . ..-- 1600 for barracks and quarters for Seacoast jd, Ruth E. (widow), Artillery ... 611 pemon . .-··- 1623 for irecontrol installation, etc ... 611, 1351 Hartford, Goran., for Air Service expense ... 611 termsof court at -·-.----·-·------·-- -- 1146 for aviation stations, seacosst defenses Hartford County Conn., _ _ of , . 611, 1351 may bridg éonnvvtncut Fever, Wmdmr for relief and protection or empwreoked Inc to W'mdsor . 360 American seamen in .,,, 749, 1216 Hcrtlesg, Catherine (imdow), deficiency appropriation for relief of shipo¤· - ·---· Z ·-.-·-.- ; --~-----·----· 1491 wrecked American seamenin . 43, 1022

 Em¤1¤w(w¤d<>w), branch offices, etc., authorized for Honopeumou .. 1517 lulupostoEce _..,.,,.,_,...,.. 323

Huxley, Frame; Tucker (wtlow), 1589 salary of postmaster .,.,.,..,, , .,,,_,,., 323 p¢ll¤l0¤ .. _ -.-. T . . . . - .-..·--· permits for travel in foreign' ships between Hcvlmqn. Cwhmm E. (www), Pacific Coast and, allowed to Feb- Hpension . · . 1618 ruary 1, 1922 ..,,_,_,,_,,,,,,,,,,., 997 ¢¤’¢m¢§7¢, ZWOMJ, privately owned lands within Hawaii Na- Hpensnon increassd 1622 tional Park, may be acquired by artt, Bertha M., governor of . 452

Ym611t {0 ---··--·-.··----.·--···--··--· 1627 salary, etc, of clerk of district court in, to

U I’¤wl4!¢, L¢1¤·‘l’¢T¤¢¢, Kam-, correspond to that of United States . appropriation for Indian school . 13, 418, 1236 dim-get eenm ,_,________________ _ _ _ 1413 ale authorized of tract in school re- pgeelnmntien rate;-ing te, lidjtheugg ree. _ ¤¤!V€- · t ··-··--···-···-·-·-·-··-·. 419 ervation, Honolulu ..., 1751 Horhlh Ltda (wedvw), 1575 Bggfui Island.,} ...,,.,,,,,,, B; 1742 P6¤¤10¤ ·-·-·--··- ; -···-···--··--···----··- ~ · tra erring to errito of, title to u Hum, Hqnmh (www), no property oe1oar`l.y the Repuliilo . 1786 pension increased 1539 Hawaii National Park, Hawaii, Hamnys, yeh., _ _ _ gpgropnouon for ., 204, 918,1407 appropriation for public building .. 165 e ciency appropriation for ... 348 H¤¢¤w<§g;1R¤.f¤• 8-. ,6,3 privately owned ands linblmay boacquired 452 -·; -—···----·-·---·-····-··--·· governoro the errito %?TCasgne R. (daughter), Hawes, Mgrtho E. (willow), ry Hpenswn mcressed . : .. . ... 1510 pgngign ,_______________________________ _ _ 1524 Glth, ·Mll1y Ellen R. (U7'ld0’w), Hqwkfng, Georg; S, l>¢¤¤w¤ 1¤¤'¤¤¤<¤1 --·---·--·-·----·-·.-.. . 1495 pension increased 1545 Hmm, W S., Hawley, William F. (om), pa ent to, for damages nom tire ..,., ]4$0 mum _ _____ _ __________________________ 1581 Holm , H5; 011 ···-- ; ·-·--·----··- _ -···-~--·····-· 483 appropriation for diffusing commercial in-

 Katherine Wheeler (wtdorw), formation of supply, market prices,

P¤¤¤1¤¤ ----·-·---------..-.-.-.. . 1570 etc., oi .,.. , 265, 724, 1342