Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/533

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INDEX. 1951 Indian Departm.en¢—Contjnued. Page. Indian Department—Cont:inued. Page. appropriation for support, etc., of Sho- deficiency appropriation for school, Lawshones. Wyo .. 30, 433, 1247 rence, §ans ... . .,,,_,, , 66, 348 for school, Shoshone Reservation, Wyo. 30, for Indians at Klamath Agency, Oreg.. . 66 _ 433, 1247 for school, Carlisle, Pa ... . 66, 345 for ééiliilling treaty with Shoshggieisés 124 ger school, Pierre, S. Dak .. 66 _ yo", . , , 7 or school, Hayward, Wis ... 66, 348, 1186 for irrigation, Shoshone Reservation, for school, Shoshone Reservation,Wyo. 66,1186 , {Wie;. ‘‘=‘‘ · ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ - ‘‘‘‘ w ‘ 3°’ 433* ’i§§ f°' E§°““g ‘“°"’°“°* ei? 323*%*%% its 1186 or rve nirnga 011 roject, y0.~,,, ns ...,...,,,,., 5, ,. ‘, , for irrigating additionafceded lands; re- for general expenses . 345, 1039, 1042, 1186 payment- .. 30, 433 for school, Fort Bidwell, Calif _  : . 345 for rvorads, etc., Shoshone Reservgtgogés 124 for ofnonreservat.ionInd1a3¥n; $3 H86 yo , , 7 ev . . . , , for additional amounts from tribal fimds for school, Chilocco, Okla .. 345,1039, 1042 for support, etc., of spediie<§1I;1é3 1247 ger Indian poli<fe..N. .. . . .5 H 3481521%,1186 dians ... , , or water su , ava 0 an 0 n- gold, etc., mining leases allowed on diaus, .. J 348, 523, 1042, 1172 reserved mineral lands of Indian for school, Riverside, Calif . 1%8,1171,l186 reservations in designated States. . 31 for school, Cherokee, N. C- . 348, 1171 regulamons governing prospecting, for school, Bismarck, N. Dak ... 348, 1186 royalties, etc .. , ... 32 for school, Wahpeton, N . Dak. . . 348, 523, 1141 no public lands to be withdrawn for for support, etc? Cluppewas of Lake Ipcéian reservations except by act a4 f Superitotr, 348, 1042, 1045, 11;:1 o ongress. ... " or costs, e ·., ne sui . u for investigation of Indian Service by for encouraging self sugm, etc. 523, 1042,1186 inemberigof House Commrttee on 34 ger sc§ools,gP?wnoes, ... . . lirgg ndran aus . ... orscoo,.aem,O1‘0g ... . .·.· , > powers conferred, employees, etc . 34 for timber culture, etc ...-· 1039, 1186 alienaition restg&ct£onsfurt§1erexteg'11iIed Eor school, lg; N. .. on es1gn' at ua aw nd1an` ot- or su o c poos, . _ , tees, em ____.,. .,.,... 1 248 for mglgjnetc., Shoshone Reservation, mining leases allowed on restricted Wyo . ... 1039 allotments; State tax permitted, etc. 1249 for inspectors ... _ _ . . 1042 for Clarence W. Turner and Mrs. William for support, etc., Chippewas of the Mrs- B. Hord, from Creek Nation funds,. 1249 sissippi, Minn . _ 1 042 for irrigation system, Crow Indian Reser- for siiipport, Blackieet Agency Indians, vation, Mont., from tribal funds 196 ont . 1 ... 1042, 1171 for bridge, etc., Shivwits Reservation; . for school, Carson City, Nev ... 1042, 1171 repayment ... Z 196 for support of Pawnees, ete. Okla- . _1042, 1171 deficiency appggmriation for suppression of for irnglation, Yakima Resewahon, liquort c .. 61, 64, 66,1186 Was 1042,1172 for school and agency buildings. . .. 61, for support of Fort Peck Agency In- 64, 66, 345, 348, 1039, 1042, 1186 dians, Mont., . _ 1171 for transporting pupils ... 61, 345, 1042 for school, Phoenix, Ariz ... _ . . 1171 for supplies; purchase, transportauon,61 62 for snfpport, et§., Eolville, etc., Agencies un etc ... . . , , nr mos, as . _ ... 64, 66, 345, 348, 523, 1042, 1171, 1186, 1191 for school, Pipestone, Minn ... 1171, 1186 for irrigation, Colorado River, Ariz. . 61, 64, 66 for support of .loseph’s Band of Nez _ for water supply, Papago Indian villages, Perces, 11 ash . . ... 1 le l Ariz .,,,,.,,., 62 64, 66, 345, 1172 for school, _(¤unoa, Nebr  : .., _ . . . 1171 for 'lixrtgllgdountain Band of Chippewas, 62 for irénagatnon, Port Hall Reservation, un N_ ____ _ ______________ _ , _____ , 0 . . ; .. . .. : ·--· · · for Five Civilized Tribes 62, 1186 for irri%tion, Jcznez and Zia Pueblos, _ for Modoc Point irrigation project, Kia- N._ er ... , 1l¢2 math Reservation, Oreg ... . . - 62 for irrigation, Blackfoot Reservation, for Sioux Indians, different tribes .. 62, _Mont._ , . , . 1172 66, 345, 346, 523, 1042, 1186 for irngatuon, Granado proyect, N*V*J° for school, Rapid City, S. Dak . ... 62, 346 Reservation, Ariz ... _ . 1 172 for support of schools . - 64, for pumping plants, Sm Xavier Reser- 345, 523, 1039, 1042, 1045, 1171, 1186, 1191 vation, Ariz . . , . . 1172 for telegraphing and telephoning .. - . 64, for surveying allotrng, etc ... . 1172 66, 345, 523, 1039, 1042, 1186 for h§hway, liesa \· erde Park to Gall\1P» for school, Truxton Canyon, Ariz ... 64 . . Mex. ., .-· _ .. . , . 1172 for school, Greenville, alif. 64, 523, 1042, 1171 for suppressing contagious diseases for school, Albuquerque, N . Mexéégiéég 1 f arnlrong lrvfe - . . .1; . i 1172 , , or xvnee n , ‘ ; vmeu, for school, Tomah, Wis. 64, 66, 1039,1042, 1186 for purchase of lands_from . . . . . 1172 for grigation, Shoshone Reservationéi 1172 §or incr;0s$;:(%ff:(r£pne§§ttg§k. . ._ ..-- - - 0 ____ ___ ______ ,,___,, ,,._ ., O1‘SlI -··-- for schgol, Fort Mojave, Ariz .. - 66, for sclgool, Flandreau, S. Dak ... 1186 345, 1039, 1042, 1171 for support, ctc., Shoslrones Wyo. - t... 1186 for support of Indians in Arizona and for Indians of Wind River Reservation, New Mexico ., 66. 1042, 1186. 1191 Wyo.._. ._ . : 1186 for school, Kickapoo Reservation, Kaus. 66, 523 for determming hens of deceased allottee. 1191