Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/561

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INDEX. 1979 Marine Corps Reserve-Continued. _ Page. Marines, etc.-Continued. Psgs. enrolled rnen; not to exceed authorized preference in clerical, etc., eppointnients, pu eiiéisted strenggth zerinfter, b dilszgartnggnts, etc., _ ` , gwgncgs, 9 c ,,______,,___,,____ onora ’ or ° femalredmembers to be placed on inactive widows .. ... 37 ut ... . . - 138 wives of in'ured ... members iii service rpay be given tempo- preference right for two years of, discharged 37 rary civil appointments; pay ... 138 from service in late war, to make may qniiagify for civil service certihcates homestead entry, etc., on opened to I vacancies . 138 public lands ... . .. 434 termination of temporary appointments. 138 . draftgd men refusing to serve, etc., exappropnation for pay of reservists trans- eluded _____ _ ___________________ _ _ 434 ferred, etc S 138 travel at one cent a mile allowed wounded pay resmctwns ----.--.. 138 or disabled, on furlough from hospersong serving as officers on active duty itg]5 ,,_,_______________ _ __________ 975 in, since April 6, 1917, eligible to Marion 8wn% Miss., gégrmnnent commissions in Marine 830 Mmay carl River ___________________ 391 , rpsfj""°"':"""""""""' anonv "' '7 Harm; Nulumal, appropriation for expenses, Volunteer exhibits from bepartment of Qommerce So1diers’ Home .,,, , ,,,,,__, 191, 904, 1395 may be furnished for, without ex- deiicien appropriation for Volunteer _ penseto United States . ... 550 S0C?d161'S, Home. . 47, 1028 Manne Hospitals (see also Public Health Maritime Came: (see Admiralty Causes). Service), Maritinw Lima (au also Ship Mortgage Act, appropriation for Chicago, Ill., improve- 1920) ments 167 persons furnishing repairs, etc., entitled to, for Cincinnati, Ohio, repairs, etc. .. 167 for necessaries ... . .. 1005 for Mobile, Ala., remodeling, etc.. .. 167 enforcement, etc .. 1005 for Philadelphia, Pa., remodeling, etc. - 167 Maritime Tarts, for Savannah, Ga., officers’ quarters, actions allowed againstGovernment owned, etc ... Z . 167, 875 etc., merchant vemels .. 525 work under Supervising Architect 167 Marvlx, Grace F. (widow), for Boston, Mass., buildings 875 Mpension increased 1599 for Fort Stlanton, N. Mex., remodelixggs 1368 Stgglgs, 6 mu b wer ouse, etc ... 7 , cans ow yna 0 secured y for Cgiro, IH., repairs .. 1368 bills of lading, etc., for nonperishable 296 for Louisville, Ky., repairs . 1368 limit to one person in twelve months 297 for Mobile, Ala., alterations, etc 1368 Markets and Cmp Estimates Bureau, Departfor San Francisco, Calif., alterations, etc . 1368 ment of Agriculture, for Stapleton, N. Y., alterations, etc 1368 appropriation for salaries . 1341 for remodeling camp, etc., facilities for or general expenses .. _ .. 1 341 discharged soldiers, etc., turned over {or distributing information on marketfrom War Department . 1368 ing, etc., arm products, purchasing for repairs and preservation . 168, 876, 1368 supplies, etc . _ .. 1 341 for mechanical equipment for. . . 168, 876, 1369 studying losses in_ transit, etc 1342 for maintenance 175, 884, 1376 for co ectingghdistnbuting, ctc. market adgnissiog of contagious, etc., case?75 884 plniieuigal lirwéelstotgk, triieats, fish, agri- 1349 orstu y- ,. , c p uc ,e ·..., .. ... deficiency appropriation for maintenance, 45 for cerzfyilnlg condgtiogx, etcgsgf interctc .,,,,..,.., sta s pmeu 0 pens e arm Marina Insurance Associatiom, products ... 1 . _ . 1342 antitrust prohibitions not_ applicable to, certificates facie evidence of formed for apportnoning risks among facts stat . 2 ... Z .. _ . 1 342 M I qmhrigrgggtgzermyf ,__...,,.,. 1000 for grading, balmg, etc., mves- 1342 (Z1'1.7L¢ A C , , In IIS . . . . . . .. . . .. . appropriation for expenses oi, New York, for coogerative employment of agents, to Massachusetts, and Wuhingtonu . 134, 814 di use information for marketing Marines, etc., ~ {arm Eglducus, etc", Z . 1342 appmpréadtisogn for vocdasticiszld rehabilitation 887 for grain dlmg, gadmg, etc., mves- 1342 o hnged . . tigations .. . for medical, etc., services for discharged for com lling, etc., data relating to crops disabled, under Public Health Serv- 1376 { an bye I I . . 1342 ice .,.. or I!111l8 . IDBHCAII P IICBXB deficiency agpropriation for hosgntal care, infomation of world supply_ and deetc., o discharged sickan disabled, mand for American agncultunl patients under Public Health Serv- 377 produgts, etch; . . : . _. . - 1342 me _,,,, , ,... . ..,..., coo ra on wi agencies, orgamzafor expenses, vocational rehabilitation of t:1I;>ens,_et.c . : ... 1342 discharged disabled , ... 504, 1020 for adrmmetrat1ye_expenses . -: . 1343 pay allowance increased under excep— duties of Statistics and Crop Estimates tions] circumstances ..,...,.,.. 1021 Bureaus transferred to .. 1343 for medical treatment, etc., of, war risk for enforcing Cotton Futures Act ..- 1343 insurance patients . . . 507, 591 for enforcing Standards Act ... 1343 no pasport fees regiired of relatives of, to for administering Warehouse _Act ... 1343 visit graves ereoi abroad. 750 for enforcing Standard Contamer Act...- 1343