Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/664

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2082 mnnx. San Juan River, Page. Sama Barbaqa lVaz·abnal Forest, Uald, Page. appropriation for bridging, Shiprook, N. appmpnatxon for manntenance, etc., of.._.. 250 Mex.; repayment from funds of _709, 132é Navajos , ... 18 right of way through, to L0eAngeles, Calif., for reconstructing approach to Indian for power works, etc ... 983 klridze Mm. M Farminzwn, N- 1239 sam cum 1cim,f b dsc . °’E ·-·· · - - ·: -·-··-··-···--·-·- · · · appropriation or constructing ri SM IMM 01**-*1*0, Calif, across, Shivwits Indian Reservapreliminary examination, etc., oi harbor, tion, Um], _________________________ 196 San`M_a"Q:nb6m8d€... 10].3 Sangagvecounly, -d im . E md expo I. to, when rezm ursement 0, or int2erest psu on wm;5 wheat Hour, prohibited; ex- bonds them°f’ '`‘‘'`''°'’ 947 ceptions ... 1759 Sam F¢»_N; M¢¤·» _ canceled ____ ____________________ _______ 1773 appropy-mpg;] {9]- lndjau school _,,,_ 18,422, 1238 · or public bmlding . 166 San Pedro, Calgf., . . . . appwmtim foggublic building __________ 166 deficiency apprognqtnon for Indian school. 1039 investigation of vimmmy, ew., of mb- me <>f pubkc bueidmzy for Lmwd Stms marine base at, by joint special courts rescmded 356 committee ..,. 820 Santa Fe National Forest, N. Mu., San Salmdor, Salvador, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 250, appropriation for improving grounds, etc., _ _ _ 709, 1328 legsmcn at 1214 proclamatmn modifying area of ... 1806 San X mnkr Indian Rcservaubn, Ariz., excluded lands opened to settlement 1807 =¤ppr¤pri»¢i¤¤ f¤r <>1><>¤~¤¤z pumping sam umm, can ., . _ Plants, 6*% °1}—-_ ··~-·-·····- 11»_416»1?32 appropriation for expenses, Volunteer d€fi<>1¢¤¢Y ¤PP¤>P¤¤¤°¤ f°Y P'¤¤P¤¤S So]diers’ Home ...,,,,,,,,.. 191, 904, 1394 _Phmt•$» em -····•··-··--··-···- ~ · · · 1172 dciicicnc appropriation for Volunteer Seymwfw, _ SOKii8l’B’ Home-. . . 47, 334, 1028,1167, 1190 mdu¤?enlea%c01101 for, may be withdrawn Sam Rm Sound Fla o tax . 321 · · ’ · " · f N mm, etc. required----.---I-·..--'·•· €X$ID.1D$tI01], Btc., 0 , Q1'- 8cru¥2‘ru.l=, qc., Imgazm Project, omg., gf? ;°Q;°ghgh°°*“W““h“ Bu ml appzopmmon for mamtemnce, etc., of, ’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘ · mm umn mms 409,1243 S¤~¢~1ve··¢v· S- Dah-» . 8andPoint, Wash., approprmtnon for support, etc., of Indmns investigation as to udvisability, etc., of at ----~·-~--······---·-··------·- · 434 aviation base at, by special joint Santee River, committee 820 bridge authorized across, Murmys Ferry, time extended for report of special ‘oint S. C ,.., , ,_,,,_ 1102 committee investigating naval base Santee River Bnlige Commission, st. ._ ._ 1088 bridge authorized across Santee River by, S¢mder.g,.4lmna(1mdow), and South Carolina State Highway pension .. _ 1600 Department, at Murray Ferry, S, C. 1102 Sanders, May A. (wadmv), Santee Simu: Indians (see Sxoux Indians, pension  : . 2 .. . 1551 _ Different Tribes). Scndcrg, Paulmc (wsdmv), Santmgo, Chile, S ... 1478 sppmpriatioxa for pu5c1}aseE;¤};§B of buildpom 1 an nm s or at . 742 appropriation ior ¥ublic building .. 166 Santiam inéztiona?%'orest, Oreg., y lands granted to, or protecting water sup- appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 250,

.. 077117 me ominican e u 'c.

,,ic§‘{·  ;,;,z‘;¤;e;;a ‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘ H3? SMD · ( D R bh ’°°· M mineralexglpomta reserved; other use for- Saranac Y., P ) blddéll --··---------·---..-... 1197 sppmpriation for public building .,,,____, 166 regort of use, etc, to be made 1197 Sanztoga, Wyo., 0l’f€|tUY90Df&il1\T€,€@0 ... ... 1198 appropriation for fish h3tchg]·y’ quartgrg Swdc, _M¢¤ii¤ri¢ (wid¤·¤>, and auxiliary station at sage Creek: 1423 S Ixlnuixgyn 1480 Satra, James V}, ¤ ’ » 1**. ent to, or damages ,,,_______ appropriation for public building .. 166 Sgma, Vinmk E. (dauglfrzgff Em 1460 Scniummq. Company of Portland, Ong.! pension _________________ _ ____________ ___ _ 1573 approprmlion for care, etc., Alaskan mmne Savannah, Ga., Patients ···-·-····-·--··-..- 916, 1405 s ro riation for mgm; ‘ · $•¤·*¢¤w B··#e¢~· !·¤¢¢¤¤·¢¤¥m•¤k pp pquarters. ... T3. 167 appropriation for annual share of mainte- for marine hospital, remodeling bui1d· . ¤¤¤¤*= -·-·--·- 7 ·-----··-- ; ---·-- 745, 1211 ings, etc ... . . . $75 Saértjliaczibgfggvcnrcz, garggrnlzflgrrwtwwl, 1022 acquiriugsim for new; crop plnnts_propw S _ _ P PI; ·P ···-·- · ·-······ _ g¤|Z10l1,ptC.,¤tstionat,a.uLh0nged-.. 730 www"; \“"“€ H ld _ _ _ bndgeputhonzed gcrogs Savannah R1\’€f8t 1366 8PP1'¤P¤¤·¤9¤ 0F B ¤¤V9¤¤g¤·*·10¤ <>f, bY prehmmary exammation, em., of, harbor Public Health Service. . 176,885 1377 to be mad · ‘ ‘ . » e, for cousohdating all Sma F¤r'>~¤» ¢`¤*v‘-7 . pmgecu .. . 1011 pre t10u, enc., of, harbor umgie;0 seggoing dgedgg ··Cumbe,hmd·· ° ················~··· - ·· W13 fo pmwct for unprcving harbor of-- 1014