Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1251

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1224 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. CHS. 66, 67. 1923. V¤r17.1>-59- prescribed by said Act of Congress approved May 2, 1872, and to smmy. secure said bonds, qr any of ltfiem, byi mortgage or other lien upon all or an ortion o its ranc ises an property. ,*;i¤;igl*g,jj,ji¤k;;mO_m, Sec. 2i, That the capital stock of The Texas and Pacific Railway ¤:,Vmpi}»asea;_5 G `d Company, heretofore fixed by: 1ts board of directors pursuant to the ,d_°‘ °""°’ ""““‘ ‘ pgovisions of said Act of ongress approved March_ 3, 1871, at '0,000,000, may be increased at apy time, or from time to tune, not to exceed in the aggregate $5,000,009, by resolution of its comm 0, smb board of directors duly adopted at a meet1ng thereof held in achomcrs- cordance with its by-laws and with the consent of the holders of a majority in amount of its then outstanding capital stock, expressed by vote in person or by proxy at a meeting of said stockholders called for the purposiz upon such notice as its by-laws require for the calling of such specia meeting. tiggzgrgf-» °’ °‘*‘”‘ Any additional share of capital stock so authorized shall be entitled tobsuch right? privileges, ang priorities and prefeiénqps and bg su `ect to suc imitations an restrictions as may etermine by Jresolution of the board of directors with like consent of the holders of majority in amoimt of the then outstanding caplital stock $§f§g· Pow, 0, of The Texas and Pacific Railway Comipany: Prmzzded, hat each Shares- sharq of outstanding capital stoc , pps, eigred or connqloné shall gg entitle to one vote at every stockho ers meeting, w ic may voted in erson or b written ro . ¤¤iii1¤}ri¢;t¤i2wi=ilt¤Smt8 Sec. 3.PThat all sdwer andlizutilibrity granted by this Act, or by any of the aforesaid, Acts, shall be subject in its exercise to the provisions of the Interstate Commerce Act, or any Act amendatory _ thereof or supplemental thereto from time to time in force. m1Qi,‘{$§;°,§,,1,°§‘°gf, °{,‘g Sec. 4. That a copy of the resolution of the board of directors glng*g¤;*gtI¤¤¤¤ Ds- and of the stockholders, or of the proceedings at a stockholders’ ` meetin , authorizing any such increase in capital stock, or the issuance ofgan such bonds, and of the order of the Interstate Commerce C . . Y . . iommission or other governmental agency authorizing the same, certified b the secretary of The Texas and Pacific Railway Company, shalllbe filed and recorded in the De(partment of the Ilnterior, and when so filed shall be sufficient evi ence of the power and authority of The Texas and Pacific Railway Company to issue such Comm domed additional stock or bonds. citizen {rms, for Sec. 5. That The Texas and Pacific Railway Company, for the ‘°*“‘p“’p°°°$· purposes of all actions at_ law bv or against it, real, personal, or mixed, and all suits in equity, shall be deemed a citizen of the State Proz·iao._ of Texas and an inhabitantof the county of Dallas, in said State: m,§j§{g§;‘g;sggF;g [*mz~ided, That no civil suit m tort brought against said railway emcmurs. company in the State courts of Louisiana or Arkansas may be removed by said railwaycomspany to any court of the United States on account of diverse citizen 1p. Approved, February 9, 1923. Februa 9 19*23. [S.J.gesll2. ggAp_ _... in R A ‘ ‘ · · - ·i———-——p.b.Rs.,N..L3.] Sm., S.§%q.£s§eO§S°é`$§3%”(i¤`ét£‘r§€»‘§‘t§i}*t.? £?f€3“££d’§?;‘p%’.i *§i°iE’£Z§’ZS thousand nine hundred and two tons of sugar imported from the Argentine Republic. ma _ _ _ Resolcecl by the Senate and H ousc of Representative.; o the U nited

 States of America in Uoytgress assembled, That the Pregdent is auggigoaggéginpgnéd thorizedto require theUnited States SugarEqua1ization Board (Incor-

Gmgxém dkeigggr porated) to take over from the corporation, American Trading Comn * and the copartnership B. H. Howell S d Com any a P3 5; , ,» _ , <>¤a¤_ P ., certain transaction entered mto and carried on by said corporation and copartnership at the request, under direction and as agents of the Department of Justice and Department of State, which transaction