Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1272

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sixricsnvnnrn oononnss. sm. iv. GHS. 7;;-75. iezs. 1245 and the northeast quarter of section twenty-four, township thirty- nine north, range five west, Mount Diablo meridian, conveyed by deed dated July 4, 1922: Provided, That said lands shall thereupon {;°@°;,dd d become a part of the Shasta National Forest and subject to all laws ¤¤¤==lf¤r¤s¤· 8 to mr relating thereto except the mineral land laws. · Sec. 2. That the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to pay mPf,*:§“*,’°' '°°°‘d‘ the expense of recording of the deed and taxes for the current year g me- éroin the appropriation made for general expenses of the Forest • BPVICG. Approved, February 13, 1923. CHAP. 74.—An Act To permit the State of Montana to exchange cut-over timber- Febrélriglgillgmi 1;:;:1; ggnted for educational purposes for other lands of like character and approxi- [Public, N0- 410-1 ue. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Uongress assembled, That tracts of Ofmom timbered lands heretofore granted to the State of Montana for edu- s¤1¤¤¤11¤¤¤l§f¤rr¤f¤r¤S¤- cational purposes, from which the timber has been cut or removed mg by' pursuant to State laws, may, under such rules and regulations as the legislature of said State shall prescribe, be exchanged for other lands of like character and approximately of equal value, in private ownership, which exchanged land shall be subject to the same requirements and limitations to the end that the State may acquire holdings in reasonably compact form and reforesting be undertaken in an economic manner, anything in the enabling act of said State to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, February 14, 1923. Feb 14,1923. CHAP. 75.-An Act Providing for the acqnirement by the United States of rl§lrg702-1 privately owned lands situated within certain townships in the I.incoln_National lP¤bu°» N°· 411-] a1r;)e2;iti;ii;l;elS}tlage New Mexico, by exchanging therefor lands on the public domain C . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the mu km ti U, United States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever the esi i~:°?nexi m °r` owner or owners of any privately owned lands, situated within town- ,,§,§,,°*?‘§§,‘i‘§,,,,?,Q,,(}‘f°"" ship eighteen south, range eleven east, or townships fifteen sixteen, seventeen, eiohteen, and nineteen south, range twelve east, Npew Mexico principal meridian, within the county of Otero and State of New Mexico, and within the present boundaries of the Lincoln National Forest, shall submit to the Secretary of Agriculture a proposal for the exchange of said lands for lands uppn the public domain situated in the county of Otero and State of New Mexico, and such Secretary shall be of opinion that the acquircment of the same by the United States for national forest purposes would be beneficial thereto. he is hereby authorized and empowered to transmit to the Secretary of the Interior such offer so made to him. together with such recommendations as he may see proper to make in connection therewith, together with a description of the property included in such offer and an estimate of the commercial or other value thereof, intrinsically or otherwise; and if he shall recommend the acquirement of the same by the United States under the provisions hereof, then, and in such event. the Secretary of the Interior shall be, and hereby is, authorized and empowered in his discretion to enter into and conclude negotiations with such owner or owners thereof and in exchange for such designated privately owned lands, and upon conveyance by the owner or owners thereof to the United States by a