Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1606

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xvi mox. Armored Vehicles, Army, Page Army—Continued. _ _ _ Page. appropriation for purchase, etc . 743, 1404 appropnation for furmshing to adjutants deficiency appropriation for . 458, 1167, 1555 wlilaaélwf States, et? statemenlts of - Ame _ or ar servroe 0 persons therejZ”4§,' A“4$Z4e44Z44§t., · from ----- _ ·---—-------·----------- 721 sale of unclaimed, seized along the Mexi- for P*Y» etc-1 11*19 and staff Omcem ··-·~· 73, can border, under Espionage Act- . . 1012 limited to 12 000 Omcem etc 721, Arms, etc., rod tionin;1 mb f, exporting, to American countries, etc, uc . . ll er (T gm asv G c ··-· 721 where domestic violence exists pro; P’°m°'E’°"s l¤¤¤¤*·=d PHO" 40 January 1*

     thereafter. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .  

4x44p114¤4`44&`1&i4i{é471444 '°``` ``°`° 361 ¤li¤¤¤g)¤¤¤ 0* excess Of e¤¤l·¤ri¤¤<¤l · · · '°‘'` num ers .. 722 £,"“”"“‘4444 44$€§iZ.Y§‘iE,$;?4'iZ4‘.‘;1·.‘::;:iii: $2} egggglclg ·>lgggg1g,;¤g,gg,4;;481;;r~¤¢ 723 A"""·$» mw A?"’”!/> . board of general officers to recommend appropnahon for manufactmmg, etc., at nllnnnntionn, etc ___________ _ ______ 723 den . ’·'m°“°“ ··-- . 4;--1 ········ f ·· 9r 74% percentage of assignments to grades-,. 723 cwncy °'pPr°Pm“· mn or manu “tm"’· · 7 l1m1tation on pay of officers promoted , *5** 78* M6- 1167 as spam hereafter ... me Army (MI5; also Re¤<l1¤¤tm<>¤t of Army, boysthunller 21 1141 14 be enlisted ¤· · 4 t ts eppwpgialggu fzgll plrltinsencies, <>é8’1¤g[1i7 178 { . 1384 _ _01‘ GCM 0 ir -··-.-... or ational uard Officers .. 73, 723, 1384 ClV1l£l3I1 ernployees on sales of war sup- {oi- ogiclml Rolwm, Corps ______ _ 73, 723, 1384 1*11651 *l·l1]'·l¤tl¤§B¢18llll¤4 9ll¢··- $8471741379 pay I1m1tations for active duty; ex- ¤¤r1zl¤¤ l<><><l¤t¤ my be ¤¤1<l to eepuom . ..._,,.,.,.,, 73, 723 444Z"*’3‘£§ ZZ4’°‘g“4444S§?‘§?‘44"44"i44‘4L4;4°4’ m PaAyl'I11’ °;c·i10%{p(1d¢gcl:ltII}é;·L?;vg6 \?0U91'9.l1rpBi8I} .°¥4ZY ······················ . ~-;·· 717»1379 Bureau patients ,, , ,,,_ ei ,,,., 7 4, 723 civilian employees, pay restriction- . . 68, for wmapg 0{pcem _______________ 74,723,13% 717,1379 reduction m number band leaders fol` Gélleml Staff College ______________ _ 69 excepted.--. l · I l . » 723

  • 0* Gweml S$¤fl.C<>f1>¤» Military l¤f<>r— Mine Planter. SSl"V1£!C--·£{1l1i1;);'i£é(i

u_g1g;;¤ Que, g---6 · - -, --—-·· 694 7174 1379 411414114. 1 723 4441411444 41 foreign 44m1Z4biiY’4¥i4 1379 °’ “§“§‘°° “""°°"°· °‘“°°’“ ····· · "*· 72471384 dull . etc , 11 ¢X 11 Qdtoallbmnchesofseruce ...- 724 · ·1 °°“"°°° ········-···-··· 379 f<>rl<>¤gev1ty ay, OECGYB 74, 724, 1:184

 gggilmggeéfgf; ;‘;1€i°;’g&é ----··--··-· $8 for psagffof enfisted mon of the lim, and

144 Coast miuery se11o41. . I I I I I I ZZ 70 41441,4;,; '3{ ‘ `Z ‘`‘°'`‘’° ,4; 4* 724* *38* for contmge' ncies, headquarters of ter- fm-n' 0m’ mmpo mm f Arg:-1•fiaWdep(it)1ilirnents, etc .- 70, 718, 1379 lg 74 °l‘ Y ll-? Ggé ---··--·-.- 8, 1380 for School of the Line and General Staff enlti)siu53i1(i(i0allov7zince-repec].- · 4 - • . ° N College, Fort Leavenworth, Kaus- 719, 1380 number provided for '`'` 1384 f<>1·_pcst_ exchanges, etc .. 83, 719, 1380 mnxnnlnn stm ll ‘‘·· · ········ 7 724 l1 ¤1¤¢¤ wd h<>¤ie¤¤_ houses 83, 719,1380 for National Gnnrngt ‘‘‘‘‘········· .1 {E4 1384 use for schools for children forbidden, _ lm. Enllnlnd llwing 2 _ li l l • 74 f Hi , 0l‘ avis 1on increase; enjsted men Air °€£¤44°§4’34’3€°°44444"° %?4‘i,;.1m4;.4; ···· iii} Same; ··¤1¤*>·4·~1¤¤¤>¤ ---- 74 724. 1484 for Enlisted Reserve Corps . . Om- 133] wggnidmug cadets 8‘H°W°d ···· 13;: f l1 d ` -·-H. · ‘‘*‘‘· ·:·.···, ···-·-•-~- · {JS §34§l3?$§§4f'3£‘§§§4?T4”a§l&‘ 4% 4484 f°' 4““”““’4 ‘“°“’ P‘“”"""‘° S°°“*°"‘741, 15314 R°°""’° °m°°'“ T“"”“‘gC°'l’”--119 lggl {M lvnzelrity, enlisced men . 74, 724; 1384 . . 0 ‘”·€.f,’“4,,‘?",4°,,§‘, °“"?°# mm eumme lo; ?·?¥l1$4'€E¤’Zi?4°4fl*4°§4’2144 11.17,2; Zi 331*4 332 uniforms E? ° ° i ' °s%g);:k86’ for €HHBt€d HIGH- . . . . . price e11}1411£’41 me emgsor isslié e49’ 4382 '°§tlf;fl§§,‘{,l;“lg‘j;‘l§§d*W° .°m°°¤ ml 4 enlisted m ; 44%‘$¥4?§;?;l°“3;‘§.?.?‘424·‘41;114;7444:,"14Z?°*mz 4,, P7><m¤¤*·¤ 71 vmeed --·------ $4- 1484 t bidde;nn£_ ., 6 gc; . ,: ______ 720,1382 égmtyed °¤1l¤¤¢<1 men on a_;l11';g4 1384 ¤=¤¤p0_ mu, compe YB 111 nation;] for mtlmri;nn: · ·: ··-—-·-·---— · · 4 » nile etch ____ _ _________ _ _____ ·, 1 Pllle Scout o$cers ,,,_, 74 fo!‘ B1] illld BqHipm€Dt fol' other for xetpled pay c1{erkF` ` '`‘ ` 74* $4414 Rnd ooueges. . so 720 1382 $0*7711171 V°4°"““"“““ ······ 7‘*»72‘*· 1384 144 44.44, 44444444 4441£m441,444.’44’ 43£$l§£E’22°4"‘3§“°°£§,C§‘,f§,§‘;§§{““ ·-·· 72 'ts f R 0 · Tm·¤’,·,,g » -. cue o 7 gglrpsf). - . .._,_ (ir? _____ 720 f°' °1°l'l‘€· €l<>·4 at headquarters, ect? 75 for exparésles of civilian tminixyég wmpyjéol 1382 lg; ggglélgaaépeyl forem service .. 75 8%*% tr GXCGIIQ World ar veterans 1333 in pn 0 qumt°m’ ew ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 75 uxllfouml nm, rn Surnlus stock 720 1383 r commutation of quarters, etc., field pnce curretnt at time of issue to g(§`}8m ’ q4°4k°é3:u°'lg°G'm““1" -·——· f - - - 75 .,, _ _____  ; partme - Wyman `'’ 720* 1383 lddeu .. . _,,, _ _ 75