Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1639

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xmmx. Xhx Chirw——-Continued. Pam- China Trade Act, 1922—C0uti.nued. P¤:¢· appropriatiou for student interpreters at registrar; subpcnuasby, for attendance, prolegation -----·--.-.. . . . 601, 1070 duction of evidence, etcqauthorizedg for customs tariff revision .,.,.. 610 depositions ________________________ 353 for inquiry into extra tenitoriality in. . . 610 agigmucc of Fgdeml coun; ,,_______,_ 354 for egnpcnses of American prisoners, etc., attending and testifying compulsory 854 M1 ... . . . 610, 1077 pcmomxl immunity; Perjury excepted, 854 for rentals for troops iu. .. 84, 733, 1393 corporations to afford regmuar, em., access for pqmerving monuments, etc., be sol- to books, etc ..,...,,,,,,,, 854 _ dl€l‘S who fell un . 758, 1418 penalty for refusal; recovery ..,.. . . . 854 defimemar appropmtion for payment to, as directors to be trustees for creditors on in emnity to designated persons, voluntary dissolution, etc .. 854 etc ... 1161 others authorized on application to Court balance fmééexterrimrigl inquiries in, con· for ... 854 tinu . . ... 1548 were co e ... 854 for tariff revision ... 1548 reguolations to be prescribed; fees allowed, balances of appropriations for transporting ctc ... 854 Chinese refugees to, covered m . 755 false statements of stock, financial transcollectflon, etc., of estate tax, of citizens 283 actgrlisxéagc., by a stockholder, etc., ying in ... . . ...,. pm i 855 payment to Government of, for sinking of amount of ca ital stock 'd in etc. . 855 of a. Chinese junk by steamship punishment for? . ’ .. 855 Uh Cl; Palos" .. 1487 peualt¥ for %_na§1t1X;>rized use of "Fedeml, ina y, nc., . . ." . 855 duty on .. 869 gxrisdictiou of courts; venue of suits .. 855 China Trade Act, 1922, ederal income-tax amendments . 855 apgropriation for expenses, executing . 1113 China. Trade Act corporation provisionsu. 855 de cieucy appropriation for expenses exe- credit allowed for proporti0u_of dividends cuting, under Department of Com- 050 resideutg of Clxixga.; hmigagion 855 merce ... . . . 1 cert cate to omm1ss1011er 0 n definition of terms used . . 849 Revenue ... 856 registrar to be designated; an 0Hicer of the _ additionaljzo other payments ... 856 Department of Commerce ... 850 in propomon to shares owned, etc .. 856 official station in China . 850 ownership of smc}:. 856 functions under supervision of Secretary of "Chimf’ . . .: ... 856 of Commerce ... 850 corporamorl tax 011 mcome m excess of corporations for business in China mag be C;\’0d1tB ...·. . ..-.·..·· I---: 856 formed in the District of Colum ia., 850 ChmaTrhde Act corporaigmus mcluded- 856 articles of incorporation and applications Chim Trade Act corporations as for, to be ii ed with the Secreta.ry..- 850 formgn corporauous 111 credntmg statements in 850 taxes pmd.": . .. : . 856 bauliilrgg ezhud insurance business pro- · 850 not dicmed aafihatod for consolidated 856 ' it _ __________________,____,__ re urns .,,.,,,,,..,.,,._,,,,,,_,,,__ issue of certiticate; conditions .. 850 deiiped as domestic conjgorationsu .:. . 856 prior failureto conformtorequiremeuts dividends from, to rem ents of Chmn not to invalidate; exception 851 t0_be deducted from grogs mcome. . 856 _ genera] corporate wars ________________ 851 cred1t exceptions not agghcable t0..- 856 shares of stock to KE isued at par ... 851 right to qmend, etc., reserv . 856 to be full paid and nonassessablc . 851 Cham, Urgucgl States Cowértfor, holders liable for unpaid amounts 851 appropnatmn for salaries and expenses 53, 1077 payment in real and personal property tax on estates of resxdents dying in Chma restricted; certificate of value .. 851 to be collected by clerk of 283 by·|aws, provisions of . , . 852 9;,4,,,,}, Bug, _ ¤¤¤¢kb¤lder¤’ meetings; ¤0t1¤¤ {O1'; ¤d¤p- appro nation for investigatmg, etc- 524, 1308 tion of by-laws . . .~ 852 Chmgse goxer Rebellion, quesgicius to be determined only by stock- 852 pensions $1-anted widows of persons serving 0 ders at .. 90 aysiu, etc.; rate increased, etc. . 834 no amendments adogwd nt, until certih- women contract nurses; service defined. 835 cate filed with ecretary . : . . 852 dependent parents . . -: .. 835 certificate of minutes to be filed wzth 852 for los 0; bm car gags, increased. . 835 _ registrar .,.. _ leaves 0 a nce mc u as penmonduectors to exercise powers of c0rp0rat10¤. - 852 able service .. ; 835 reports to be filed with regnstrar by the 853 Chime Cwmm Tan]-, corporation · tion for ex mes, p,m·ci · by UQB S€€T€“¤'Y? bY Sw 853 appmpirrlarevision of. 610 __ re rywx f€g1B‘l`.l'8!' CM Excl . dlvnden ved wholl from sur~ "‘“ . . · . . ' p;il?sT;rg§m€?T{__·_______K ____ T _ _ _ 853 appropggtxou for enforcmg; depomnligél 1127 regmtrar to mvestigate conduct of sffmrs of _ ·········‘····‘·‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘*‘·‘‘ * corporation ... . 853 Chlnwe P€“9'€w» _ _ _ 9 to institute pyggggdiugg in court: for re- apgroprmtxon for preveutxon of epxdequc 380, 110., Ygggtion of charter ________ _ ________ 853 de cgency appmpmmon for prevenuon of authority or com-c 853 epldemm ---·-----·-···-··--------- 38. 338