Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1665

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INDEX. ]XXv De 'ency Act, Fiscal Kaur 1921, Second-Con. Pate- Defim1wy` Approp·naf ·ionA¢:t F ca ’ e rn . {Q? Department of Commerce, Steamboat First, ’ is I Y ar 1922, 86 _ _ nspection S6l'ViC0... ..., , , 47 for Senate ________________ _ _______ _ _______ 327 I`·?·“8§¤°¤ B\¤'6¤¤ ----- - ·-·.-·.-... 47 for House of Representatives ..,,,,__ _ ____ 327 F*Sh?¤°¤ Burwu ---·· _ ·--···---·. . -... . 47 for Board of Mediation and Concijjagiom _ _ 323 Fwvlzu and Domestic Commerce Bu- for District of Columbia ._____________ _ ____ 328 Nail --·--·---- - -·-·-.- . ... 47 for Interstate Commerce Commission ____ _ _ 329 Standards Bureau . ...,..,,_ 47 50; Shipping Board _______________ _ ______ 329 for Department oi Labor, enforcing im- for Smithsonian Institution ..__, _ _____ 329 I¤}gi:8t10I1 IBWB. .  : . ._ .. ... 4 8 for Vetem,ns’ Bureau ,,_,_____ _ ____ _ _______ 329 COUIIDIBSIODGYB of conciliation . , 48 for Department of Agriculture ____________ 330 Employment Service, advanced trans- Animal Industry Bureau _______ _ _______ 330 pprtatmn, 1919 48 Forest Service .._,.,_,, _ ___________ 331 for legislative, statement of appropria- Washington Market Company .,___, 331 t}011S· - 1 .. _. . _ . 48 Future Trading Act _,,,__________ _ _____ 331 Pllbllfi Blllld1Ilg§ CQIIIIIHSIOI1. , ,,,, 48 for Infgrior Department _______ _ ____ _ _____ 332 HOQS9 Office Bulldlng . . 49 for Department of Justice ______________ _ _ 332 Capitol power plant . ..._,,_ 49 United States enum., _________________ _ _ 332 for S€¤¤t€· - .-. z 49 for Department of Labor .,..,,,,_____ _ _ _ _ 334 for House of Representatives ...,, 49 Immigration Bureau ____________________ 334 for Govermnent Printing Office .. . . . . 49 for Navy Department ,._,,,____,______ 334 ppbhc pnntuis and binding . . .. 50 for Post Office Deparnnent, Postal sewicm 335 for Judgments, mted States courts .. 50 for Department 0 State _,_______________ _ _ 335 District of Qolumbia supreme court. . . 50 forergn intercourse ,_________________ _ _ _ 335 Squtln Carolina eastern district. .. 51 national defense ...,,,_,_,_,______ _ _ ____ 336 Vuguua eastern district . 51 arbitration with Peru ___,_,_____________ 335 CORN of Qlalms. .. . . . . 51 arbitration with Norway ..,,,,________ _ _ 336 clmms certified by accounting officers 51, 55 Rio de Janeiro Exposition _______________ 337 emergency appropriations, etc.; Civil Serv- for Treasury Department _________________ 337 _ ice Commission . .. 59 internal revenue ...,.,,.,_,,_______ _ _ _ _ 337 District of Columbia, public school Public Health Service ,.,,_,_,________ _ _ 338 buildings and grounds . . ..,. 59 public buildings ...,_,_,_,_,_,_ _ ____ 338 branch free public library . . ,. 60 zoast Guard ..,...,._,,,_,_,,,___ _ ______ 339 sixty per cent from District revenues. 60 for War Department ._.,,,_, , 339 Interdepartmental Hygiene Board .. 61 Army - ._.,_,___ 339 Department of State, passport bureaus. . 61 Volunteer Soldiers’ Home .,,_,,, 339 Treasug Department, divisions in Office for Government Printing Office , , , 340 of e Secretary ... 61 public printing and binding .,,, 340 Office of Comptroller of the Currency- 61 forbjudgment, _Uniwd States courts 340 Auditor for Post Office Department- - . 62 ourt of Clarins . 340 hospitals for ex-soldiers, etc .. 62 for claims certified by General Accounting War epartment, Assistant Secretary.-. 62 Office . ... 341,345 Infantry School, Camp Benning, Ga- . 62 title of Act .. 347 settlement of war contract claims 63 Dejickncy Act, Fiscal Year 1922, Second, Ogden Arsenal, Utah . . ... 63 for Senate 437 Postal Service, damage claims . 63 for House of Representatives . 437 Department of Commerce, Fisheries Bu- for Architect of the Capitol ... 438 reau ..,,.,,.,..,,.,,,_,,,..,.. 63 for Botanic Garden .. 438 Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bu- for Library of Congress 438 regu ,.,,__,_,,,,_,__,_____,,,,,,., 64 for Government Printing Office ... 439 Senate, assistant clerk, Finance Com- for Executive Mansion, etc ... 439 mittee .. . . 64 for Bureau of Efficiency ... 439 public printing; discontinuance of print- for Drstnct of Columbian .. 439 ing reports by departments . 64 proportions from District revenues .. 443 originals to be kept for public inspec- for Employees’ Compensation Commission. 444 tron _____ _ ______________________,__ 64 for General Accounting Office . 444 title of Act ____________________,___,, , . . , 64 for United States Veterans’ Bureau ... 444 De Apprg ria(»fgr;,g’ Urgent, {OI D0p8Itm6Ht of Ag1’1C\1lt'|.\l’€ . . . - 445 for Distric; of gkojumbja _____ _ ___________ 192 for Department of Commerce . 446 for Shipping Board _________________ _ _,,_ 192 for Interior Department .. 446 for Department of State, conference on for Depvméut ci J¤S¤¢€ ·~---·-·-·-···-- 447 hgjjtgtign of grrngment _,,,,_ , .,... 192 for United St8t6B COUITS -··------·.--.. 448 for Treasury I)gpgytmg¤t ___________, , ,.,, 193 for Department of Labor . 449 customs Service _______________,,, , .,... 193 for Navy Department . 449 for Department of Justice . - - - 193 NEW --··-----··-···-------·-·-------·· 4*39 United states couytg _____________ , ,_,.. 194 for Post Office Department ... 401 for Department of Agriculture, enforcing P0¤l¤8l ¤€!'V1¢€ --·-···----·---·· ·_ ---- _ ----- 451 ackem, eww Act _______,,.. , .. 194 for Department of State; foreign interfor House or Re resentatives . 195 course, etc -----~------·--------·--- 452 for judgments, Suited Stagg courts .. 195 for Treasury Department . 453

 district court ____ _ _ _ , _ ,,,. . , 195 llltéfpal `IQVQDUE ... . . . · . . . . . . - . 454

Court of Clgjing _____________,,, . 195 public buildings 4§4 Broadbent Portable Laundry C0l'p0- {01* W3? D8P8!'¤I}€fit§ ANDY- ----·--···-·- 400 rgfjgn excepted ________,, . .,,. 195 for judgments, United States courts ... 456 for claims cgrtijgg) by accounting officers . . 195 Court of CIBHDB -..--...··... 457