Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/178

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150 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 57. 1921. 49*·}*°*i{)°d*°*%m*z° ized to utilize the now existin or future facilities of the United l3%li1:i&¤i¤i$;:ii§i;il States Public Health Service, tie War Department, the Navy Dopvaiitment, ghefglntenorfepmlrtmpnt, the Nationalllglonfles for Disabled _ , 0 imteer o `ers an suc 0 er governments aci `ties as ma b ¤t".:d.§.l`.l'2¤*°.lSf°°`u°‘°S made ayialilable for the pgrpolses set éorth tldp (Apt; arcmd such gov? ernmen _ _ agencies are ere y authoriz an ecte to furnish such facilities, including} personnel, eguipment, medical, surgical, and hos(p1tal_serv1ces an supplies as the director may deem neces- · airy an adlvisable m catrgymglplut the provilsionls of this Act, in addi- _ on to suc governmen ac` 'ties as are ere y made available.

,’§,$"°‘Z;,,. In order to standardize the character of examination, medical care,
  • h°¤°Y»¤*¤· treatment hospitalization, dispensary, and convalescent care, nursing,

vocational traimng, and such other services as may be necessary for beneficmrres under Act, the director shall maintain an inspection j service, with mrtgionty to exia?mneA:ll facgrties and services utilized . . mcarrymgou nep o tan orthis `thth dg? °’ °"‘“` ""’“` approval of the President, may utilihe such otheflglgvtzghglent og m¥;•;rg¤é·<>! ¤¤¤m¤¤»— private ixgncies as_ may be deemed practicable and necess . The ’ ead of _ inspection service shall report to the director innlarhe manpermthe dirsctor may préeseigiige the result of each examination of ac ties an services, an s recommend to him methods of stand- 1,,,,,,,,, , _ ardizingsuch facilities and services. 2;%, ow.,1ii°Pmmui»?u When, in the opinion of the director, the facilities and services °°°“'“‘°"°’“°°"‘ utilized for the hospliitalization, medical care, and treatment for beneficiaries under t s Act are unsatisfactory, the director shall make arranglements for the further hospitalization, care, and treathmmm md ment of suc beneficiaries by other means. ing,etc.,G§i$gi?1§mg¤t In the eyent that there is not sufhcient Government hospital and lg?-1?,§_§*d_'*°*"*¤¤¤»¤¤· Ether facilities for the proper medical care and_ treatment of bene- _ ciages zmder this anal time director dpemls it nepessary and gid]; visa e o secure a ion overnment ac` ities e ma wit ° thelimits of appropriations made for carrying out’the prowxisions of this paragraph, an with the approval of the President, improve or extend existing governmental acilities, or acquire additional facilip_§,fuY',,1g,'gP_*§,'f,}'pfl‘;8‘,§‘{ ties by or otherwise. Such new propert and structures ¢g°v!:;*-eapét pzepéyiier as may so improved, extended, or acquired shall, become part of ‘ tlgetlpermanent {equipment of lib;-:hVgerans’ Bureau pr of some vcéne o e now exis mg encies o e overnment, inc uding the ar Department Na aiepartment Interior D t t T Department; thegational Homes for Disttitipirxoiiliieér Slollghlfg in sugh atwaydms pill best serve thebpreserg: emergency, taking into consi era ion e u ure services to e ren d t t f th World War, including the beneficiaries undeiirilhis folic Bums 0 8 Contracts lor other · - · - ,,,,,d,,,,, umm, ,,,,0 In the event Government hogprtal facihties and other facilities are

¤m¤¤¢_ MH- gpt thus available or are not su cient, the director moss contract with

ate, municipal, or private hospitals for such medi , surgical, and hospital services and supphes as may be required, and such contracts may be made for a perio of not exceeding five years and may be for {Size usp; of 1; vzardipr otth¢;rt%oslp1talHun1t_or on (inch other basis as may in e s in res o e ene_c1ar1es un er this Act. ?,,*;*{;’l*;18§,‘¤g)Lm,,;¤,Qgg 'ghedltresident IS hereby authorized, should he deem it necessuléy givguto mimi or an a visable for the proper medical care and treatment of bene - ciaries imnderdthis Acti, tp trangeru to tgie director the operation, mgn- U,6 ,0, ,&,,,,,~,d,,,,,S emen an_ con ro o s ec c esignated hos itals now un BT ¤¤¤Y· file jurisdiction of the Pughc Healyth Service. Such hos itals when transferred shall be used exclusively for beneficiaries undhr this Act and_shall be xmder the operative control of the director for such period ` Dems mr 84 _ _ of Stime labs téie Piilesident may {prescribe. _ _ · ,,1; wmpmsgmn and IQC. . _0l’ the purpose 0 this Act, the director is authorized to ¤¤=¤*¤¤°¤ °¤¤~¤==- detail from time to time clerks or persons employed in the bureau, to