Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/204

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176 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Suas. .I. Ch. 77. 1921. P¤!‘*¤* N•* Y¤*·· center of the cit of New Brunswick to a point H of latitude mmm ‘ forty d es arid twenty-six minutes n0r2t.h and longitude seventyfigirniar degrees and twenty-eight minutes west, said po1nt bein about four and live-tenths miles southwest of the city of NewgBrunswi¤k, in theocuntgaof Middlesex, State of Jersey; thence south seventy-seven am=l forty-two m.mutes_east ten and seventyasine es more or less to a point I of latitude forty degrees and twenty~four minutes north and longitude seventy-four degrees and minutes west, said point being about two miles southwest of the borough of Matawan, in the county of·Middlesex, State of New Jersey; thence due east twenty-i;ive and fort;-eight ·hu.ndredths miles more or less, crossing the county of cmnouth, State of New Jersey, and passing about oneand four-tenths miles south of the pier of the Oentral Railroad of Newdersey at Atlantic Hiénlands to a point J· of latitude-forty degrees and twenty-four minutes · north endl seventy~three degmesand -forty-seven mm- “ utes west, inwbeing m the Atlanrtic Ocean; thence north eleven dzglees §y-eight minutes east twenty-·onc sixteenhundred miles more or less to a point said mnt being about ive miles mst of thepasserrger station of sthe lmgl Islan Railroad at Jamaica and abouboneand three—tenths es east of the boundary lineof the city of New York, in the county of Nassau, State of New York; rtheneeina. northeasteuly direction passing about one—hal*f mile westof New Hyde Park and about one and one·tenth miles east of theshcre of Manhaeset.Bay at Port Washington, crossing Long Island Soundio a t L, said point bein the peint of intersection of the hmmag hue between the States of New York and Connecticut and the meridian of seventy-three degrees, thirqmine minutes, and thirty seconds west longitude, said point eing also about a mile northeast of the village of Port Chester; thence northwesterl along the boundary line between the States of New York and Connecticut to a gzint M, said point being the point of intersection between said undary line between the States of New York and Connecticut and the parallel of forty-one degrees and four minutes north latitude, sand point also being about four and five-tenths miles northeast of the business center of the city of White Plains; thence due west along said parallel of fortv-one degrees and four minutes north latitu e, the line passing about two and one—ha1f miles north of the business center of the city of White Plains gud crossing the Hudson River to the Point A, the place of e nmng. Yhe boundaries of said district may be changed from time to time by the action of the I lature of either State concurred in by the legislature of the oelggr. Airr. 3. There is hereby created "The Port of New York Authority" (for brevitly hereinafter referred to as the " port authority"), which shall e a body corporate and politic, having the powers and jurisdiction hereinafter enumerated, and such other and additional powers as shall be conferred u it b the legislature of either State concurred in by the legisliilgue oi, the other, or by Act or Acts of Congress, as hereinafter provided. Anr. 4. The dport authority shall consist of six commissioners-—tbree resident voters from the State of New York, two of whom shall be resident voters of the city of New York, and three resident voters from the State of New Jersey, two of whom shall be resident voters within the New Jersey ortion of the district, the New York members to be chosen by the State of New York and the New Jersey members by the State of New Jersey in the