Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/558

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530 SIXTY-SEVENTH c0NGREss. sm. 11. cu. 185. 1922. ment maker, $1,800; model maker, $1,800; clerks—one $1,900, four of class four, seven of class three, four at $1,500 each, six of class two, nine at $1,320 each, seven of class one, four at $1,100 each, two at $1,000 each; mechanician, $1,680; mechanics-—one $2,100, one $1,800, one $1,500, one $1,200; skilled laborer, $1,200; skilled laborer or mechanic, $840; laboratory aid, $960; telephone operator, $720; mimeoiraph operator, $840; two laborers at $900 eac ; messengers or la orers——-two at $840 each, two at $660 each, four at $600 each; four messengers, laborers, or laboratory helpers at $720 each; fireman, $720; messenger boys—three at $600 each, eight at $480 each; twelve charwomen at $240 each; in all, $116,200. G¤¤¤¤¤¤x1>¤¤¤s¤¤. GENERAL EXPENSES, BUREAU or runuo nouns. fm 1°Y°°°·’“ “°S· For salaries and the employment of labor in the city of n iiwluémg bugpcmm and elsewhere, supplies, office fixtiues, apparatus, traveling an all other necessary gpgnses, for conducting investigations an experiments, and for ting, reporting, an illustrating the results of same, and for prepar1ng,_ u lishmg, and distributing bulletins and

 mb reports, as follows: Provuid, That no part of these appropriations
 shall be explended for the rent or purchase of road-making machinery,

except suc as méaiy be necessary for field experimental work as heremafter provid for; ,y§‘;,’S’,@““'¥“”°“* For inquiries in regard to systems of road management, and economic studies of highway construction, operation, maintenance, and value either independently or in cooperation with the State Ehway departments and other agencies, and for giving expert vice on these subjects, $66,800;

cw-,i¤v·s· For investigations of the best methods of road maldng, especially

up °”' by the use of local materials; for studying the t s o mechanical plants and appliances used for road building andy-xaintenance; for studying met ods of road repair and maintenance suited to the needs o different localities, an for furnishing expert advice on these _ sulijects, $77,060; _ m?¤*;°’;“,gf“ *¤'°$“¢¤· or mvestigations of the chemical and phlysical character of road ’ materials, for conducting laboratory and e d experiments, and for studies and invesf ations in road design, independently or in coopera- .;§°mQ.;’°Rl°°°m Fm"! tion with the State y departments and other agencies, $175,000, M•¢=·P·2¤°~ ayable out of the istrative fund provided by the Federal Aid Fload Act of July 11, 1916, as amended; Hrpuimenm mgm For maintenance and repairs of experimental highways, includin "’”` the purchase of materials and equipment; for the employment ol F imga asgistants and labor, $13,000; th I f '“"° guS°*°¤·°°°·· or investi atin an re orting upon e uti ization o water in mmumi farm irrigatiog, including this best methods to ap ly in practice; the different kinds of power and appliances, and tlie development of equipment for farm irrigation; the flow of water in ditches, pipes, and other conduits; the duty, apportionment, and measnuement of irrigation water; the customs, regulations, and laws affecting irrigation; for the purchase and installation of equipment for experimental purposes; for the giving of expert advice and assistance; for the preparation and illustration of reports andbulletins on i ation; for the employment of assistants and labor in the city§ton and elsewhere; for rent outside of the District of Columbia; an for D _ of Wm supplies and all necessalry expenses, $72,;)0O; dr d th mm · or invest' ating an reporf upon arm ain an u on e mmp mdl m` drainage of s§amp and other wiaxlgands which may lilgiinade agailable for agricultural purposes; for preparing plans for the removal of surplus water by drainage, and for `ving expert assistance by advice or otherwise in the drainage of such lands; for conducting field ex-