Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/524

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION—NOVEMBER 30, 1920. 2081 signed the same da? the same is by me, by virtue of the powers vested by law in the ostmaster General, hereby ratified and approved gy and with the advice and consent of the President of the United tates. In witness whereof I have caused the seal of the Post Office Department of the United States to be hereto aiiixed this 31st day of December, A. D. 1921. [sam,.] WILL. H. Hats, Postmaster General. I hereby aiplprove the above-mentioned Regulations, and in testi- PQSSYSVCI by tu Eydthereo ave caused the seal of the United States to be hereto e . [san,.] WARREN G. Hannme By the President: Crmsuzs E. Hnerms, Secretary of State. Wasmrwerou, January 23, 1922. PROTOCOLE FINAL FINAL PROTOCOL. . . rmirmumn. Au moment de procéder A la At the moment Of§1‘0C€B(l1Hg signature du Réglement d’exécu- to sign the Detailed egulations tion de la Convention principale of the Princi al Convention arrété ar le Congres postal uni- adopted by the Ilniversal Postal versel ge Madrid, les plénipoten— Congress of Madrid, the undertiarres soussignés sont convenus signed plenipotentmries have de ce qui suit: agreed as follows: I I En cas de payement au moyen When the balance referred to bslllinlrém of _ de traites du solde prévu a l’arti- in Article XXXVI is paid by A""’p‘2°°4‘ cle XXXVI, le montant a payer means of drafts the amount to est calculé de la maniere sui- be paid is calculated in the fol- V&l1l'z6Z _ l0W1I1g 1`I18.I1I161‘I In eeuntrlesona gold 1° en ce qui conceme les 1. Asregards payments to ¤¤¤¤=» payements a eifectuer a mi be made to a country where pays ou les billets de banque bank notes are exchangeable sont échangeables a vue con- at sight against gold, and tre de l’or et d’ou Yexporta- where the exportation of tion de l’or est libre, le mon- gold is free, the amount of tant du solde est converti en the balance is converted into monnaie du pays créditeur the currency of the creditor au pair des monnaies d’or. country at the gold par rate; 0 2° quant aux payements a 2. In the case of payments ral:olhe;1 °°°‘ effectuer a un autre pays, le to be made to anot er counsolde est converti, sauf en- try, the balance is converted, tente contraire entre l’Ofiice in the absence of other arcréditeur et l’OfHce débiteur, rangement between the credau pair des monnaies d’or en itor Office and the debtor monnaie d’un pays on les Office, at the gold par rate conditions prévues a Yalinéa into the currency of a counprécédent sont remplies. En- try where the conditions suite, le montant qui pro- prescribed in the receding vient de cette conversion paragraph are fulfilled. The peut étre transformé,suivant amount resulting from this e cas, ou en monnaie du palys conversion ma then be créditeur ou, exceptionnel e- changed, accorcling to cir-