Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/586

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SPANISH·AMERICAN POSTAL CONVENTION. Novmmmz 13, 1920. 2143 4.—Muestras. 4. Samples. ¤•¤P*¤¤· Las muestras seran cursadas li- Samples shall be freely trans- i,S§y»1$g°·k¤dm**“°I.! bremente por el correo, si no tu- mitted through the mail provided value. vieran valor comercial en venta y th? have no commercial value si su tamane no excediese de 30 an their size does not exceed 30 centimetros de large per 20 cen- centimeters in length by 20 centitimetros de ancho y 10 centime- meters in width and 10 centimetros de fende e de es esor. Si su ters in depth or thickness. If in forma fuese de rello, liaisdimensie- the form of a roll, the greatest nes maximas seran de 30 centime· dimensions shall be 30 centimetres de large per 15 de diametre. ters in length by 15 in diameter. 1m@t8s_ Las muestras no llevaran un Samples shall not bear posta e franqueo inferior al senalado per lower than that specified in tge la tarifa del pais de origen. regulations of the country of origm. Articulo III. Article III. Responsabilidad por la pérdida Responsibility for the loss of Roelscemdsruuea de envios certificados. Registered Articles. _ 1° En case de pérdida de un 1. In the case of the loss of a ;.,i'{L‘§"£'°’°°”°”"°”’ envie con caracter de eertiiicado, registered article, the sender shall ‘j}g‘}·P_ mk el remitente tendra dereeho auna have the right to an indemnity ' indemnizacion igual a la que deter- equal to that fixed by the domesmina para el mismo case alegisla- tic regulations of the country of eion interior del pais de erigen, ongm for a similar case, but not sin que pueda exeeder de ein- exceeding 50 francs gold. . u cuenta franeos oro. v _ P t b M 2° El page de la indemmzacion _2. The payment of. the indem- ,,a.;§,'§'°{‘.;,.;.fi.¤.. por la Administracién remitente mty by the espatching adminis- ”‘“· se efectuara, lo mas tarde, dentro tration shall be made at the latest del lazo de doce meses, a centar within a period of 12 months, del sia siguiente al en que se pro- counting from the day following duzca la primers. reclamacién. that on which the claim is first Rambummm by La Administracion responsable de filed. The administration re- ’°°P°”‘ la pérdida debera reintegrar a la sponsible for the loss shall reim- ` de origen, sin retraso y dentro del burse the administration of origin plazo senalade, el importe de la without_de1ay and within the pemdemnizacion que ésta hubiese riod indicated, the amount of the abonado al remitente. Este page mdemmty which it may have paid se efectuara en la moneda del pais to the sender. This payment acreedor, 0 su equivalencia en la shall be made in the money of the moneda de otro pais que de_cemun creditor country, or the equivaacuerdo designen las Admmistra- lent in the money of another counciones interesadas. try which may be mutually agreed upon by the administrations con- ` cerned. Articule IV. Article IV. En todo uello ue ne seo on- In everything which does not U,Yi§,$'°”°",,g,,,,§,§§,§‘,°l ga a las cliilusulasq de este gen- conflict with the provisions of this P“_;=j&*¤}_ ml P- venio, regiran las disposiciones de Convention, the rggulatiens of the ` ` la Union Postal Universal. Universal Postal nien shall govern. Articule V. Article V. El presente Convenio comen- This Convention shall take m°°°"d“°°‘ zara a regir en 1° de Enero de effect on the first of January, 1921 para les paises que en esa 1921, for the countries which on