Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/774

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Animal Industry Bureau, Department of Agri- Page. Am); $,,4;, pg", ¢¤el¤F¢» . duty uu . . ees gpprorzréitmon for chief of bureau, clerlgio 1295 jnnapolis, Md. (scc Naval Acaduny). mr ¤e}£dE1£pé£1ééQ].`.`.ZZ::;ZZZZZZ;; 510:1295 "”““°’ · forge tionsnd quarantine work . . 511,1296 A°n.&°° hit' wd umm °f ‘‘'‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 923 b vaccine excluded ... _ . 511, 1296 ""“”"¥ l“·# · for mvestxgating tuberculosis of am- A t°m?2° cmdrp °t· · ·.· ········· · ·-····---· 667 · m‘lB_·_: _________________ : _____ 511,1296 nnuztua, Gwzl Sermce (see hmdesnruuesiordeetltroyed 511,1296 $$3;% Classified v1l Servmo eradicating sou ern ca e ticks; _ · _ demonstration work . . ... 512, 1297 ANWWW _0¤¤l, hmmitmn on expenditure ,________ 512, 1297 011 {T6? 118'li ---·--·-·.-·...-·-. . . . . 926 it dairy investigations, etc.; renovated AZ*””'a"¤§¢ QWZ Indu·*l"`!/» fm bowagmgxum ,,,,,_,___, 512, 1297 mvssugaugn mdgrreptgt on, by Coal Com- Hm per1.m' ts-.- 512,1297 m1¤¤1¤¤ ec .. feeding,f e:cx ... . 5 12,1297 jugzgwgg (sie Netivlrcval Prohibition Act)- pcultry eedmg' d b .. 512, 1297 W ¢Y¤_ _ WH dv-, Guy, hshegp gE,1zé>·1 eppwqoamulagg, purchase, etc-. of. for 1142 investigations- - - ; , 1 7 ’ ~--·----·-------······

 ?ib;érti% .`.. .h512, 1297 A·n¢121umR:1gE1fd,)1921 (see also Emergency

mvesuga ., og ct cholera .. . . ._ . ,: . : . . 512, 1297 investigation by éecretary of the Treasury regtanng trade m ammal virusegiz 1297 1§Americani1id11stryi11l:]1·|1:·led‘11{yssle 1 .,,_,,.,,_,_,_,,,,,___,_,___ , porn 1; than , . , 1 methods of prevention, etc 513, 1297 be miideegiblic .. Y - dl?. . . 11 for endxcahon, etc., of dourme . Z 513, 1297 whennoiinding made, zppraisernentoi im: fu sewage plant, Beltvxlle, portstobewithh ifpricebelievsd lid., upmment _ . 513 to be la than market value, etc . . . 11 it dmryt barn, Beltsville, Md., expm- 1297 toawgit order, gr iindingét;>fSe:l:rl1etary.. 11 men farm ,,,,,,,,..,.. gpgggl kl ldministrative work. . ._ ... 513, 1298 suboggct formeatmspection, additional .. - xfapurchsse price las market 11 meat .. - v ue etc . for ]machii.nery, etc., of relriger- 538 d to equal the dgfferenie i 12 _s panto .,... etermmationo maretv ue or, deficiency apprgpriation for payment for difference due to geater sdes for f slagter tubercu1arcatt1e. 46,230 American export than in home 12 or gen expenses . . . . et, etc 58, 198, 344, 461, 1053, 1164, 1553 if due to greater sales in United States for meat inspection . 58, 344, 461, 783, 1053 than in country of export, etc  :- 12 payment to Peter G. Ten Eyck, imm meat purchase price determined by price paid _ inspection, 1921 ,...,,.. . . . . 46 by purcllaser, etc .. , ... 12 Ammal Pgodyeu, cost 0§(f;)(;1t31D0l‘8 and packing expenses 12 lppfopnation or dim 'ng comm ° in- a ... . . formation of market price, distribu· · import duty, and shippingc;<‘penses to _ tron, etc., of .,...,. . 532, 1314 _ place of delivery, edu . 12 Am (gadaleofattle), _ etc f _ addiggns; export tax, rebates of taxes, 12 pna on or mspectwn, . o 1m- ... f __________,_,_,,,. .I exporterpé sales price, the price at which 13 or tu r tee ’ f __,__,,.,... . . so ... . ... duzeznlisligé, not provided for . . ’ iinsuding cost gi coveripgs, packing, etcé 13 on , eedin ; uirements ... uctions; pmen expenses, an black or gilver Eixxaxceptedi ... 923 United States duties ---- 13 br¤u§1t_ temporarily for breeding, ex- selling comnussion . ...- , .--- 13 bmon, etc.; bond ... 923 export tax in country of exportation- . 13 hai! of, unmanufactured, not specially additions; rebates, etc., of duties and 13 ’dod { _,____, . ... 928 taxes . teaugtodiic., brgdght by immigrants 923 foreign market yalue, the wholesale A wiki, for exhibiuou, etc ____,_,,.,... . . . . 923 grice at time of exportatiorgh 13 niwruz , Domuf , or or export to countries 0 er Appropriation qi-lor investigating, etc., vi- United States . .., . 13 _ runes for treatment oi ____,.,... . 512, 1297 cost of preparing for shgpment added, Uufylllg, etc., across boundary line, etc., of not included in price ... 1 . 13 admitted free; regulations. . . . . 923 price at dite of purchase when prior to 13 bef M h 1, 1923, ad 'tted free, if time o exportation . A _ L, bE'v1o`i1g”l::mback within lgxnonths, etc. 1562 pretgendgdd sailies, etcglngt cogzigdeped. 13 MW1, orA , costo ucon1.u_uesc_oma ippmpréation fg;'Tn?;rigating food habgt;6 1310 {gis, agldi of making at ordmary time 13 o , etc .,,_,___.,__,, , .. , ore pmen __,...,,,. . Auivrmls, .9f<;°omuefor Prwmmyn, of Cruelty ao, 253 usuolgeneral erpenses E: Gxem t tax ,,,,,, , ,., coverings, packing expenses, e , .. Ame, P m m°°m€ pmee ordinarily weed on umm goods on free list, oil .. 929 in country where produced . . .. 14