Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/804

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INDEX. 2345 Bureau. of the _Budget, Clreasury Department- Pam- Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy. Page. _ C0!1¢111¤€d· appropriation for maintenance,. . . 128, 803, 1147 creation of ... _ _ _ . . . 22 qleqcal, etc-, Sewices --.. 129, 803,1147 Director and Amistant Duector; appoint- lumt on expenditures for motor pas- _ ment and salaries .. 22 senger vehicles; allowance to Marine dunes 0€A-$1BY·3¤t Duecwr. . 22 Corps outside of continental limits- . 129 preparatmn of the Budget, etc., for the 804, 1141 _ P!‘B€¤d8¤t by -·---·-·---··--·---·-- 22 motor vehicle operators for other estimates of departments, etc., to be as- bureaus continued., 129, 804. 1147 sembled, revised, etc., for . 22 for contingent; ,_,______________ 129, gg]4 1147 employees and expenses of, under control for civilian employees, Navy Depart- ’ of the, Director . I - . ._ , _. ._. 22 ment .. 804, 1147 pay restrictions; apphcamon of civil for additional force; nontechnical servservice laws 22 ieee _,_, , .._,__,_____________ _ _____ 804 transfers from departments, etc., of, per- draftsmen, etc , . ..,.. 804, 1147 mitted during fiscal years 1921, 1922. 22 for public works at designated yards and additional pay of $240 a year allowed, stations, ,,_,_,,_,__________ 129, 80471147 1921, 1922 . .. . ...- 22 for New York, N, Y ____, , __,____,____ 129, 804 study of work of departments, etc., to be water front improvements, suspended made by, to secure greater economy until July 1, 1922 ,.., . ...,,,__ 129 and efficiency m the pulghc Se1'V1C6 · 22 water front improvements rescinded . . 1147 to determine changes m existnng methods for Philadelphia, Pa. , dry dock. . . 129, 304 of business, etc . 22 for Washington, D. C . . . 1147 appropriations therefor .. _ . 22 for Norfolk, Va . 129, 804, 1147 amgnment of acumtges to particular for Charleston, S. C .. . . 129, 804, 1148 services, or regrouping of BGl’V1C§B.. 22 for Key West, Fla . 129 report ot, to the Premgleut; tranmmttal for Guantanamo, Cuba . 129 to Gongress by, with recommends- for Mare Island, Calif .. . . 129, 804, 1148 tions, etc . _ 22 for Puget Sound, Wash. . 129, 804, 1148 codification of laws relating l$0_BtMB¤16!1t¤ for Hampton Roads, Va., operating base. 804, of receipts and expenduures, and 1148 estimates of appropriations to be P19- for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii ... 130, 805, 1148 pared by, for the Presldeut 22 for Guam . ·.-.. 1148 transmittal to Congress Wlth hm recom- for Cavite, P. I ..-·-··----·-·---··--·-· 1148 mendations as to changes there1n-.. 22 for Puget Sound, Wash., ammunition compiling of estimates transferred lQ0,_i}`0H1 depot .-·---·---·------ · 130, 805,1148 Bookkeeping and Warrants Division. 22 for Mare Island, Calif., ammunition information, etc., to be f11ID1Sh€d by', to depot ... 130,805 committees of Congress on request. . 23 for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, ammunition departments, etc., to furmsh 111fo1'¤1¤¤0¤ depot ...,.. 130, 805,1146 to ... . .----- - ~--· -·-- 23 for Iona Island, N. Y., ammunition examination of records, etc., of, by Bu- depot _____ _ ____________,__________ 805 reau officials. ._ .----- · -·-·--· 23 for Lake Denmark, N. J., ammunition budget officer to be deslgmted by h<¤¤i¤ Qi depot .. _805, 1148 dep9I¤!1€¤¥·¤, fm?-y to PWPBTB GSW for Fort Lafayette, N. Y., ammunition mates therefor,. _  ; ..-·.- 2 3 depot .. . . . 805 ¤¤PPl€¤1€¤t¤l ¤¤d d€6¤1€¤°Y estimates- 23 for Charleston, S. C., ammunition depot. 305 estimates of departments, etc-, to be Y9· for fuel depots . . 130 viged by ead thereof . . 23 for Ham ton Roads, Va., operating base. 130 time for submimion to Bureau. . 23 for San Biego, Calif., Marine Barracks. . 130, preparation in case of failure . . 23 I 805,1149 form, etc., to be prescribed. . . . 23 for San Diego, Calif., naval base 130 appropriation for expenses. . . .: .·---····- 23 for San Diego, Calif., naval hospital. . 130, 805 restriction on double pay to retired officers for Coco Solo, Canal Zone, submarine of Army, etc., not applimblé to D1- base .. 130 rector or Assistant Director . . . . 373 for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, submarine estimates for printing and binding for d_e· base .. . 130, 805, 1143 partments, etc.,120 be i11<>0!'p0!`8*»€d1¤ for San Diego, Calif., training station- . . 139 3 Singh item by ,, . 436 deiiciency appropriation for Norfolk, Va., Director of, or an alternate to serve on Per- dry dock, claims of George Leary sonnel Classification Board 1489 Construction Company, and Giant estimates for civilian positions submitted Portland Cement Company 43 from, to conform to Clamification for maintenance. 52, 342. 346, 459. 463, 782, 1165 Act provisions .. . . 1499 for emergency expenses 1165 Bureau of the Census (see Census Bureau, De- amounts for public works under, exclusive partment of Commerce). of nepairs and preservation, available Bureau of the 1[int (see Mints and Assay 1111 I €XP€11d€d· .· _ --·»----.· 1 39 Ofhces). amount for technical services in Depart· Bureau of War Risk Insurance (sec Veterans’ ment, 1921, increased ... 43 Bureau). Burgess, Harriet E. (widow), Bureau of Weights and Measures, Inlervwtwyvml pension., . . . 1675 (see International Bureau of Weights Burgundy fztch, and Measures). on free 11-st .-.--..---- 925