Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/930

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INDEX. 247] Indian Regcrratimw, Past. Indian Schools-Qonginued, Page. appropriation for surveying, allotting in appropriation for support, etc.• discontinu- $@:3, ctc., of lands in; reixg;9 1180 anceggdday hnghools with less can , . . --·- — -~-·-- ; —---~----·· spocn --.--·-- 562, 1183 for ilgloggggrgpe expens§% ’ 1181 transfers return of mone%s2 1 _ ----··-—-- · -—--- , opproprm o .. ..---------.. , 1 83 foiknmber protgeéztron, etc .. 563, 1183 maintenance in public schools 562, 1183 for glxgngttggeéy cgs., erclgxglsegé . w, not to be {or schools specificallyz _ mmm _ . oppropuo c or ...-.·-..·... 56 . 1183 for dsoxipépgzigg stock watering places 0;; , 1186 use of Erevious appropriation for all _ _ _ .., ., .. , ... sc oo .-----.-. - ---··-------.»-1-- 1183 gg; iuréégzggz, R1V¥'§AHZ. . , . . . foriloonstrnécfinlg, etc., bpildings . 562, 1183 , 0 0 ver, . . t ’ tram for Canado irrigation project, A.riz. . 566: 1187 E8 an g tmemployees q ml ger irrigation, gan Eéavier, Ariz .. 566, 1187 for transporting, etc., pupils _ 562, 1183 {Ji *,i.’i§‘;§2',§’ Fzlit X',,,,c1.‘°“ ‘‘‘‘ 566*1%% °”"€},°’”“°’“ ‘°’ "“""‘” ’°"“"*‘“5%2 1183 7 7 ‘*'*·•• 8 •·•·~-••·•.•.·--•·--..,., for diverting Gila River, Ariz., to Pinal Alaska pupils 563: 1183 County lands", ... _ . _ 566, 1188 deficiency appropriation for support . 53, 57, for water to_ Navajo and Hop1 Indians _343, 460, 464, 782, 785, 1054, 1164 to ,33§,?”‘°r=,“’#,"’H‘,r"r‘1a‘t ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 5 as 333 f°' °°“’"“°"‘°“ °*’1E?‘?».‘l$“$4%6‘t@"2,‘ 53**% r on, , a 0 .. , , ,7 ,154,1169 for irrigation, Fort Belknap, Mont- . 571, 1192 for transportation .. , .. . ... 1 164, 343 ger nrrgatéon, M(§[1t.;; .. 1, authorizayon of grgpenditures for buildings orirnga on, on . an groun 0..` .. 209 got ]glackfe£t,,Mont .. 119; Indiim guar Indian Department). or irrigation, row ont .. 19 · cnrica proton for irrigation, Pyramid Lake Nev. . 571: 1192 sppropriation for pay dud expenses 564, 1185 for irrigation, Moapa River, Nev .., 572 e ciency appropriation for 197, 782 23‘,,*£,,,‘§3“· KN,“,m‘“1.‘;a,N·““ ···*··· 2%% 632 "f*‘”,,,,,,“‘:,*;’;,*‘.?*· r.,, ..,,1,,., mm-., D9 Y ’ ° ' ’ ' D I 9 for irrigation, Yakima, 19;% 578: 1200 P etc .,..,. . 563, 1184 for irrigation, Shoshone, Wyo ... 580, 1201 warehouses restricted to three 563, 1184 deficiency appropriation for surveying and for telegraphing, etc ..., 563, 1184 { allotting, eitc---.f . -_. . . 2;:5, 1164 deficiency appalpriatgosagor purchase and 44 orpreventing ossotim r mmse transpo ron . . . .. infestations thereof within, in Ore- for purchase and transportation, 1920-- 45 gon and California; conditions . 331 for purchase, transportation, etc. ... 53, for protection, etc .. 347 197, 343, 347, 447, 460, 464, 782, for irrigation .. : .. _ . 1164, 1169 _ 1054, 1164, 1169, 1538, 1553, 1556 authorization of expenditures for imga- for telegraphing and telephomng, 1919.. 44 tion systems, etc., on .. 209 for telegraphing and telephoning, 1920. . 45 Blackfeehl Mont., agreement authorized for telegraphing andstehasphggngéé . . gg wi irri tion dist `cts as to prior 7 , , 11 ,1 water riglrats of designated creeks. . . 1289 Indian Wars Pensions, ’ ' cooperation with States, etc., inhconstruct- 212 determiuatripn of service for, from Federal 836 i g ubl'c highwa wit in ... reco s etc ... . Crow, 5.105., time extenidsed for allotting 994 frglm Statgxetc., archives .. 836 n 5 o ,,,,.,..,,. . .. o er evi ence satis to ' Fort A;?iche, iltriz., roadauthorized within, 1288 gener of Pensiortpa, no gpderal, 838 [ Coole ,,_,_, , ,,,... .. . tate, etc., rece 0 taina e . Mescalc;’;>rf1N. Mei., amount authorized for Indiana Harbor, Ind., _ promoting civilization, etc., among modification of prolect for improvement of . 466 m_ _ iadians of,tK . I .. { . . . 1222 eonvigyépgcss of ands released to local 466 mm eases au 0 0 , ., ..

 ltirids on Fort Peck and 857 "Ind1hnaInIIIcgzlth   May 19-zi, 1922,

Bl k t, t- .. umapo w wm " p¥¤tectioi\1cof€€Gove(i-Iriment owned timber special cancel p of,’authorized· for onihfrorrgd tire, disease, or insects, 857 1_nd_ Indiapzl , Ind., post office . 502 ‘ , _,,,,,,,, , ... uzmpo rs, ., religiously stgeiieties granted patents for appropriation for care of Confederate seclands on, used for mission or school tion, Greenlawn Cemetery . 757, 1418 work .,.,. . . 995 Army cots loaned for Grand Army encamp- 203 area limited _,,._.., . , . 995 ment at_ ...,.,.. I ... . . . reversion when no longer so used ... 995 special canceling stamp of "Ind1ana Health Lzdzkzn Sdzools, Iilxposiuon, 19-27, 1922, _ In- Zppropriation for sutpxport, etc., of .. 562, 1182 dmnapolns, In ," authorized provisions for o deaf and dumb or _ for post oiico at .. 502 blind or mentally deficient 562, 1182 Indians, _ _ discogltinuauce of boréding uschoglész 1182 appropuat2<;n_ for sr1r.r;dvgr,t:tc., for allggb 1180 ' l thanspecifi s-. , men_ inseve _ _ .. attziidaxigclg limitation not applicable to restnction on use in Arizona and New ’ Ho School for Girls, gpringiidd, Moxxco, - . ._ . ...-.· 559,1181 S. Bil: 562, 1.183 for suppresing liquor tm$c amo¤g.. 561, 1182