Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/952

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INDEX. 2493 UiW··C0¤Y-l¤’·1€d· Pan. Lincoln Statue of Abmham 2 dut omnotspeciallyproviddfo ,,_ 369 " ·· ’ · · · M"` 9,. nt, team, ma.? T ... as '°°'°°‘Z.€’£,‘i$t‘é‘T.?‘.‘“‘°“1 .. TTT} lV“““‘“g‘ 66., L‘"“ *"°!l°” ¤ pm riatio r . ZZZZZYZ pn tee mc.? .. 925 r,;m0S’,.», $,,,». §l,‘§§,°1’§?‘§‘f°° · 66* Dum, ap mopriation or paus` ,_,___ _ _ _ _ 759 dutgezulisi. , .,.. 894 n.7.£a,, new- (wefit), ·"*’° °”0i1 » }‘“°° -·-···-··--···-- · ·—-··-· I/'p9¤¤10¤ ----·--... . ,..,,,_ 1533 i w;‘;.·.••···•...•.··-·--·..,, ngflgioiohni 7 ···•·--·-·.,.__,,_____ duty on crude or crushed .,.. 359 [,5;,; (W Flay 1608 mini-1i$cmY9d -·----··-···-··--··-- - 874 Lmk-Belt Company,

 - ..-··--   .. 874 may brinig guit for collision damages to

v ¢0$ 198 -... . . ... . .. deuciency appropriation for expenses . 192 Linoleum, c u 1776 tablet to bepresented to _Daug ters of the duty 011 ___,,______________ _ ______________ 994 American Revolution, m Linotgpe Mqehinq, tion for use of Memorial for en 1551; _,________ _ _____ _ _____________ 929 _ _ sessions of . ... 498 Limeed, ` Lrm1¢Gl‘l:0§ Ojillglvdl etc. gee also Laduty 011, oil"- _____ __ ___________ _ _ ______ 865 av rmament L1m1tation , ton, H nah widow , appropriation for continuindg construction gengiouf? _,,, { ______ _________ _ _________ 1758 of vemels allowed un er treaty for. . 810 Dappert, Elizabeth (widow), 101* ¢0¤Y§l‘¤-? kettle CNQQN pension increased .,, , ______ 1692 ton _ an Saratoga mto Ingueure, . _ mmem . _. . z . ... 1 .. 811 _ uty on ,,,,,,,, _ _,,_____ _ ________ 897 de6c1e`n3·vaé1;p`(;i•;pr1aum for scrapping na- pealers, _ tax b _ { · • • •-···.-.-·•·--··.···.---- ou I Iamualwn of Naval Cmgtructwtgm { Kham forbidden by State, etg., en requested n or agree- we , ,.,.,.,._.,,_________ 296 ment with Great Biigtlixin, etc., limit- no immunity from penalty, etc . 296 _ _ inge1zeofvesselsanda1.rcraft. .. 1154 L12;uorTra0lc, Drmuatiom in Internal Revenue Suits, etc., appropriation for su presing amo na- . . , P 2 nz mute for recovery of erroneous ool1ectmn_of tives of Alaska .. 555, 1177 taxes, etc., not allowed claim for suppresing, among Indians- . 561, 1182 therefor tiled with Commissioner;. - . 315 deficiency appropriation for suppressing, not to began until six months after filing. 315 among Indians ..,,.,,,___,,,_, 343 nor after five years from date of pay- 315 authorization of expenditures for preventment . etc. amo ... 209 prior me newseme . 315 1.·u;um,1i§&zem}a1, ni? _ormer limitation periods repealed .. 315 appropriation for expenses, preventing sluts for collection of taxes not to begin sale, etc., of ,.,, 522, 1306 after eipiraltion of five years from 315 Literafv;yE6Si>cie¢1i4;:9),:) ks f I tim w on ist, ,etc. o; imit . 925 except ii{1ca.€ePofuf;aud . 315 exempt from income ... 253 not `ca 1 to income taxes an ge ggigding pioceedings .. . 315 duty dn .. 867 prosecutions for violations, to be mstituted Ixrthographic Phtes, witlzgi three years after offense com- 315 L duty cgi]; ewved, etc . . . 880 mit . . .. a ic 'ntr, absence from district not included in 315 printed more than 20 years 925 time . . p tones, · not applicable to prigr odenslgext . - . . . 315 L3: gse list, not engraved . 928 extension in cases o comp ts ore opzme commissioners .. . .. 315 duty ori Z ... : . 867 offensesmléy Government oficers ex- $5 IMhuanw,_Et;<iho·;•m, Latma, gd, 106 ,,,__,___, .. appropna n OIHHDIBYE. r .. 9 M p;io§;i;ocee¤<%ip7ge, etc.,] not affected . . . . 315 L ilelgciency appropriation for minister to. . . 1051 mo n errwrm mma, z wr, Bppropriation forangiinting and binding pn free list -~-··--..-.~...·... 923 report on construction and dedica- D¢ttell,_Ieaac W, L_ I gm of ll§er3oré'al - . 1234 in ecgrgzunts ··----·--------. 1800 mcon errwrm, . ., aume wer, _ appropriation for maintenance . 759, 1419 bridge authorized across, Riverdale, Ill- . . 1171 for retlecting pool, completing construc- Little olorado River, Li tion ...,,,,,... 759 deticieE:)yt;§>gmpri?,tjonbfo(1i paying Allied ·ru:olnNt' lF L,N.M.. n ors or rige across, at exchang(:>i;)i1;(idv»i);`eg8lands for other Leupg Indian Agency,  : - . . 1539 public lands authorized. . . 1245 amount au onzed for completing bridge grazing lands to be given therefor ... 1246 across, at Leupp Indian Agency, lends conveyed added to national forest. . 1246 Am .- 1288 publication of proposed, required . . 1246 Little Rock, Ark., Lincoln, Nebr., appropriation for burial in national cemeoffices of register and receiver, land office tery, of patients dying at Hot at, consolidated 557 Springs Hospital 758, 1418