Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/987

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2528 munx. Na ——Continued. Paso. Navy Department-Continued. Pace. pi:/eference right for ten years, of omcers and appropriation for Director of Naval Comenlisted men who served in World municamons Qiiice, clerks, etc... 789, 1135 War, to make entries on opened pub- for Naval Intelhgence Office, clerks, £°‘f‘“‘5%‘*‘°"¤, ‘=‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘ 1*,%,, ‘‘‘‘ **58 { B°‘° ‘‘‘‘ ew ·‘=‘‘ ei ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Zs’3·}%§‘§' reserv an 111 uzsiam no o or ureauo svn ou,expemes... , needed by, restored to public 0- for Naval Reserveggbrce . 792, 1137 main ____________,________, , ,,,_,,, 1253 for Naval War College. ... . . . 793, 1138 settlement on, etc. ,..., 1258 for Kaye] Home ...,. 793, 1138 restoration to place on list of commanders, fo1‘ ¢1V1}1¤11 ¢1¤Pl0Y6¢¤, B¤Y¤¤¤ of NW1- of Isaac G. Johnson, jr .. 495 Eamon . , 794, 1139 Richard P. McCullough . 495 for ydrogmphxc Office . 794, 1139 silver service of cruiser "Bmok1§m" may for Navail Observatory .., .. .. 795, 1139 be delivered to Brooklyn useum- . 1063 for Naumcal Almanac Office . 796, 1140 of "Souch Carolina/’ may be delivered for Bpreau of Er;gmeen.¤§, expenses.796, 1140 to South Ca.rolins_Daughters of the for cmvdian employees, umau of En- American Rcvolutmn ... 1281 gmeerxug .. _ 796, 1141 special Congressional committee on read- f°’ mean °f C°“u`“°u°“ md R‘°P°·}7’g7 1141 iusting pay of, ctc., allowed further f €xP*?““°° -··-···-·-··--···~····· · time fm. mt _____ _ ______________ 352 or ¢|,V1],l$.p, emplo§:es,_ Bureau of Conmy sit at any uma . mo { ¤¢¤¤¢¤<>¤ Md Pm ·---·--··-··· 79% 1}:22 wmommmmmmemmd mm <¤B¤¤¤·¤ <>ff<>¤i¤¤¤¤¤· <=¤r>·=¤·;¤~-·— 7991 World War, dcsertiug fmm the, un- ° t°’P$d€g‘*l • lemv Y m*·”‘ 1142 changed by laws, etc., as to end of f :*.9 umxpen ce ····· ···· the wm. ___________________________ 421 or civilian employees, Bureau of Orglég 1143 · · - nance .. , °°m”““t¤mE”° '¥1$.?.Y?Y'?”Z E'? .q°?”.°.`°.g. 421 for Burm ¤f S“PPu°“ md A¢<=¤¤¤¤¤· tobacco, , etc., forfeited and nmsold, WY °f the N"}? °tc ······· · ····· 799» 1143 may Ee delivered free of tax to hos- f°’ **9*85* -··-···-··--······--·· 133·80r 1145 pink for members OL _____________ 205 for cng.ha.n employees, Bureau of Supuse of radio stations and apparatus for pres f 1,}*116* an? $°c?“Pt’· · · ·-·-··· SO2: 1145 and commercial memsges, extended °' Pm ° ed-wma M “’B°’Y· °;62 1145 ¤.cl‘;¤{."1i?5;‘&.§‘3’3,;.;;;1,·1z»@4::;:;;: 232 f¤r¤1>’¤*·¤¢¤¤P¤¤v¤<=¤» Bureau ¤fM¤diuse of unobligated balances for 1921, to pay f §m°»’md ‘¥"$°r§é ···· a" · 803· 1146 deficiencnes for tghe year 449 °' Pcuggl ° at M °° ¤ °§63 1147 {03;%;:;,£:`gsd§£mspeu8cc;6s66§’rc;h:ég`wJjm g' 449 for civilian employees, Bureau of Yards appropriation, ____________________ _ _ 450 and _D¤ck; ,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,_, 804, 1147 . . for ubhc works, Bureau of Yards and Nm? Ado 192% %)0cks ____ _ ____ _ ________________ 804, 1147 Nm“d;“ {:3 °t°:l;°;* J¤1¥‘r 1921 ···· 121 for Bureau of Aeronautics, aviation ex- 48 WSI ¢P¢¤‘im W WY » _ mea. ..,. 805, 11 Sppmpfiation $01* Swfcttry, A¤¤¤mt, for employees, Bureau of Aeroclerh, GW. ·-····..·..· _786, 1132 nautics .. L .. 806, 1149 fo? t€mP0mYY ¢mPlUY99¤S PW ?9¤t!'1<!· for Naval Academy ,...,,..,___,,_ _ ,_ 806, 1149 hor; ·--·--··-· , -··-··----·-·--···-- 786 for Marine Corps. . . 808, 1150 f¤¥ ¢<>¤§¤¤8¤¤*¤ ¢1P¢¤¤¤¤ ··-·-·--·----- 787. 1132 for increase of the Navy. ... 139, 810, 1153 fo1' ¤¢¤t10¤¢1’y ··----··-·- 1--; ··-·-·--- 787, 1132 Bureau of Aeronautics created. ...,, _ , 140 MVN ¤¤¤’V1¢‘9 ¤·PP1'0P¤¤·¤0¤¤ 110* to 116 conference authorized with Great used f¤r Depmment purposes--- 787, 1133 Britain and Japan for reduction of {Of pflntlllg 8·lld_bll1d111g. .. . ... 787, 1].33 ugvgl progjgmg, gtcq the for executing pnnting orders of 1922; re- 8 mx; svg yam ____________________ 14] ¤ppr¤p¤¤¤¤¤ ----------- . --------- 7 7 ¤ tiatious uested for agmmeu for Navy, pay, miscellaueous". . 122, 787, 1133 $19;}; G;e9,;°%;-mn, em, mileage, BW ----------------·- 122, 787, 1133 sizes of ships and aircraft .., , . , 1154 fo!' Navy, CODti!1gBX1t.. . . 123, 788, 1].34 for gddjtjgngj 3 year to gmplcygx for government in the Virgin Islands, , - 123, og ___________ _ _________________ 714, 1559 788, 1134 for damqge claims .. 122 for State marine schools . 124, 788, 1134 f¤r_pc¤¤wus ... : . _ ... 58 1, 1202 for care of lepers, Guam. . 124, 788, 1134 deficiency appmggfuon for paymf damage for Solicitor, law clerks, etc . 788 ckums, co ous with nuva. vessels. 43, for experimental and research lzbom- 334, 449, 774, 1160, 1554 tory .. 1134 for Navy . 42, 56, 197, 342, 346, for office of Naval Records and library, _ 449, 459, 463, 781, 785, 1055, 1165, 1544 clerks, etc .. . ., 789, 1134 for freight .. . ...,,,_,,, 43, 52, 53, for collecting, em., mva.1 records of the 56,197, 343, 346, 450, 459, 463, 782, 785, 1166 World War .. 789, 1134 for jurifments, United States courts for Naval Records of the Rebellion . 789 un er ... 50, 195, 456, 779, 1052 for J udig Advocate Genem1’s Office, Maryland Dry Docks and Shipbu1ldcler , etc: . . . ., ... 789, 1135 ing Company ,___ _ ____________ 195 for George Mellmg, comp11ing naval laws, for judgments, Court of Claims under . . 51, 340, €T·Q· · --··-·--·-···--·-. : .. 789 _ 457, 779, 1052, 1163, 1552 for Cluef of N aval Opemuom Office, for contmgent expenses _____ _ _____ 52, 56, 197 clerks, etc. . . . . 789, 1135 for N aval Observatory .. 52, 56, 342