Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1529

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INDEX. exli UWOT T*'qIF¤—C0¤¢i¤¤1¤d- Pm- Livestock—Continued. Pm. 8PD1'0p1'1&ti0¤ for suppressing, Alaska, time further extended to November 30 additional: 1925 --——-·——·——--- 709 1924, for making advances on, deficiency appropriation for suppressing, etc., by War Finance Corpora- M iréxvgg Englians ... 698 tion _________________________ 14 quora, u era e , etc., · · - · appropriation for expenses preventing IAxiii?Eng;p:;g;€>7p’r£ti;7iiL(ig;nri1i€dals to Sam etc' °f ‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘········ 447v 837 exhibitors etc · amount inbithuania, creased ’ O, 1324 settlement of indebtedness of, made by Ll d H '`'‘`` For€i%n Debt Commission' ap` ;Zt>aiido0g‘gc(iria1ridsYof lighthouse reserva prove ..._,___, _ _,__ 719 . ‘ amount or indebtedness mm 719 tm at '°"‘“S‘°"?d *° N"' bonds to be issued therefor . 720 L A Y9r§.S*¤t¢,j°*u1;yb11¤r¤e*k uS°S· 635 principal payable in annual in- mm °i°?° Wim M Bmldzng °"d· staglmézéigs; progressive increase L0°x°mp mm m°°m° mx ·-------·--·- 282 un year ___________,____ 720 0718, paylyfmugd of additional amounts 7 allowed vgtizrans on adjusted service 126 a ow .,..._._., 20 GTG 1 ..---.. if-\t€I'€St PMB to 1934 . 720 Loans and Credits to Foreign Governments, for first Eve years half of interest appropriation for expenses of, under may be deferred, and added to _ Secretary of the Treasury . 68, 768 principal; bonds to be issued deficiency appropriation for expenses, f·h€r6fol‘ . - 720 under gecretary of the Treasury 61, 698 payment gn United States bonds 7 0 Lfmm to Farmers accepte . 2 · ’ - · · Lithuania, Esthania, and Latvia, denclcli-2:,); ;&%r(g;.2§l0D for couecting 40 appropriation for minister to .. 206, 1015 LO I B I ``'` ."T ``` "" Lime Calumet River, ca enevo ent, etc., Assocaatums, bridge authorized across, Chicago, Ill,- 25 exempt from mcomc tax ···‘···•····· 283 Riverdale,Il1 ...,. 998 Locke, fiam E-. _ _ _ Little, Edgvard C., late a Representative in L0d€5<:;?<;’ ZPPFOPUMFIOD fo1' 56YV1¤€S--- 1313 ongreas, claw 0 y River N. C. deficiency appropriation for pay to preliminary examinationxetc., of, to be hm R widgvz of . 754 L m%le ... 2 ...___.,________ 1193 ' c iver, e ., ocomotive ngine Boi ers etc. Sa e preliminary examination, etc., of, to be appropriation for expenses eomjpelling made 1192 railroads to use ..._,_._____ 526, 1205 Little River, Okla., deficiency appropriation for expenses preliminary examination, etc., author- compelling railroads to use . 755 ized for Hood control of 249 common carriers by railroad in con- Littlc Rock, Ark., tinental United States subject offices of register and receiver, land to Act _..,____... 659 office at, consolidated 395 street, etc., electric railways, exterms of court at 91 cepted - .. 659 time e§<-mdecx for bridging Arkansas 9 use of éotcomotives unless in safe coniver a . i ion to 0 crate, unlawful 659 Little Rock National Cemetery, Ark., inspection testsp required .. 659 appropriation for burying in, ex-soldiers, office of chief inspector in Washin ton- 659 et;;.,l dying in Hot Springs Hosgm 927 clerical tzsgstance, etg, from {uteri a .. , s a ommerce ommissionu- 659 Livestock Exec also Cattle and Animals), additional inspectors for general asappropriation for reimbursing Indians signments authorized .. 659 for, destroyed in eradicating con- limit on appropriations repealed .. 659 tagious diseases, etc ... 399, 1150 salaries and allowances established 659 for enforcing humane treatment of Lodge, Henry Cabot, late a Senator, export _ - .., 437, 827 deficiency appropriation for pay to for diffusing commercial information children and grandchildren of-- 753 of supply, market prices, etc., of, Lodge System Societies, and livestock products . 844 exempt from income tax ..,.,.__, 282 for cooperative experiments in raising, London, England, in cane sugar and cotton dis£i57 850 gpgropriation for dispatchf agent-- 207, 1016 tricts .. , e ciency appropriation or, re airs for itation, Woodward, Okla., fo;·57 850 etc., gi) eigibassy premise; re; rcc< ing, etc . - . , appropria ion 692 for experiments in establishing pro- for repairs, furnishing embassy, etc., duction of, in western irrigated'57 850 L B b;:i1gin$ ... - . 1340 districts . - . 4 , ang eac , ali ., for experiments and demonstrations, improvement of harbor, autborizedu- 1189 in, additional, 1925 . . .. 706 Lang Beach, N. Y., changes to be made by Interstate Com- preliminary examination, etc., of chanmerce Commission, without de- nel, to be made .. 1192 lay, to promote freedom of move- Long, Frederick K., ment of, at lowest lawful freight reappointment of, sm captain of Inrates - ... 802 fautry- - -L ... 152