Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1657

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INDEX. OOIXIX World War Veterans’ Act, 1924—Contd. P¤8¤- World War Veterans’ Act, 1924—Co11td. P¤¢¤· disability compensation paid monthly; 110 disability compensation paid while partial and temporary; tubercu· receiving rehabilitation support, lar rating on arrest of disease,- 168 etc ,..,.__..,..._ 621 total and permanent -- 618 payments to be equglizgd __________ 52] specific disabilities rated as ... 618 changed rates of compensation not readditional for blindness, etc .. 618 tmactive _,__________ ,_ ____ ___ 621 rate for double . 618 applicants for compensation and pertubercular rating of temporary to- sons receiving, required to subtal for three years if discharged mit to medical examinations 622 2-lim hospital without arrest of giaiment for eérpenses ._... 622 "cas6 .. 618 ts sus cu cd if examination renot denied if evidence of, be pre- S fusedFetc,.--; ____________.__, 622 sented ... 618 beneficiaries to submit to medical, ctc., partial and permanent; c0mputa— treatment 622 tion of degree 618 review of awards; action on .. 622 schedule of ratings based upon im- reductions not retroactive, except paired garniug capacity, to be 6 t for grande; .. é -.t.-- 622 prepare . 18 imc 0 , or isc0ntiuuancc,e ec ive readjustment of rates to avoid in- in three months .. - ... 622 justice ... 619 compensation not payable unless death additional, if so helpless as to require or disability occurred prior to or nurse or attendant _.,... -- 619 within one year after, discharge; medical services, surgical appliances, exceptions . - . 622 court expenses or insane com- restriction_;c11)qved if official recmitmcuts, etc., in addition t0--- 619 ord of d1sab1[1ty ..,... :--- 622 patients, without dependants, in neu- for death m scrv1cc, unless officmlly ropsychiatric hospitals, etc . 619 recorded . 622 allowance if recovcrin .. 619 restriction if reported "missing," payments to hospitxg authorities 6*50 . T ---.-...---. 622 fm- benefit of __________... 619 for death inflicted for crime 622 for veterans, without dependents, for court martial disrqissals, qtc . 622 after June 30, 1927, in any hos- time limit for preseuting clmms for pital, not totally disabled .. 619 compeusqtxoq ._ _ ... 6 23 unallottcd portion to be deposited for dcgth or disability occurring after in the Treasury to credit of pa- d1S¤h¤·1'89. etc -----------·---- 623 tiéllt} f diSp0Siti0I1, i!1V€StlD6!1t, 619 exkngiou perluitted; minors or in- 623 e c. 0 - ----- com ten s .. allowafuca for funeral expenses, etc- 620 restriction 5: back payments. no mduc_ free h°SPit*1v °t°·¤ °”·’° and t’°°tm°°t tionsretroactive exccp; for fraud 623 to discharged persons disableq . t f I to be . etc., in active service since Aprli °°mP°“?**m°? tg :1}** Q *{“’€°S H *3 6, 1917, before July 2, 19217--- 620 ié? ¤ ¤ t 0* ¤?1¤"°¤ ¤ °W° 623 if disability not caused by willful Vemmen €mP 0Y¢°8 -·—-- T-- miscouduct ,-...-.. - . 620 purpgges of Act declared, for ggrvmgg reimbursement to beneficiary of Bu- Aprxl 6, 1917, to July 2, 1921--- 623 reau for immedii-\t¤ ¢m¢Y8¢¤<>Y no other pension,etc.,1aws applicable 623 treatment, if its f¤¤i!iti¢¤ not retirement laws for Army and {s\§ila.\?le Eg .- E-S ---- _ -5 620 Navy not included as .-.--..-- 623 a e or ve runs o puma · · · · Wm-, Wgrld Wm-_ e1;c,, with ¤0 <¤<;¤;·I:§;>g¤¢10¤1f in active or nftlgred 623 g¤ggg,§§$g€(§"“”°S· " "°"°'j"’}¥ 620 compensqticé-|i1;<;(gy;%i1£:;§.?§£Q;.;£i;)p rmitted veterans of any war, etc., upplma ° ° *S°’ * l ‘°° mr pe sipna; 1895, as not dishonorably 620 {gf? °· 191% °* **“°’ EMF 2· 623 Q ____________ _______ ·—···•••·•·••··••·* ······ prgggsexxg to the needy ..---.---- 621 benefits of compensation, etcmavyardcd sale of surplus supplies, etc.; disposal of for -l.l1]\11’l€S to pepeiicmnezg rgarticles mude by patients -_ ----. 621 suliiing from trammg, hospxtahapportionment of compensation 1f par- _ _ zahou, ctc .- :1,-: -.-- 623 ties not living together -------- 621 m hcu of, undelia Actlfor myurxcs to 623 allowance to dependent husband ------ 621 dcg§;§g:I'§’°p8;';g§tyg°:%Eé‘{rB; transportation. medical services, ctc., other persons _________________ 623 authorized to di"°h*’·"$°d mem- application of Hmitgtigg ___________ 623 bers of allied forces; condition-, 621 , inst death or total diS_ utilization of, by allied governments iuurancgmzga umd to au OHS in to discharged members of Ameri- 8 _ Y, Sm PWS servnce of Army or Navy on apcan forces abroad . 621 pucmon 624

  • `“é‘d°‘;"“;;b1‘;)g;xgi1);s·;:l;:"x;ggéS‘ 621 limitation; time rm- making --...-.-- 624

surrcu er 0 0 r , ., - . . . . . _ sary, to receive compensation benegcmnes hmmm t° ¤P°°*“°d rela 624 herein provided ...-..------... 621 "°$ -——---—-·---- 3 ----·---- j by widow or parent of another expenseq borne lgy United Statu, 624 person excepted .. 621 basxs of premmm rates .