Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/8

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X LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. PBR- Coast Guard, temporary increase. An Act To authorize a temporary increase of the Coast Guard for law enforcement. April 21, 1924 . _ T - - 105 District of Columbia, motor my tax, ctc. A11·A0t To prov1de for a. tax on nnotor-veh1cle fuels sold within the trict of Columbiq., and for otherlpurposes. _ Aprnl 23, 1924-- 106 Drought stricken farmers relief New M ezico. Joint Resolutwn or the rehef of the droughtstricken farm areas of New Mexico. April 26, 1924 .. T ... r . _-:-- - 110 Appropriation, animal foot and mouth disease, cig. Joint Resolution Making an additional approggatggz for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal years 1924 and 1925. 110 A ri] 1 .. - ..----------------- — --------—---—-——-—·--—-— N Indidn Reservation, Wash., allouees. An Act For the relief of dispossessed allotted Indians of the Nisgually Reservation, Washmgtou. April 28, 1924--._ _. Z- - lll Kaw Indian Reservation, ans., mining} leases. An Act_To_authonze the leasing for mmm; purposes of unallotted lands in e Kaw Reservatnon 111 the State of Oklahoma,. Apnl 1 1 1 28, 1924 .. - -------.·-----------------·---------—--- - International Statistical Bureau. Joint Resolution Authorizing appropriationsfor the maintenance by the United States of membership in the International St8tlSt1C8]. Bureau at The Hague. April 28, 1924 z -_ .. r -1 . 112 Pan American Sanitary Conference. Joint Resolution Authorizing an apgropnstnon to rovide for the representation of the United States at the seventh an American Sanitary Conference to be held at Habana, Cuba. April 28, 1924 112 Inter-American Electrical Communications. Joint Resolution To provide for the representation of the United States at the meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Electrical Communications to be held in Mexico City in 1924. April 28, 1924 . 112 Bridge, Cumberland River. An Act To extend the time for the construction of a. bridge across the Cumberland River in Montgomery County, Tennessee. April 29 1924-- 113 Bridge, Tennessee River. An Act To grant the consent of Congress to the Southern lbilway Company to maintain a bridge across the Tennessee River, at Knoxville, in the county of Knox, State of Tennessee. April 29, 1924 .----.-.----..-.-...,_-,,- 113 Fort Crockett, Tex., Shrine convention. An Act Authorizing use of Government buildings at Fort Crockett, Texas, for occupancy during State convention of Texas Shriners. April 29, 1924 .-.---.-..-...-. - ---------.-..-.-.--.--_.--________ ___ 113 Virginia Western Judicial An Act To fix the time for the terms of the United States District Courts in the Western District of Virginia. April 30, 1924 -------- 114 Army cats, ctc., Confederate Veterans, Memphis, Tenn., reunion. Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to loan certain tents, cots, and chairs to the executive committee of the United Confederate Veterans for use at the thirty-fourth annual reunion to be held at Memphis Tennessee, in June, 1924. April 30, 1924 ________________ 114 M cK·inlcXnBirlhplaoc M Association, An Act To amend section 3 of an Act entitled " Act to incorporate the National McKinley Birthplace Memorial Association" approved March 4, 1911. May 1, 1924 --_-----------.------..--.---------_-- 114 Revolutionary cannon, William and Mary College, Va. An Act To loan to the College of William and Mary in Virginia two of the cannon snurendered by the British at Yorktown on October 19 1781. May 2, 1924 ________,_-___-____,__---.-_-,______ 115 Distrm of Columbia, Chevy Chase Parkway. An Act To change the name of Thirty-seventh Street between Chevy Chase Circle and Reno Road. May 3, 1924 ---,-_________ 115 Cotton crop reports. An Act Authorizing the Department of Agriculture to i ue semimontl11y_ cotton crop reports and providing for their publication simultaneously with the gmmng reports of the Department of ommerce, May 3, 1924 __--______---___ 115 Reclamation charges deferred. An Act To authorize the deferring of payments of reclamation I charges. theay %:1?%4E---E .. - - .. - 116 rrigation ogec , art n ian eservalion, Idaho. An Act Authorizin th ‘ ° _ Indqn lands on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, in Idaho, for r§ser$v:i(1aq;:1 in connection with the Minidoka. irri ation project. May 9, 1924 -____ __ 117 Madame Crffnier, body of John Paul J ones. in Act Authorizing an appro riation tdixidexnz Ygylgginsges caused by the search for the body of Admiral John paul Jones. May Rio Grande waters. An Act Providin for a study reéardingtlle elyuitzilole nee-of t1ie {été — H8 of the Rio Grande below Fort uitmau Texas in coo r ti ‘ rs I t og Mexico. Iltiay 13, 1924-:E --.--.. , ...-.. 1 -.-.. ge -?-?gYv1H1 the United States 118 n erpar iamentqry nion meeting. oint Resolution R uestin the - T -n-"°"° ````` Interparhanxentary Union to meet in Washingtoeztil City gx 19£€e::iclH:utt?1d¥i;l:;t:§ appropriation to defrav the expenses of the meeting. May 13 1924 119 Narcotics conferences. Joint Resolution Authorizing an appropriation for the-pdrldei —-tion of tlie United States ju two intemational conferences for the control of the trgéc in · - habit-fgrngqgg ngrcgtlc drug; May 15, 1924 ________ _ __________ ]]_Q Dmnd of Qqlumbza 1{ents Commission. An Act To extend for the period- ot-oneuéig-_ tl}- provxsxons of Title II of the Food Control and the District of Columbia. Resnts Ante approved October 22, 1919, as amended. May 17, 1924 y 120 World 51;;;- miggggzieg Coérnpensdwn Act. An Act To provide adjusted compensation for e orld War, and for other purposes. May 19 1924 121 Lac du Lizamgmwééndggs, F]§`is.d in Fcér the enrollment and allotment of xneinoersioi tie cu m uano ‘eueriorhi ~ · C Z bend €;>1b¢:itl§ré>urp0ses. laMay 19, 1l924---?.-Ij??`i??;_l? the State of Wlsconsuh 132 o um za an _ o vi e eservation nds, Wash. An Act To autborinetlxeesle ZMAAAQHJ D- to Indums under the Moses agreement of July 7, 1883. May 20, 1924 ... if T 1%