Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/1005

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mnnx. 2313 War Department—Continued. Page War Department——Continued. Paseappropriation for fire control installa- appropriation for expenses, etc. ; no pay tions, seacoast defenses .. 490, 905 to officers,etc.,using time-measurfor civil ersonnel, Office of Chief ing devices on work of em- Signal Officer ... 491, 906 ployees . - .. 510, 925 technical, etc., services 491, 906 purchases from abroad admitted for Air Service expenses . - 491, 906 free of duty .. .. . - 510, 925 for aviation landing, Panama Canal- 493 for nonmilitary activities .. - - - 511, 925 for civil crsomiel, Office of Chief of for Jennie Carroll ..._. - - 511, 925 Air gervice ,_,,. - ... 493, 908 for Mabel H. Lazear .. - - 511, 926 for Medical Department expenses- 493, 908 for John R. Kissinger --.-..----.- 511, 926 for hospital care, Canal Zone garri- for national cemeteries ... 511, 926 sons ____ _ ____-_--..---. - - - - 494, 909 for Antietam battle field ---..---- 511, 926 for Army Medical Museum --.--. 494, 909 for disposition of remains of officers, for library, Surgeon General’s Of- soldiers, and citizens -----.-- 511, 926 fice ______.-----.. - -------.-- 494, 910 for American cemeteries in Great for civil personnel, Surgeon General’s Britain and France ..----.-.- 512, 927 Office --_------.-----.--.--- 494, 910 for Confederate cemeteries and burial for care of insane Filipino and Porto places -..-..--.-.-..-...-.. 512, 927 Rican soldiers -.----.------- 494, 910 for burial of Hot Springs Hospital pafor civil personnel, Bureau of Insular tients in Little Rock, Ark., ceme- Affairs .----.----.--.-----.- 495, 910 tery .---.--.----.--.---..-. 512, 927 for Engineer Department ex- for monuments, etc., in Cuba and penses .-...--...--.---- 495, 910 China ----.---...-.-.-. 512, 927 military surveys and maps -..-- 496, 911 for national military parks ---.-.. 512, 927 for Engineer expenses, seaeoast de- for Washington-Alaska cable, etc-- 514, 928 fenses -------.----.-..---.- 469, 911 for artificial limbs ...--.-- -- - 514, 929 for civil personnel, Office of Chief of for surgical appliances -..--.- 514, 929 Engineers .-.---.-.-----.--. 497, 912 for trusses .-.-- - -.--.---.-.-... 514, 929 technical, etc., services -------- 497, 912 for Medical and Surgical History of for Ordnance Department ex- the World War -.---.--- 514, 929 penses --------------..- 497, 913 for care, etc., of grounds of executive for manufacture of arms -.--- -- - - 498, 913 departments, D. C --.-..-... 514, 929 for tanks- ..--.- - -.-..--- ..- - 498, 913 for Washington Monument .---.- - 514, 929 for field artillery armament ----.. 498, 913 for Lincoln’s deathplace .------.- 514, 929 for pgoving grounds -.-..---..--- 498, 914 for Washington’s birthplace ------ 514, 929 for ock Island, Ill., arsenal -...-- 499, 914 for Lincoln Memorial --------.----- 515 for testing machines ..-..-.-. 499, 914 for California Débris Commission- 515, 929 for repairs to arsenals ----... 499, 914 for roads,bridges, andtrails, Alaska- 515, 930 for gauges, jigs, etc., for armament for Macdonough Memorial .-.---... 515 manufacture ---..----.--.-- 499, 914 for river and harbor work, preservafor armament, etc., seacoast de- tion, maintenance, etc -.- 515, 930 fenses --.--. - ----.-.---.--. 499, 914 survey of northern and northwestfor civil personnel, Office of Chief of ern lakes etc --.--..---- 515, 930 Ordnance -.----.-.. 500, 915 New York llarbor deposits .---- 515, 930 draftsmen, etc --..----.----... 500, 915 for examinations, surveys, etc., of for Chemical Warfare Service, gases, rivers and harbors -..-...--- 516, 930 etc --.---..-.---.-- 500, 915 , for Muscle Shoals, Tennessee River, for civil personnel, Office of Chief of • _ Ala., Dam No. 2 -.--.---- --- 516, 930 Chemical Warfare Service ..-. 500, 916 for flood control, Mississippi and Sacchernists, etc ..--..--.-..-.--. 500, 916 ramento Rivers .---------..- 516, 930 for service schools, etc ---.---- -- - 501, 916 for transportation facilities, inland for Coast Artillery expenses, seacoast and coastwise waterways .--.-- 516 defenses .-..--...-- - -.--..- 502, 917 for Volunteer Soldiers’ Home ..-.- 516, 931 for civil personnel, Office of Chief of Board of Managers, etc., modified- 518 Coast Artillery ---.--..- 503, 918 for State or Territorial homes -... 519, 933 for Military Academy -.---.-..-- 503, 918 for Panama Canal ----..---.---- 519, 933 for National Guard expenses ...-- 505, 920 balances of designated a propriafor civil personnel, Militia Bureau- 506, 921 tions covered into the 'llreasury- 934 for Officers’ Reserve Corps, pay and for Army, additional, 1925- - ---.-.- 711 allowances ----------.------ 506, 921 for national military parks, addifor Enlisted Reserve Corps, pay and tional, 1925 --------.----.---- 712 allowances -.--.-...--..--.. 506, 921 for river and harbor improvements, for expenses of headquarters and additional, 1925 ---.-.-..--.-. 712 camps .-.-.-...---- 506, 922 for Panama Canal, additional, 1925- 712 for Reserve OfHcers’ Training Corps, deficiency appropriation for Judge Adexpenses of units of ----.-... 507, 922 vocate General’s Office -.--.--- 52 fOr military supplies, etc., for other for Army ---.----------.-.-.--. -- 52, 58, schools and colleges .-----.-. 508, 923 62, 695, 698, 701, 761, 1344, 1350, 1352 for civilian training camps, equip- for Muscle Shoals, Ala., nitrate plant- 52 ments, transportation, etc ..-- 508, 924 for national cemeteries --.----- - ---- 52, 59 for expenses, promotion of rifle prac- for rivers and harbors damages UGG . - --.------- 510, 924 claims .-----.-.--.-..-.---. 52, 1345