Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/1006

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2314 isnnx. `War I)cpurImcnl»»—Continued. Pasta War Department——·Cont»inued. Pass deficiency apgropriation for J. Maury remission of unpaid duties on imports Dove ompany _______ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ 53 by ____,_____________________ 660 for Volunteer Soldiers' Home ... 53, roadways to cemeteries and parks to be 59, 63, 762, 1346, 1350 conveyed to States for maintefor judgments, Ynited States courts, nance, etc. .______________ 1104 under 53, 696, 758, 1347, 1347 War Emergency Employment Service, for judgments, United States courts; deficiency a propriation for ...,.. 57 under; Lever Act claims-- 54, 696, 758 War Finance gorporation, for judgments, Court of Claims, un- time extended to make advances, etc., der- ,..1. -- 54, 696, 697, 758, 1347 on notes for agricultural prodfor fortifications 59, 62, 699, 1352, 1353 ucts, etc., to November 30, 1924- 14 for increase of compensation- ... 59, to begin liquidation of affairs, to 761, 1350, 1353 January, 1925 _...___..._ - ..,_ 15 for additional employees ... 62 to deposits in the Treasury, to Janufor contingent expenses .. 62, 1350 ary, 1925 ,,._____,____________ 15 for rivers and harbors, increase of further extension of time for renewal of compensation - .. 62, 762 payments on advances ._______, 15 for registration and selection for mili- War Fra nd Actions, tary service 62, 761 correction of title of bill relating to, for Military Academy - .. 63, 1350 directed ..__._,___.._ 1617 for agears of pay, bounty, etc.,6€i¤§_2l 1350 War Fra nds, { 'ar ...,... , , appropriation or investigation and for pay, etc., War with Spain--63, 699, 761 prosecution of .. . .. 218, 1027 for preventing injurious deposits, pay restrictions ._...,_.______ 218, 1027 New York Harbor - 63 deficiency appropriation for investigatfor headstones for soldiers’ graves- - - 63, ing and prosecuting .,..._ .. - 170 699, 762 War Minerals Relief Act, for administrative expenses, World limitation repealed on amount for pay- War Adjusted Compensation ment of claims under ... 634 Act - ..._.. 695, 1344 War Mothers, American, for damages claims . 695, 1344 charter granted; purposes, ctc 966 for settling war contract. claims of War Revenue, foreign governments _... 695, 1344 deficiency appropriation for collecting, _ 5%, for surveys, etc., for flood control of 62, 701, 761 designated rivers .. 696 War Risk Insurance, for arbitrating rate of royalty, Ameri- application for, by Major Earl L. can Cyanamid Company, pay- Naiden granted ... 1571 iagle fix? balance, National De- 757 Wm- Rgk [f,,_,,i,,;,,ce {cl, d b H

  • 56 C ---- - -------—-----—-- awar s 0 a o men s iai ene ciaries

for Muscle Shoals, Tennessee River, under Army 8_i10gm€nt system] Ala-, Dam N0- 2 ---—-------—-— 757 not recoverable . I ._... 964 for Inland Waterways Corporation- - 757 repeal Of, as amended ________________ 530 for Adjutant G<¤¤<=r¤1’¤ Officc ------- 761 accrued raging and iismiinei not for Office of Clrief of Finance ... 72% affected by ____ _ ______________ 630 or nationa mi itary ar s ... -- 7 - _ at Camp ram iéims., calms- -- 1344 We R1S{¤,e,{,;·;;g;<2*,g_q·;,,,§,;¢g<l;,;;Qgsggatgiqo for N¤*·i°**¤1G**¤*<l ··········· 1345· 1350 Marine and Insurance,Divis°o·n con; for Virginia. battle fields commission- 1345 · · ‘ ’ for burial grounds of former President . lmucil ¤****1S¤P¥¢¤**><=r 3* *92*; · 1917 zmry it is . 1345 ***¤v*S*t¤*1 ***2%% *** “*O**<* “ ag,- ,3., fm W¤¤¤i¤s¢¤¤ i¤¤¤¤¤··=¤i- ------—- 1346 is 1 OF §22“§uiifo;i;25g‘;‘rs raised- ‘ for constructiglg hospital on grounds pea ments thereto ’ 6.,9 of Santa onica Home, alif- - - 1346 , "Z ''’‘'’ ‘ " balances of designated Army sppmpna- War Supplies (M Supplies, Ar¤¤y>· tions covered in _____- _ ________ 934 War Trophies and Devices, Captured, captured, gtca warbdexgizegoang tigiphies apport&c;lnm§;ittandTdisti£il>ution aimlgng to e istri ut the tates, e a es, err: ories an iseto __________________________ 597 trict of Columbia, of guns, etc., expenditures authorized from allot- tal<en from the enemy in the ments to, for Veterans’ Bureau \\ orld War . --- -.. ...-. 597 beneficiaries _______--______ 532, 1211 ratio of, based on the proportion of hospital facilities, etc., of, to be utilized men in service 597 by Vetei·ans’ Bureau ___,__---_ - 610 excepted, if required for Army use; inland, canal, and coastwise transporta- at national museusm, cemeteries, tion facilities of, transferred to etc . . .-.. ,--- 597 Inland Waterways Corporation- 361 compilation made of number of forces inventory of typewriters in possession credited to each State, etc., to be of, to he furnished General Sup- used .. e .. 597 ply Coyyimittee ____ _ __---_____ 67, 766 notice to executives of States, etc., of to be turned over to Committee on character and quantity apporrequisition therefor .-.--. - 67, 766 _ tioned- . - - - .. .-... 598 part of Philadelphia, Pa., national com- invitation to make designation of _ tery granted city for street pur- _ acceptable material, etc .---.-.. 098 poses _______________ _ ____--__ 242 shipment on notice of acceptance --.-.- 598