Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/956

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2264 INDEX. River and Harbor I mprovements—Con. 1**8**- Riverside County, Calif., P¤¢•· &ddllFi0¤¤l ¤u0W¤¤06 to l'll€1'¤ when desert land entrymen of certain lands making wml Surveys -------.- 1190 in, failing to make final groof, remi1”·8¤in§>£r%v§1;?€¤<;: Tlggffggg ggiggf lieved from cancellation- , ._ 1580 Pr1°t1°°° themg; ‘·‘*‘*······· 1191 Rig-gpggpiiztigbw'i’o{·,r0i1§;ti,nKg;rice etc payments to per diem employees for ex- of ’ 4'ig 11 71 cess work_on Saturday half holi- Roach Albéyé ```'``````‘'`‘‘‘

lay¤1egal¤zed;creditsto be given 1191 pcngiou incr ·· 1 . 1383

or ._._, _ ._______ · ·················· report to be made on projects for which Roaiiéiggaraard F- (daughter), 1472 fngther improvement undesir- R01;f;h’ Ru}iu;'(]l;iE0u) ’’‘’`‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ _I B . T ... 1191 i · ’ v¤>1¤m¤1¤:rb>;’¤¤¤m;¤¤¢¤¤¤¤.¤¤rvey¤. ctc-. 1191 R,,12,§°2§,’,'§,}$f,r§‘§$,‘j‘1,;gj ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1517 other thanm°'d &;·f6l_; deiiciencgkgpggopriation for, national 686 b1dd°° ······················ 1191 Road Maging Materzilsunnnn-anno supplgmental reports, etc., to be 1191 appropriation for investigations and c no work authorized msn funds tau. R d M °*P°"m°““ -··------------- *5** 843 ally appro riated for .. 1191 °“ “"f1g‘?"‘°"t¤ °i“·» . . . pmjooto 1,,.0%,,,,5 __________________ 1191 approgriation for investigations, etc- 452, 843 Potomoo ·vo1., Wuhiogtom D_ Cn or etermimng materials, etc- 452, 843 for dooowotor terminal ________ 1193 Roads and Trails, National Forests and dwpg Great Lakes to the 1196 appropx1‘i£tiui1"ii>Mi; ust ct' t 1179 u 11 'vgr ________________ 0 T O 1'11 lllg, 8 c uso of rock for im rgvi Coos contracts for approved rojects Harbor, Qrog? ____ lf ______ Ei {1 1197 deemed Qovernment oblggations- 1179 modjjootiorr of harbor 1111oo, Nowport, Roads, etc., Public (see Federal xghway Calif., authorized . - _,_..,_ 1 197 Act)- funds advanced by local interests for an Roads, Trails, etc., National Forests, improvement may be used im- sopipropriation for construction, etc,- 446, 836 mediately . it .,.. 1197 R0 s, alkg, etc., at Military Posts, _ repaygment from appropriatiomthere- 1197 ( appropriation for construction, 1-epairoigg 903 or ._.. 1-- ; .,._._ e c not made, if local cooperation im- for, additional, 1925 .. - 1 711 posed ..___..._,_____ 1197 deficiency appoopriation for . 62, 762 agreemgnjzl for reconstcrgcting R0¢1rf£¢6 pivot', - C'-, _ t_ t { 11 ge across egopenko gn p 1111118.ry examiua 1011, 6 c., 0 Delaware Canal ratified __,____ 1197 mouth, to be made 1193 funds available for 1197 Rooooko, Va_, earth, timber, etc., for river and harbor tormo of oourt ot ___________________ 114 construction may be taken from Robbins, Mary J. (widow), national forests ... 1 197 pension ____________________________ 1423 portion of Black Warrior River Ala., Roberts, Daniel Webster, designated Lake Baukhead- - T - - 1 197 pension increased ___________________ 1403 alteratiioln if Naigional I;.eodo‘e;chtBu11d- Roberts, Martha C'. (widow), or 0 ces 0 ric e '— nsion 1474 noir, Washington, D. C Ii?. 1197 Rolértson, Charles, payment for, from river and harbor, pension . ...,_._ 1462

ooreo.sin£ District water supply, 1198 Robinette, Mary J. (widow), 1427

., un ... pension amount authorized t0_reimburqo Yuma Robinson, Ben C., irrigation proyect, Ami. and pension 1392 Calof., fo(r_,0oostdincourred ip op- Robinson, Frank, 1408 era ora 0 ver evee nsion etoudgljacent to project ..____ I 1198 Rolbinson, Frank (son), for iiscal year 1926 1198 pension 1496 for fiscal year 1927, and thereafter, _ 1198 Robinson, George, River Gunboats (see also Gunboats, River), PQDBIOIX -.--------------------.. 1525 deficiency appropriation for construct- Robinson, George L., in sto ______________________ 1336 pension increased ... 1411 Riverdale, Robinson, Gertrude A. (widow), bridge authorized across Little Calumet PGHSIOD -.-...-.--.. 1447 River at _____________________ 998 Robinson, Henry J. (son), Rivers, pension 1525 appropriation for lighting of ... 233, 1043 Robinson, Jane Ann (mother), Riverside, Calif., pension 1382 appropriation for Sherman Institute Robinson, Jennie A. (widow), 1 Indian School at ... 405, 1156 p6¤S10¤ --.. 1423 for Sherman Institute Indian School, RobinsonpM ary (widow), additional, 1925 .. 707 ponsron ... _ ---.~ 1482 Riverside Contracting Company, Robinson, Mary J. (widow), payment to, for property damages 1588 P6l1810¤- .-..--.-.------------.. 1482